CLUSTER Business and Marketing CONCENTRATION Certified

Business and Marketing
Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW)
Certified Internet Web Professional
Sample of job titles upon completion of the concentration: Computer Operator, Web Developer, Web
Designer, Webmaster, Web Site Manager, Web Programmer, Computer Programmer, Software Technician,
Java Developer, Operations and Maintenance Technician, Computer Specialist, Information Technology
Specialist, Systems Operator, Computer Technician, Web Programmer
Sample of job titles upon completion of additional education: Applications Developer, Corporate
Webmaster, Information Technology Manager (IT Manager), Programmer Analyst, Programmer, Analyst
Programmer, Software Developer, Computer Programmer Analyst, Internet Programmer
Web Design Specialist -
Internet Business Associate -
Site Development Associate -
REQUIRED COURSES (Sequence Required)
CIW Design Methodology and Technology Part I
CIW Design Methodology and Technology Part II
CIW Foundations Part I
CIW Foundations Part II
Business Computer Applications I
Digital Imaging/Multimedia I
Web Page Publishing
Career Preparation Skills
Leadership Development
Customer and Personal Service
Web Design Elements
Basic Web Technologies
Advanced Web Technologies
Internet Business Foundations
Site Development Foundations
Skill set standards for Career Preparation Skills, Safety, Leadership Development and Customer and Personal
Service should be integrated throughout the concentration as remaining skill sets are delivered.
Skill Set Standard
Knowledge Objectives
Career Preparation Skills
Students will demonstrate knowledge of
Performance Objectives
 career paths.
 goal development and achievement.
 attitudes and work habits that support career retention and advancement.
 communication in varied contexts.
Students will
Skill Set Standard
Knowledge Objectives
relate skills and abilities to possible career pathways.
explain methods of goal development.
exhibit methods of time management and task coordination.
practice professionalism in punctuality, appropriate dress, task completion, etc.
investigate methods of supervision such as giving and receiving feedback and
 develop and present a statement of their personal work ethic beliefs.
 prepare an application, cover letter, resume and thank you letter.
 practice simulated job interviews.
Students will demonstrate knowledge of
Performance Objectives
 electrical equipment safety.
 basic computer equipment and hardware safety.
 work areas and furnishings setup.
Students will
Skill Set Standard
Knowledge Objectives
demonstrate electrical safety procedures.
perform basic computer equipment and hardware maintenance.
set up effective work areas for surfaces and furnishings.
Leadership Development
Students will demonstrate knowledge of
public speaking.
parliamentary law.
leadership concepts.
characteristics of effective teams and organizations.
Performance Objectives
Students will
Skill Set Standard
Knowledge Objectives
develop and deliver speeches.
participate in meetings using parliamentary law procedures.
attend leadership conferences or training (local, state or national).
volunteer in community service opportunities.
participate in career development events.
Customer and Personal Service
Students will demonstrate knowledge of
Performance Objectives
 customer needs assessment.
 quality standards for services.
 evaluation of customer satisfaction.
Students will
determine the audience for a web site.
balance customer needs and usability with site design principles and esthetics.
hear and resolve complaints from customers or the public.
access customer needs, meet quality standards for service and evaluate
customer satisfaction.
check completed work for spelling, punctuation and format.
greet visitors or callers and handle their inquiries or direct them to the
appropriate persons according to their needs.
CIW Design Methodology and Technology Part I
WVEIS 1796
Skill Set Standard
Knowledge Objectives
Web Design Elements
Students will demonstrate knowledge of
Performance Objectives
 web site characteristics.
 web site design and layout.
Students will
identify job responsibilities and tasks of a Web designer.
use the mindmapping process to structure a Web site.
set design goals appropriate for the business/organization represented by the
site and the site’s intended audience.
create a Web project plan, including development timetable, site rollout, etc.
identify Web site characteristics (e.g., interactivity, navigation, database
integration) and the project resources each requires.
manage elements of the Web site development process.
use common Web page design and layout elements (color, space, font size,
style, lines, logos, symbols, pictograms, images and stationary features).
manipulate space and content to create a visually balanced page/site that
presents a coherent, unified message (symmetry, asymmetry, radial balance).
apply strategies and tools for visual consistency to Web pages and site (style
guides, page templates, image placement, navigation aids).
