Back to Basics: Gynecology Dr. Jessica Dy Assistant Professor Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology University of Ottawa March 29, 2010 Overview ► ► Normal Menstruation ► Sexual development Menstrual cycle ► ► Dysmenorrhea Endometriosis Menstrual Abnormalities Amenorrhea Abnormal uterine bleeding PCO Menopause Contraception Infertility Pelvic Pain ► ► ► ► Pelvic Mass Ectopic pregnancy Pap smears Vaginal/pelvic infections Female Sexual Development A mother is concerned that her 12 yo daughter has not had her period yet (the other girls in her daughter’s class have already started their period). She thinks her daughter hasn’t shown signs of puberty yet. Knowing the usual first sign of the onset of puberty, you should ask which of the following questions? a) Has her daughter had any acne? b) Has her daughter started to develop breasts? c) Does her daughter have any axillary or pubic hair? d) Has her daughter started her growth spurt? e) Has her daughter had any vaginal spotting? The usual events in normal pubertal development from first to last are: a) Peak growth, pubic hair, breast budding, menarche b) Breast budding, pubic hair, peak growth, menarche c) Breast budding, menarche, pubic hair, peak growth d) Pubic hair, breast budding, menarche, peak growth Secondary Sexual Characteristics “Baby Has Gone Mad!” Breast Development (Thelarche) 10.5 yo Hair Development (Pubarche) 11.0 yo Growth (peak height velocity) 11.4 yo Menstruation (Menarche) 12.8 yo Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Ovarian Axis Hypothalamus GnRH Pituitary FSH, LH Ovary Estradiol Breast/Uterus/Vagina Female Sexual Development ► ► ► In infancy and pre-puberty, FSH and LH levels are high or low ? Prior to onset of puberty, FSH and LH levels increase or decrease? This stimulates ovaries to produce Tanner Staging Abnormal Sexual Maturation ► Accelerated Maturation Precocious puberty Dev’t of 2o sexual characteristics < 8 years ► Delayed Maturation Absence of thelarche by 13 years Absence of menarche by 15 years A 9 year old girl presents for evaluation of regular vaginal bleeding. History reveals thelarche at age 7 and adrenarche at age 8. Which of the following is the most common cause of this condition in girls? a) Idiopathic b) Gonadal tumors c) McCune-Albright syndrome d) Hypothyroidism e) CNS tumors Precocious Puberty True (or Central) (GnRH dependent) • Idiopathic (74%) • CNS lesions (e.g., infections, tumors) Pseudo (or Peripheral) (GnRH Independent) • Ovarian (e.g., granulosa cell tumor) • McCune-Albright syndrome • Adrenal • Hypothyroidism Precocious Puberty: Investigations • Initial: • Height and weight • Estradiol levels • Androgens: DHEAS, testosterone • FSH, LH, TSH levels • Bone age • Secondary: • Imaging of pituitary/sella • Ultrasound ovaries, uterus, adrenals • Bone scan (McCune-Albright) Precocious Puberty: Treatment • Aimed at underlying process: • Tumor: resection, radiation, chemo • Idiopathic: − GnRH agonist therapy suppresses GnRH − when therapy stopped, appropriate chronologic changes resume • McCune-Albright syndrome: − Medroxyprogesterone acetate − Aromatase inhibitors Abnormal Sexual Maturation ► Accelerated Maturation Precocious puberty Dev’t of 2o sexual characteristics < 8 years ► Delayed Maturation Absence of thelarche by 13 years Absence of menarche by 15 years The most common cause of delayed puberty is: a) b) c) d) e) Turner’s syndrome Craniopharyngioma Constitutional delay Anorexia nervosa Primary hypothyroidism Delayed Puberty Delayed Menarche + 2o Sexual Dev’t ► Anatomic genital abnormalities ► Androgen insensitivity syndromes (complete forms) Delayed Puberty + Inadequate/Absent 2o Sexual Dev’t ► Hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction (low FSH) Reversible: Constitutional delay, weight loss due to extreme dieting, protein deficiency, fat loss without muscle loss, drug abuse Irreversible: Kallmann's syndrome, pituitary destruction ► Gonadal failure (high FSH) Abnormal chromosomal complement (eg, Turner's syndrome) Normal chromosomal complement: chemotherapy, irradiation, infection, infiltrative or autoimmune disease, resistant ovary syndrome Delayed Puberty 1. 