Beyond Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance AP Biology 2006-2007 Sex linked traits 1910 | 1933 Genes are on sex chromosomes as opposed to autosomal chromosomes first discovered by T.H. Morgan at Columbia U. Drosophila breeding good genetic subject prolific 2 week generations 4 pairs of chromosomes XX=female, XY=male AP Biology Discovery of sex linkage P F1 true-breeding red-eye female X true-breeding white-eye male 100% red eye offspring Huh! Sex matters?! generation (hybrids) F2 generation AP Biology 100% red-eye female 50% red-eye male 50% white eye male Genetics of Sex In humans & other mammals, there are 2 sex chromosomes: X & Y 2 X chromosomes develop as a female: XX gene redundancy, like autosomal chromosomes an X & Y chromosome X Y X XX XY X XX XY develop as a male: XY no redundancy AP Biology 50% female : 50% male Morgan’s flies… x XR XR Xr XR XR AP Biology XR Xr XR Xr x XrY XR Xr Y XRY XRY 100% red eyes XR Xr XRY XR Y XR XR XRY XR Xr X rY 100% red females 50% red males; 50% white males Genes on sex chromosomes Y chromosome few genes other than SRY sex-determining region master regulator for maleness turns on genes for production of male hormones X chromosome traits other than sex determination mutations: (all are recessive) hemophilia Duchenne muscular dystrophy color-blindness AP Biology sex-linked recessive Hemophilia H Xh x X HY HH XHh XH female / eggs male / sperm XH XH Y XH XH XH Y XH Xh Xh XH Xh AP Biology XH Xh XhY carrier disease XHY Y Sex-linked disorders Most sex-linked disorders are found on the X chromosome. Boys are more affected than girls. Duchenne muscular dystrophy Hemophlia Colored blindness AP Biology X-inactivation Female mammals inherit 2 X chromosomes one X becomes inactivated during embryonic development condenses into compact object = Barr body which X becomes Barr body is random patchwork trait = “mosaic” patches of black XH XH Xh tricolor cats can only be AP Biology female Xh patches of orange Linked Genes Genes located near each other on the same chromosome tend to be inherited together. AP Biology Linked genes Linked genes can be separated by crossing over of homologous chromosomes during prophase I of meiosis. These offspring are known as recombinants or recombinant types. AP Biology Mapping the distance between genes A genetic map based on recombination frequencies is called a linkage map. AP Biology Errors in Meiosis Caused by nondisjunction in meiosis I or meiosis II. AP Biology Errors in Meiosis Aneuploidy – having an abnormal number of chromosomes Monosomic – having a missing chromosome Trisomic – having one extra chromosome. Polyploidy – having one or more extra sets of chromosomes AP Biology Alterations of chromosome structure AP Biology Human disorders due to chromosomal alterations Down Syndrome (trisomy 21) Edwards Syndrome (trisomy 18) Patau Syndrome (Trisomy 13) XXY – Klinefelter syndrome XO – Turner Syndrome XXX – no problems XYY – no problems Philadelphia Chromosomes Cri du chat AP Biology Genomic Imprinting Variations in phenotype depending on whether an allele is inherited from the male or female parents. Happens during gamete formation and silences a particular allele of certain genes. Angelman Syndrome Prader-Willi Syndrome AP Biology Inheritance of organelle genes Some organelles have small circular DNA. These organelles reproduce themselves and transmit their genes to daughter organelles. Mitochondria – organism’s inherit their mother’s mitochondrial DNA Chloroplasts AP Biology