2 nd Punic War

Write the correct answers in red pen
*Carthage was located in present day Tunisia.
Originally from Phoenicia (Lebanon today).
*Phoenician means Punic in Latin.
*Rome viewed Carthage as a threat b/c of how
wealthy, powerful & geographically close they
were to Rome
*War will break out b/t these two rivals.
*The 1st Punic War started over Rome &
Carthage both wanting control of Sicily b/c of
*Rome saw Carthage as a threat & equal in
power & wealth to them.
*Rome won the 1st Punic War
*Rome controlled all of Sicily
*The 2nd Punic War began b/c:
1. Spain (Carthage had taken new land in Spain)
2. Hannibal wanting revenge against Rome
*Hannibal led Carthage’s forces in the 2nd Punic
*Hannibal was a military genius: famous for
crossing the Rhone River with his elephants &
literally cutting a path through the Alps to invade
Rome from the north
*Invaded by land: through Spain, the Alps & into
Italy (north of Rome), this was unexpected by the
*Rome won the 2nd Punic War b/c Hannibal
could not breach the 7 hills of Rome
*The results of this war were:
1. Rome took all of Carthage’s territories -Spain & all islands in the Med Sea
2. Carthage could not wage war w/o
Rome’s permission
*Rome used the fact that Carthage might fight
a neighboring country (needed permission) to
invade Carthage. Reality: Rome wanted to
destroy Carthage for good to eliminate them
as a possible future threat.
*Rome won the 3rd Punic War
*Rome burned the city of Carthage/out of
500,000 people—50,000 survived—the
survivors were sold into slavery
*Results for Carthage:
- Carthage was destroyed; will never be a
superpower again
*Results for Rome:
-control the entire Med Sea
-elevates them to superpower status
-no rivals left