Creative Color Wheel

Creative Color Wheel
What is your favorite color? Why do you like it so
Mine is avocado green, because it looks good on me
because of my hair color 
Color Theory
Color Wheel
Color is the element of art
that happens when light is
reflected back to the eye.
There are three properties
to color.
◦ Hue
 which simply means the name we give to a color
(red, yellow, blue, green, etc.).
◦ Intensity
 refers to the vividness of the color.
◦ Value
 how light or dark it is.
 shades are created by adding black to a color,
 tints are created by adding white to a color.
Color is often shown in a wheel in order to
show the relationships between the colors.
◦ The order of the color wheel never changes
◦ The color wheel goes from Red to Violet, or
speaking in scientific terms, from color with a
shorter wavelength (red) to the longer wavelength
Color Schemes
Every time you pick color to add to a work, you
are creating a color scheme to add meaning to
your art.
◦ The colors you can’t make
Red, yellow and blue
◦ Colors you get when you mix two primaries
Orange, green, purple
◦ Colors that are a mix between a primary and a
Red-orange, blue-violet, yellow-green, etc
Get in teams of 3-4
Using only the three primary
colors, create a 12 part color
wheel using your knowledge of
color mixing.
◦ Pay attention to the ratios! Look at
the diagram!!
Put your cookies in color wheel
Let me see it when you are done!
After I see it, EAT!
Get your sketchbook
out 
Color Theory
Color Wheel
Color is the element of art
that happens when light is
reflected back to the eye.
There are three properties
to color.
◦ Hue
 which simply means the name we give to a color
(red, yellow, blue, green, etc.).
◦ Intensity
 refers to the vividness of the color.
◦ Value
 how light or dark it is.
 shades are created by adding black to a color,
 tints are created by adding white to a color.
Color is often shown in a wheel in order to
show the relationships between the colors.
◦ The order of the color wheel never changes
◦ The color wheel goes from Red to Violet, or
speaking in scientific terms, from color with a
shorter wavelength (red) to the longer wavelength
Color Schemes
Every time you pick color to add to a work, you are
creating a color scheme to add meaning to your art.
Colors you get when you mix two primaries. Still bright and
bold, but a little less than using only primaries.
The colors you can’t make, bright and bold. Simple.
Colors that are a mix between a primary and a secondary.
More muted.
Colors across from each other on the color wheel
Neighbors on the color wheel
Calming for our eyes. Our brains like similar things
Temperature of the color
When they are beside each other they seem really bright. High
contrast! Kind of hurts your eyes
Makes you think of warm or cool things
Warm (Red, orange, yellow)
Cool (Blue, purple, green)
Color Mood
How a color makes you feel when you look at it
Red – Angry
Blue – calm
Green – healthy
Meaning changes based on when/where you are in the world!
Oil Pastels
 Easily blendable with
your finger
 Scratchable
Hard to get small
 Can be messy
Chalk Pastels
Soft color
 Easy to blend
Breaks easily
 Can be smeary
 Can’t get fine detail
Choose a medium to experiment with first
 Go to the “station” for that medium
 Glue/Tape/Staple (etc) the practice sheet in your
 Complete the practice sheet
 Draw a SIMPLE picture on the opposite page in your
◦ Fill it in using the techniques you used on the worksheet
About ½ through class, we will switch to go to the
other station
If you have down time before we switch, think
about the project you want to do for your final.
Remember you must include a color wheel, it
must be creative and it must create a mood or
an atmosphere. Other than that you have free
reign on your idea. Sketch due Monday!
Creative color wheel
Color wheel mandala
Color wheel
Perspective word
Color wheel scene
Get out your sketch
 In your sketchbook, draw a small, fast picture
that is meant to make me an emotion. Make it
obvious. Use color to your advantage
Use the watercolor to practice using the
different techniques
 When you’re done, you can put it in your
cubby or on the drying rack
 In your sketchbooks, using only red, yellow
and blue mix as many different colors as you
can. Name them!
In your sketchbooks,
using only red,
yellow and blue mix
as many different
colors as you can in
10 minutes. Name
If you didn’t have
your sketch
yesterday, get it out
Name your colors
based on what
memory they stir in
Start working on
you final drawing.
Show me when
you’re done
Creative Color
Pick your project – Due October 2