Chapter 17 Review Sheet The Urinary System Introduction (p. 470

Chapter 17 Review Sheet
The Urinary System
Introduction (p. 470)
List the four functions of the urinary system.
Kidneys (pp. 470-474)
1. Identify the parts of the urinary system in the illustration below: kidneys, right kidney, left
kidney, urinary bladder, ureters, aorta, inferior vena cava, urethra
2. The kidneys are described as being _______________________________, which indicates that
they are behind the peritoneum (serous membrane) that encases the digestive organs.
3. What is the basic functioning unit of the kidneys?
4. The nephron is made of two primary parts, the renal _______________________ which filters
the blood to make filtrate, and the renal __________________________ which reabsorbs 99%
of the water until urine is formed. _________________ is the hormone primarily responsible
for water reabsorption in the kidneys.
5. The two parts of the renal corpuscle are the _______________________ and the
_____________ capsule.
6. The four parts of the renal tubules are the _________________ convoluted tubule, loop of
__________________, distal convoluted tubule, and ____________________ duct.
7. The majority of the nephron is located in the outer layer of the kidney called the renal
__________________; however, the loop of _____________ and the ___________________
duct cross into the middle layer of the kidney called the renal _________________________.
8. Identify the parts of the kidney in the illustration below: renal cortex, renal medulla, renal
artery, renal vein, ureter, renal pyramids, renal pelvis
9. Identify the parts of the nephron in the illustration below: collecting duct, loop of Henle,
glomerulus, proximal convoluted tubule, Bowman’s capsule, distal convoluted tubule
10. What is the composition of normal urine?
11. What is a normal volume of urine output?
Urine Elimination (pp. 483-486)
1. Describe the structure and location of the ureters.
2. The urinary bladder can store approximately ___________________ of urine. It has
__________________ (folds) and __________________ epithelium lining the walls to
allow distension.
3. Urinating is a ___________________ reflex. The __________________ urethral
sphincter is involuntary; whereas the external sphincter is _____________________.
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