Unit 2 STUDY GUIDE -Game Build Sequence Lessons 9 through 16

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Unit 2 STUDY GUIDE -Game Build Sequence
Lessons 9 through 16
1. Major category is a term best describes a genre.
2. Gameplay mode is a term best describes a defined set of rules and actions that determine
how the game is played?
3. Primary gameplay mode contains the most dominant set of actions the player must
4. Rollercoaster Tycoon is an example of a simulation game.
5. Simultaneous is a type of strategy game that allows both players to move their game
assets at the same time.
6. A Victory Condition defines what the player can and cannot do in the game and The
overall goal of the game and what the player must do to beat the game or level.
7. A toy is not a game because it doesn’t have a victory condition.
8. The “Change Sprite” Game Maker action allows an object to have more than one sprite.
9. The “Set vertical speed to -5” action setting would cause the avatar to travel upward on
the screen when the player presses the up arrow.
10. The degree to which a player connects with the game world is referred to as immersion.
11. Risk is a term which applies when a player decides to do something difficult in the game
world that could harm the avatar.
12. A reward is a benefit given to the player.
13. Demographics describe observable features of a person.
14. The group of typical players that might purchase a game is called a Target audience.
15. Skill Progression describes how a game starts out easy and gets harder with each new
16. The smallest possible task in a game, like jumping over a wall is referred to as atomic
17. A collection of the smallest tasks, such as finding a key is called sub-mission.
18. A mission is a set of major tasks, often organized as a game level.
19. A checkpoint is a saved location or respawns point.
20. A programming item holding a temporary value that can change is called a variable.
21. A bug that is a big problem whereby the game can be released, but will receive bad reviews
for the error is referred to as a Level B for “Beta”.
22. Respawning describes how a player can lose a life and return to the starting point.
23. Functionality describes how well everything in the game works.
24. Spatial representation refers to how space is shown.
25. Dimension is a term for an object’s length, width, and height.
26. 2D describes a flat object that has only length and width.
27. 3D describes an object that has no volume.
28. A hybrid is the use of 3D graphics on a 2D game map.
29. A profile is a 2D format shown from the side.
30. From where the game action is seen is referred to as a Camera view.
31. First person projection displays game action as if seen through the player character’s own
32. Third person projection displays game action as is seen by a person not involved in the
33. Isometric projection displays game action at an angle to simulate depth.
34. An image file defining the image as a series of dots is called a Raster image file.
35. An image file defining the image by mathematical equations is called a Vector image file.
36. Resolution refers to the number of dots per inch in an image file.
37. Position testing is a Game Maker action which has the computer check where the avatar is
before allowing it to move into a new spot.
38. When testing the game, the avatar was not able to move left or right. Gravity is currently set
to a value of 1. A gravity value of .3 would allow the avatar to move.
39. Acceleration describes a positive change in speed.
40. Gravity describes the attractive force that pulls objects together.
41. HUD stands for Heads up Display.
42. Visual perspective refers to how objects appear to reduce in size as they get farther away
from the viewer.
43. The viewing window from the game camera is called scope.
44. Process of getting many ideas on paper without editing or evaluating them is called
45. A storyboard is a set of sketches and captions that lay out the action in the game.
46. The main idea of the story is called a concept.
47. A panel of sprites laid out in a grid format is called a title set.
48. The part of the game world for a single level is called a game map.
49. Scrolling is an action needed to keep the avatar visible as the player moves in a room
larger than the screen dimensions.