2. 3. 4. Anatomic genital abnormalities Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome Central Cause (low FSH) Gonadal Disorders (high FSH) The Menstrual Cycle …and other menstrual abnormalities Normal Menstrual Cycle Normal Menstrual Cycle ► Follicular Phase ► Luteal Phase ► Proliferative Phase ► Secretory Phase ► Corpus Luteum ► Progesterone ► ► Granulosa Cells (dominant follicle) Estrogen Amenorrhea Primary Amenorrhea ► No menses by age 13 in the absence of development of secondary sexual characteristics or ► No menses by age 15 regardless of presence of normal growth and development Secondary Amenorrhea ► No menses for a length of time equivalent to a total of at least 3 of the previous cycle intervals or ► > 6 months of amenorrhea Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Ovarian Axis Hypothalamus Pituitary Ovary Uterus/vagina Amenorrhea - Etiology PREGNANCY ALWAYS NEED TO RULE OUT!! Hypothalamus Extreme Stress, Anorexia nervosa, Tumors, Infection, Congenital (Kallman’s syndrome) (35%) Pituitary (20%) Prolactin adenomas, 1o hypopituitarism, Sheehan syndrome, (Thyroid) (20%) Congenital, Premature Ovarian Failure, Anovulation (PCO, tumors) Uterus/vagina (5%) Congenital Absence, Imperforate hymen, Vaginal septum, Asherman’s syndrome Others Drugs (Metoclopramide, neuroleptics) Ovary Amenorrhea - Hypothalamic Extreme stress/systemic illness/nutritional deprivation Anorexia Nervosa ► ► Calorie restriction +/- exercise induced Loss of pulsatile GnRH secretion Critical body fat threshold Hypothalamic tumor, infiltrative disorder Congenital GnRH deficiency ► ► Kallmann’s syndrome Amenorrhea - Pituitary Pituitary Adenomas: ► ► ► ► Non-functioning – most common (30-40% of all pituitary lesions) Prolactinoma Growth Hormone secreting - Acromegaly ACTH secreting - Cushing’s Disease Primary Hypopituitarism Sheehan syndrome ► ► Postpartum hemorrhage & ischemic necrosis of anterior pituitary (portal system) Failure of lactation Amenorrhea – Pituitary Lesions Any mass lesion may cause stalk compression ↓ dopamine suppression ↑ prolactin levels ↓ GnRH secretion ↓ FSH/LH levels amenorrhea Amenorrhea - Ovary ► Anovulatory: PCOS ► Ovarian failure Premature exhaustion of follicles “menopause” occurs < 40 years Genetic, idiopathic, surgical, radiation, chemotherapy, immunological Premature ovarian failure may be due to any of the following except: a) Turner’s syndrome b) Autoimmune dysfunction c) Hyperandrogenism d) Radiation exposure Ovarian Abnormal Development ►Gonadal Pure gonadal dysgenesis : 46 XX Turner’s Syndrome: 45 XO, +/- mosiacisms Swyer’s syndrome: 46 XY ►Androgen insensitivity I (testicular feminization) Absent receptor for testosterone 46 XY, development of female habitus, breast development, diminished pubic/axillary hair, absent uterus, blind vagina, gonads are testes ►Androgen Dysgenesis insensitivity II 5a-reductase enzyme deficiency (T → DHT) 46 XY, born with female external genitalia, but male pubertal development Amenorrhea – Uterus/Vagina ►Blockage (Mullerian abnormalities) transverse vaginal septum imperforate hymen non-communicating cavities Cervical stenosis Congenital mullerian agenesis (MRKH syndrome) ►Endometrial Failure (Asherman’s syndrome) 2o vigorous D&C, usually postpartum ++ adhesions in uterine cavity The initial work-up for a patient with 2o sexual characteristics and amenorrhea include all of the following except: a) b) c) d) e) Pregnancy test Pelvic ultrasound Prolactin level Thyrotropin level Assessment of estrogen status Approach to Amenorrhea yes Stop investigating no E+P challenge no bleed *Need to do Karyotype Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) PCOS Syndrome resulting from chronic anovulation and/or chronic