identify Web site hierarch/architecture concepts (appropriate page depth for
the content).
use common navigation conventions.
meet customer expectations with Web site project and design.
identify ethical and legal issues relevant to Web development and design.
use Web design principles to evaluate and develop a site's aesthetic qualities
and its ability to enhance viewer experience.
use Web design principles to enable navigation, usability and accessibility.
use basic HTML and XHTML (X/HTML) to develop a series of Web pages.
use Web content (text, graphics, code) properly, including the use of original
content, misleading/inaccurate information, copyrighted content and licensing.
develop content that conveys the site’s message, including clear and concise
writing, professional editing, style guides, consistency, jargon, voice and tone
(professional, formal, informal).
CIW Design Methodology and Technology Part II
WVEIS 1797
Skill Set Standard
Knowledge Objectives
Basic Web Technologies
Students will demonstrate knowledge of
Performance Objectives
 HTML language.
 web site operations.
Students will
Skill Set Standard
Knowledge Objectives
use X/HTML and extended technologies to enhance Web page structure,
format and usability.
 create image files and use images in X/HTML pages and site design.
 create Web sites using GUI site development applications.
 publish and maintain a production Web site.
Advanced Web Technologies
Students will demonstrate knowledge of
Performance Objectives
multimedia technologies.
advanced web technologies.
Students will
use multimedia and plug-in technologies to enhance a Web site.
use client-side and server-side programming to enhance Web site functionality.
connect Web pages to a database.
conduct effective Internet marketing.
create syndicated feeds using feed management services.
CIW Foundations Part I
WVEIS 1798
Skill Set Standard
Knowledge Objectives
Internet Business Foundations
Students will demonstrate knowledge of
Performance Objectives
 internet foundations.
 security issues.
Students will
identify job roles in the Information Technology (IT) industry, including the
responsibilities, tasks and skills they require.
manage career opportunities in the IT industry.
identify the infrastructure required to access the Internet, including hardware
and software components.
define important Internet communications protocols and their roles in
delivering basic Internet services.
identify the basic principles of the Domain Name System (DNS).
identify the functions of Web browsers and use them to access the World Wide
Web and other computer resources.
use e-mail clients to send simple messages and files to other Internet users.
define and use additional networking and Internet services.
demonstrate ways to communicate effectively using Internet technology.
configure user customization features in Web browsers, including preferences,
caching and cookies.
identify security issues related to Internet clients (e.g., Web browsers, e-mail,
instant messaging) in the workplace, including certificates, malware, illicit
servers and viruses.
use different types of Web search engines effectively.
use principles of Personal Information Management (PIM), including common
transmit text and binary files using popular Internet services.
identify security-related ethical and legal issues faced by IT professionals.
relate project management concepts and terms to the IT profession.
recognize essential database concepts.
conduct a Webcast and related services.
represent technical issues to a non-technical audience.
CIW Foundations Part II
WVEIS 1799
Skill Set Standard
Knowledge Objectives
Site Development Foundations
Students will demonstrate knowledge of
Performance Objectives
 site planning.
 site development.
Students will
demonstrate knowledge required to create a Web page.
add images and graphical formatting to HTML files.
create and edit images with audio.
use design and color principles for Web pages.
create a basic HTML form that accepts user input.
create HTML frames.
define Extensible Markup Language (XML) and identify its features and
appropriate use.
identify essential Web site navigation issues and ensure page/site accessibility.
apply essential aspects of the Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) standard,
including CSS versions 1, 2 and 3.
use Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML) to create Web pages.
identify technologies for enhancing the user's Web experience, including
programming languages, multimedia technologies.
use GUI-based HTML editing software to create Web pages.
test and analyze Web site performance issues.
identify steps in the Web site planning and development process.
identify essential issues in developing and maintaining a Web site, including
project management, testing and legal issues.
plan and deliver oral presentations of your Web site, during and after site
define electronic commerce (e-commerce) and related technologies and
concepts necessary to develop a secure, useful interface (i.e., storefront).
demonstrate knowledge of languages commonly used to provide database
connectivity to Web sites.
identify the benefits and drawbacks of running your own Web server versus
using a service provider.
identify common strategies for managing an end user's experience and
improving site creativity.
consider copyright and ethical issues when creating Web pages.
design Web pages to industry standards.