
Name ____________________________ Date __________________ Hour __________
Chapter 17-Section 3-Questions
Read Chapter 17 Section 3 and answer each question using complete sentences on a
separate sheet
1. What did Pope Alexander VI do that went against his position of head of the Catholic
2. What did an indulgence release a sinner from doing?
3. Whose actions led to the Reformation?
4. According to Luther, what was the only way one could win salvation?
5. What did the Edict of Worms declare?
6. Who are Lutherans?
7. Who are Protestants?
8. What are the three branches of Protestantism? (Pg. 491)
9. What was decided in the Peace of Augsburg?
10. Why did Henry VIII want to divorce his first wife?
11. Who did the Act of Supremacy recognize as the head of England’s Church?
12. Who was the only male heir of Henry VIII?
13. Who ruled the English Church under the rule of Queen Mary, the daughter of Catherine of Aragon?
14. Who was the head of the Anglican Church in 1559?
Name ____________________________ Date __________________ Hour __________
Chapter 17-Section 3-Questions
Read Chapter 17 Section 3 and answer each question using complete sentences on a separate sheet
1. What did Pope Alexander VI do that went against his position of head of the Catholic
2. What did an indulgence release a sinner from doing?
3. Whose actions led to the Reformation?
4. According to Luther, what was the only way one could win salvation?
5. What did the Edict of Worms declare?
6. Who are Lutherans?
7. Who are Protestants?
8. What are the three branches of Protestantism? (Pg. 491)
9. What was decided in the Peace of Augsburg?
10. Why did Henry VIII want to divorce his first wife?
11. Who did the Act of Supremacy recognize as the head of England’s Church?
12. Who was the only male heir of Henry VIII?
13. Who ruled the English Church under the rule of Queen Mary, the daughter of Catherine of Aragon?
14. Who was the head of the Anglican Church in 1559?
Name ____________________________ Date __________________ Hour __________
Chapter 17-Section 3-Questions
Answer Key
Read Ch. 17 Sec. 3 and answer each question using complete sentences on a separate sheet
1. What did Pope Alexander VI do that went against his position of head of the Catholic Church?
…admitted that he had fathered several children
2. What did an indulgence release a sinner from doing? performing the penalty imposed for sins
3. Whose actions led to the Reformation? Luther
4. According to Luther, what was the only way one could win salvation?
… by faith in God’s gift of forgiveness
5. What did the Edict of Worms declare? Luther a heretic and an outlaw
6. Who are Lutherans? …followers of Luther’s teachings
7. Who are Protestants? Christians who belonged to non-Catholic churches
8. What are the three branches of Protestantism? (Pg. 491) Lutheranism, Anglicanism, Calvinism
9. What was decided in the Peace of Augsburg? each ruler would decide the religion in his state
10. Why did Henry VIII want to divorce his first wife? wanted a male heir (with a younger queen)
11. Who did the Act of Supremacy recognize as the head of England’s Church? Henry VIII
12. Who was the only male heir of Henry VIII? Edward VI
13. Who ruled the English Church under the rule of Queen Mary, the daughter of Catherine of Aragon?
… the Pope (Mary was Catholic)
14. Who was the head of the Anglican Church in 1559? Elizabeth I