ovarian androgenism ► Can be associated with insulin levels ► Diagnosis is made clinically +/- biochemical support ► Wide spectrum seen in clinical practice ► PCOS - pathophysiology insulin ↑estrogen ↓FSH + ↑LH anovulation ↑peripheral estrogen ↑androgens from ovary oligomenorrhea obesity HIRSUTISM INFERTILITY PCOS ► Clinical features: Average age 15-35 years Hirsutism, anovulation/amenorrhea, infertility, insulin resistance, obesity, acanthosis nigricans (HAIR-AN) ► Biochemistry: testosterone and DHEAS, LH:FSH ratio > 2:1 Fasting glucose:insulin ratio < 4.5 => insulin resistance ► Ultrasound: multiple follicles peripherally arranged (“string of pearls”) ► Diagnosis (need 2 out of 3 to make Dx): Oligomenorrhea/irregular menses Clinical or lab evidence of hyperandrogenism Polycystic ovaries on US Clinical Significance of PCOS Infertility ► Menstrual bleeding problems ► Oligo/amenorrhea & DUB ► Androgen effects: hirsutism, acne and alopecia risk of endometrial cancer ► risk of CAD ► risk of type 2 diabetes if insulin resistant ► Treatment of PCOS Cycle Control ► ► ► Weight loss: diet and exercise Cyclic progesterone or OCP to prevent endometrial hyperplasia/ cancer Metformin to insulin levels & ? reduce risk of progression to type 2 diabetes Infertility ► ► ► Ovulation induction: Clomiphene, FSH, LHRH, etc. Metformin to sensitize to ovulation induction Ovarian drilling Treatment of PCOS Hirsutism ► OCP or specifically Diane 35: antiandrogenic ► Mechanical removal of hair ► + spironolactone (inhibits steroid receptor) ► Finasteride (5alpha reductase inhibitor) ► Flutamide (androgen reuptake inhibitor) Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Abnormal bleeding at unexpected time (premenarche or post-menopausal) ► Change in pattern of menstrual flow ► Frequency (interval < 24 days) Duration (> 7 days) Amount (> 80 cc per cycle/clots) ► Need to rule out organic causes Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Menorrhagia: • Cyclic menstrual bleeding occurring at regular intervals but excessive in amount (>80 cc/cycle) and/or duration (>7 days) Metrorrhagia (intermenstrual bleeding): • Uterine bleeding occurring at irregular intervals Polymenorrhea • Cycles occurring too frequently, < 24 days Menometrorrhagia: • Excessive amount of bleeding at irregular intervals Causes of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding ► Ovarian ► anovulatory cycles Ovarian cancer ► Uterine polyps, fibroids PID, endometritis IUD exogenous hormones endometrial hyperplasia endometrial cancer Cervical ► External Genitalia ► Polyps Infection cervical cancer Vulvovaginitis trauma Vaginal or vulvar cancer Others Coagulation disorders Thyroid disease A 15 yo female is brought to the ED because of very heavy vaginal bleeding. Her Hb level is 90 g/L. Each of the following diagnoses should be considered except: a) b) c) d) e) Anovulatory, dysfunctional bleeding Coagulopathy Pregnancy Endometrial polyps Thyroid dysfunction A 45 yo female is brought to the ED because of very heavy vaginal bleeding. Her Hb level is 90 g/L. What is the least likely diagnosis? a) b) c) d) e) Anovulatory, dysfunctional bleeding Coagulopathy Pregnancy Endometrial polyps Thyroid dysfunction Approach to AUB Abnormal Bleeding Investigations: Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUB) Uterine bleeding without any evidence of organic disease ► i.e., no polyps, malignancy, pregnancy, etc. ► Diagnosis of exclusion Anovulatory DUB (90%) ► no ovulation = no progesterone secretion ► Prolonged, high, unopposed estrogen exposure ► Fragile endometrium, areas of shedding and re-growth Ovulatory DUB (10%) ► Luteal phase progesterone unable to maintain endometrium Acute DUB Treatment Mild: • OCP • Cyclic Medroxy Progesterone Acetate (Provera) Severe: • Stabilize patient as required (ABC’s) • Premarin IV 25 mg q4-6h or high dose OCP • + Add OCP or Provera for maintenance • D&C if severely ill or unresponsive to medical