Chapter 19 Lecture HWS 11e

John P. McKay • Clare Haru Crowston •
Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks • Joe Perry
A History of Western Society
Eleventh Edition
Revolutions in Politics
Copyright © 2014 by Bedford/St. Martin’s
I. Background to Revolution
A. Social Change
1. Social Divisions
2. New Inequalities between Rich and Poor
3. Slavery
B. Growing Demands for Liberty and Equality
1. Human Rights
2. Human and Economic Equality
3. The Roots of Revolution
I. Background to Revolution
C. The Seven Years’ War
1. Origins
2. North America
3. Treaty of Paris
4. Aftermath
II. The American Revolutionary Era,
A. The Origins of the Revolution
1. Consequences of Taxation
2. Independence
3. Boston Tea Party
4. First Continental Congress
II. The American Revolutionary Era,
B. Independence from Britain
1. Calls for Independence
2. Declaration of Independence
3. Patriots vs. Loyalists
4. Foreign Support
5. Treaty of Paris
II. The American Revolutionary Era,
C. Framing the Constitution
1. Federal Government
2. Bill of Rights
D. Limitations of Liberty and Equality
1. Slaves
2. Native Americans
3. Women
III. Revolution in France, 1789–1791
A. Breakdown of the Old Order
1. Soaring Debt
2. Tax Increases
3. Desacralization
4. Louis XVI
III. Revolution in France, 1789–1791
B. The Formation of the National Assembly
1. The Estates General
2. The Estates
3. Demands for Change
4. Deadlock over Voting Procedures
5. The National Assembly
6. The King’s Response
III. Revolution in France, 1789–1791
C. Popular Uprising and the Rights of Man
1. Economic Hardship
2. The Popular Uprising
3. Peasant Insurrections
4. Reforms
5. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
6. Effects
7. Women’s March
III. Revolution in France, 1789–1791
D. A Constitutional Monarchy and Its Challenges
1. Reforms by the National Assembly
2. No Suffrage for Women
3. Political Reforms
4. Religious Reforms
IV. World War and Republican France,
A. The International Response
1. Division of Opinion
2. The Threat of Foreign Intervention
3. The Jacobin Club
4. The King’s Arrest
IV. World War and Republican France,
B. The Second Revolution and the New Republic
1. Second Revolution
2. Girondists and the Mountain
3. French Invasions
4. Counter-Revolutionary Efforts
5. The Triumph of the Mountain
6. Committee of Public Safety
IV. World War and Republican France,
C. Total War and the Terror
1. Planned Economy
2. Reign of Terror (1793–1794)
3. Nationalism
IV. World War and Republican France,
D. The Thermidorian Reaction and the Directory
1. Increased Terror
2. Thermidorian Reaction
3. The Directory
V. The Napoleonic Era, 1799–1815
A. Napoleon’s Rule of France
1. Napoleon Bonaparte (1769–1821)
2. Seizure of Power
3. Domestic Policy
V. The Napoleonic Era, 1799–1815
B. Napoleon’s Expansion in Europe
1. Foreign Policy Successes
a. Treaty of Luneville (1801)
b. Treaty of Amiens (1802)
2. Efforts at Expansion
3. Further Expansion
V. The Napoleonic Era, 1799–1815
C. The Grand Empire and Its End
1. The Grand Empire
2. Impact
3. Invasion of Russia
4. Abdication and Final Defeat
VI. The Haitian Revolution, 1791–1804
A. Revolutionary Aspirations in Saint-Domingue
1. Social Tensions
2. Code Noir
3. Impact of the French Revolution
4. Violence
VI. The Haitian Revolution, 1791–1804
B. The Outbreak of Revolt
1. Action from Below
2. Foreign Intervention
3. Abolition of Slavery
VI. The Haitian Revolution, 1791–1804
C. The War of Haitian Independence
1. Civil War
2. Napoleon’s Intervention
3. The Birth of Haiti