Unit 2 ID Terms Define each of these terms on a notecard. Place the term on one side and the definition on the back. Make sure the definition addresses a FULL explanation of the term and addresses its historical significance in the time period. Martin Luther Alexander VI Johann Tetzel 95 Theses Johann Eck Diet of Worms German Peasants War Hapsburg-Valois Wars Peace of Augsburg, 1555 Anabaptists Ulrich Zwingli John Calvin predestination Geneva Protestant work ethic Huguenots English Reformation Henry VIII Church of England Act of Supremacy Elizabeth I politique Elizabethan Settlement Catholic (Counter) Reformation Pope Paul III Council of Trent Jesuits Katerina von Bora Angela Merici Treaty of Cateau-Cambrèsis, 1559 Byzantine Empire Fall of Constantinople, 1453 Battle of Lepanto Phillip II United Provinces of the Netherlands Spanish Armada French Civil Wars Catherine de Medicis St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre War of Three Henrys Henry IV Edict of Nantes Thirty Years War Treaty of Westphalia