therapy DUB Longterm Treatment Hormonal Manipulation of Cycle • Combined Contraceptives • Progesterone only • Progesterone IUD (Mirena) • GnRH analogue Control of Menorrhagia • NSAIDS for menorrhagia • Anti-fibrinolytic agents (Cyklokapron) Surgical • endometrial ablation • hysterectomy Coffee Break !!! MENOPAUSE The following statements are true except: a) b) c) d) Menopause occurs at ~51 years of age as a result of a genetically determined depletion of ovarian follicles responsive to gonadotropins. Menopause occurs earlier in smokers. Loss of ovarian function results in absolute estrogen deficiency. Hormone replacement therapy should not be used for prevention of cardiovascular disease or dementia Menopause ► Physiologic average age 50-51 in North America 1-2M oocytes at birth, 500,000 in puberty, only 400-500 ovulate, the rest vanish by atresia Few remaining oocytes not responsive to gonadotropins ► Artificial Surgery radiation Menopause ► Perimenopause 2-8 years preceding and 1 year after last menses Elevated FSH in follicular phase Irregular menses ► Menopause Final menstruation ► Postmenopause 6-12 months of amenorrhea Menopause before oophorectomy Estradiol Testosterone after oophorectomy Androstenedione FSH Clinical Conditions In Menopause ► Vasomotor symptoms ► 75% of women > 1 year in 80% of women Major indication for ERT/HRT SSRI, clonidine, gabapentin, black cohosh Urogenital atrophy Lubricants, local estrogen therapy ► Osteoporosis Ca, Vit D, smoking cessation, exercise Bisphosphonates, ERT/HRT, SERMs (raloxifene) HRT ► Good relief of vasomotor and GU symptoms Increases BMD, decreases fracture risk ► Bad Increases VTE, CAD, stroke ► ► ? Increased risk of breast cancer, dementia No increased risk of endometrial cancer CONTRACEPTION Contraception ► Permanent Vasectomy, tubal ligation ► Reversible Barrier methods Hormonal Contraceptives • (pill, patch, ring), progesterone only Intrauterine devices Post-coital Abstinence, rhythm, withdrawal, lactation Barrier Contraception ► Male condom Protects against STIs Failure rate 10-30% in typical use ► Female barriers Female condom, diaphragm, cervical cap Need to fit properly, more inconvenient Failure rate higher than male condom ► Spermicidal preparations 30% failure rate when used alone (typical use) Combined hormonal contraceptives: a) Decrease the risk of stroke and VTE b) Should only be started on the first day of a menstrual period c) Suppress ovulation mainly through an estrogen dominant effect d) Is contraindicated in women >35 years old e) Decrease dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia and acne Hormonal Contraception ► Combined Contraceptives Pill, patch, ring Most contain low dose (20-35 mg) ethinyl estradiol + progestin Mechanism of action (mainly from progestin): • Ovulatory suppression by FSH/LH inhibition • Decidualization of endometrium • Thickening of cervical mucous Non-contraceptive benefits Multiple, but mild side effects Does not protect against STI’s Hormonal Contraception Absolute contraindications ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► Pregnancy Undiagnosed vaginal bleeding Thromboembolic disease Estrogen dependent tumors Coronary/cerebrovascular disease Impaired liver function Uncontrolled hypertension Migraines with neurological symptoms Smoker, age >35 Relative contraindication ► ► ► ► ► ► Migraines (non-focal) Controlled hypertension Hyperlipidemia Sickle cell anemia Gallbladder disease SLE Hormonal Contraception ► Progestin Only Methods Suitable for lactating women or women with contraindications to combined OCP “Minipill” (Micronor) • • Higher failure rate Taken daily, no pill free interval Depot-medroxyprogesterone acetate • • • • • Injectable, q 3 mos Common irregular bleeding to complete amenorrhea Highly effective Return to fertility may take up to 1-2 yrs Risk of osteoporosis Intrauterine Device (IUD) Device that sits in the uterine cavity ► Nova-T (copper containing) ► foreign