Renaissance and Reformation - Windsor C

Renaissance and
Renaissance in Italy
I. Renaissance
 A.
Means Re-Birth
 B. 1350-1600
 1.
Began in Italy expanding
throughout Europe
a. Florence was starting point
 2.
Rebirth of literature, art,
 3. Medici and Borgia families
led the way.
C. Johann Gutenberg
 1.
First developed moveable
type in Europe
 2. before, written on goat or
sheep skin
 a. Was somewhat costly
 b. Later found a way to
make paper cheaper
 3.
First book printed by
Gutenberg was the Bible
 a.
U. of Texas owns one of the
Leonardo da Vinci
 1.
Artist and engineer
 2. Designed armored vehicles,
flying machines, parachutes,
cannons and large sculptures.
 3. Had a code--wrote
backwards than used a mirror
to read it
 4.
Dissected bodies and drew
sketches of the anatomy
 5. Also an outstanding artist
 a.
Mona Lisa
 b. Last Supper
 6.
Major criticism was that he
never finished what he started
 1.
 a.
painted the ceiling in the
Sistine Chapel
I. Genius
II. It is 134’ long 85’high
Laid on his back 4 1/2
IV. Painted for Julius II
 b.
Painted the end wall 24
years later
I. Last Judgement
II. 60’ high, 30’ wide
III. Took eight years
The Flood
Creation of the Planets, Sun, and
Prophet Ezekiel
 2.
 a.
What he enjoyed the most
 b. Statues of Moses, David,
Statute of David and Moses
Michelangelo’s Last Judgment
violent fresco
depicting the
arrival of
Charon's boat of
damned souls in
 3.
 a.
Helped design St. Peter’s
in Rome
 4.
 used
students to do or finish
his work
 most famous of these was
St. Peter’s
 1.
A writer and a diplomat
 2.The Prince, his most
famous work
 a.
Described his type of gov’t
 b. Everything was OK as long
as the state existed
 Machiavelli
 C.
rulers were not under moral
rules or laws
 D. Deceit was OK
 3.
Father of political science
II. Reformation
 A.
 1.
Set up to eliminate heresy
and heretics
 2. Heavy penance for those
who recant
 3.
Condemned were turned
over to civil government
a. usually burned at the stake
B. Heresy
 1.
Questioning of church
 a.
Teachings of Church
revealed through the Bible
John Wycliffe
 A.
Translated the Bible into
 I.
everyone who could read
English could read it
 B.
Felt you didn’t need a
priest to be saved
 C.
after he died and was
buried, his bones were dug up
and burned in a public
Martin Luther
 A.
95 Theses
 1.
Nailed to church door of
Wittenberg Cathedral.
A. protest against some
practices of the church
B.particularly against
An invitation to debate
D. Leo X--Pope
2. Indulgences
 A.
Given for performance of a
good work
 B. Now used(sold) to raise
money for Church projects
 C. Were pardons for sins
3. Simony
 A.
buying and selling of
Church positions
 B. Person would recoup the
money by charging fees for
4. Fake Relics
 A.
a relic is a piece of a very
holy person or something that
person has owned or touched
 B. Many fake relics floating
around Europe
 nails
from the cross, skulls from
John the Baptist
5. Land
 A.
Much of land in Europe
owned by the Church
 B. Church was rich and
powerful, money oriented
 C. Was one of the largest
landowners in Europe
B. Good Works
 1.
Church taught that in order
to get to Heaven an individual
had to perform good works
 2. Luther believed that
 a.
Belief in God would achieve
 B.
Salvation could come by faith
 C. Good deeds and ceremonies
would not save you
 D. didn’t need clergy to
administer the sacraments
 only
two sacraments--baptism and
 E.
Could not buy your way into
C. Result
 1.
Luther excommunicated
 2. He protest against the
 3. People who protested were
called Protestants
 4.
Began his own church-Lutheran Church
 a.
Had not intended to do this
but the Catholic Church left him
no choice
Determine why the Catholic Church was
so fearful of Martin Luther. Why did they
eventually allow Martin Luther to set up his
own church?
III. John Calvin
 A.
Born and raised in France
 1.
Saw little hope for reform of
Church in France so left.
 B.
 1.
Doctrine of predestination
God already determined
who were to be saved
because He knows the
B. The chosen were called
the “elect”
C. Only way to be sure was
to lead a righteous life
 2.
Ideas spread but was never
a major religion
 3. Wrote “Institute of Christian
Explain Calvin’s doctrine of predestination.
Determine two common beliefs that Martin
Luther and John Calvin shared.
IV. Reformation in England
 A.
 1.
Henry VIII
Devoted Catholic
 2. Wanted a son--heir to throne
a. Only had a daughter
 3.
Wanted Pope to annul the
a. Pope stalled because
Henry’s wife was Spanish
and he didn’t want to upset
the Spanish
b. Henry married total of 6
 4.
Henry excommunicated
 a.
Made himself head of new
Church of England
 5.
Break was political rather
than religious
 6. This was the Tudor
Divorced, Beheaded, Died, Divorced,
Beheaded, Survived.
 Henry VIII died at the age of 55 from
a combination of Syphilis and an
infection from a leg wound that never
 He is buried next to Jane Seymour at
Windsor Castle.
Only son of Henry VIII
Born to mother Jane
Became King at Age 10
Very sick from birth.
Died at age of 15
Was Protestant like his step
Daughter of Henry VIII and
Catherine of Aragon.
Strict Catholic, killed
thousands of Protestants
during her reign.
Married to Prince Phillip of
Unable to have any children.
Died of stomach cancer.
Considered to be the greatest monarch to
ever rule England.
Daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn.
Hated by her half sister, Mary, loved by
her people.
Strict Protestant, was almost beheaded by
her sister and was locked in the Tower of
Elizabeth never married, did not want to
share her power with a man.
Was very well educated and skilled as a
Was opposed by her dead sister’s
husband, Phillip of Spain who did not
approve of her Protestant Ways.
Beheaded her cousin, Mary Queen of
Scots who tried to oppose her rule.
 One
of England’s best rulers
 During her reign the Armada is
sent to punish England by the
 a.
1588 defeated beginning the
end of Spanish dominance
defeat because of weather,
faster English ships and lack of
 Result is England is the
leading Protestant country and
no longer is there one Christian
Church in England.
Explain the changes the Church went
through in England starting with Henry VII
then Mary Tudor and finally Elizabeth.