body reaction in endometrium ► Mirena (levonorgestrel releasing) decidualization of endometrium + thickening of cervical mucous One time insertion, lasts up to 5 years ► Very effective, failure rate 1% ► Reversible ► IUD Absolute contraindications ► Pregnancy ► Undiagnosed vaginal bleeding ► Acute or chronic PID ► Lifestyle risk for PID ► Allergy to copper ► Wilson’s disease (for copper) ► Immunosuppressed individuals Relative contraindication ► Valvular heart disease ► Past Hx of PID ► Past Hx of ectopic pregnancy ► Abnormalities of the uterine cavity, fibroids ► Severe dysmenorrhea or menorrhagia (for copper) ► Cervical stenosis Contraception Case 27 yo nulligravid student was “celebrating” with her male partner after successfully passing her exams. Immediately after intercourse she noticed that the condom is broken. Her LMP was 12 days ago and she has regular 28 day cycles with molimina. She normally takes Alesse but has stopped taking this about 6 months ago. She paged you at 2 am. She does not want to get pregnant. What would be the appropriate management(s) to offer this couple? (You may chose up to three answers) Contraception a) Urgent pregnancy test (serum) b) Suggest expectant management and wait to see if she misses a period c) If she still has her Alesse tablets, take 5 of these now, and another 5 in 12 hours d) Insertion of copper containing IUD e) 0.75 mg Levonorgestrel po now and again in 12 hours f) Suggest doing a handstand q hourly x 48 hours to prevent implantation Emergency Contraception Yuzpe Method within 72 hours of intercourse 2 Ovral tablets q12h x 2 doses (often with Gravol) 6% chance of pregnancy decreases to 2% with Yuzpe ‘Plan B’ within 72 hours of intercourse 0.75 mg levonorgestrel every 12h x 2 doses (less nausea) similar efficacy to Yuzpe Copper IUD Insertion within 5 days of intercourse 1% failure rate INFERTILITY Infertility Definition: • one year of ‘frequent’ unprotected intercourse without conception Primary: no prior pregnancies • Secondary: previous conception • • 10-15% of couples in the reproductive age group • must investigate both partners Infertility - Epidemiology Time Required for Conception in Couples Who Will Attain Pregnancy Duration of Exposure % Pregnant 3 months 57% 6 months 72% 12 months 85% 24 months 93% Guttmacher 1956 Infertility - Etiology 15% 35% 15% ► Ovarian Problems (15%) ► Tubal/Pelvic Pathology (35%) ► Sperm Problems (35%) ► Unexplained (10-15%) 35% Etiology Ovulatory dysfunction (15-20%) 1. • • • Hypothalamic (functional amenorrhea) Pituitary: prolactinoma, hypopituitarism Ovarian • • • • • PCOS POF Luteal phase defect (poor follicle production, premature corpus luteum failure, failed uterine lining response to progesterone) Systemic diseases (thyroid, Cushing, renal/hepatic failure) Congenital (Turner, gonadal dysgenesis, gonadotropin deficiency) Infertility: Ovulatory Dysfunction Overall Primary Investigations: • Day 3 FSH • Day ‘21’ progesterone • TSH • Prolactin • Basal Body Temperature Etiology 2. • Outflow tract abnormality Tubal obstruction (~35%) • • • • PID Adhesions (previous surgery, peritonitis, endometriosis) Ligation/occlusion (e.g., previous ectopic) Uterine factors (<5%) • • • • • • Congenital anomalies (DES exposure), bicornuate uterus, uterine septum Intrauterine adhesions (e.g. Asherman’s) Infection (endometritis, pelvic TB) Fibroids/polyps Endometrial ablation Cervical factors (5%) • • Hostile, or acidic cervical mucous Anti-sperm antibodies Infertility: Tubal Factor Overall Primary Investigations: • Hysterosalpingogram or • Sonohysterogram/saline infusion scan or • Laparoscopy • In early proliferative phase of cycle after cessation of menses for evaluation of structural defects • diagnostic and therapeutic (may open tubes) Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) Laparoscopy Laparoscopy Etiology 3. Male factor (~40%) • Pre testicular • • Testicular • • • • Hypothalamic, pituitary (low LH, FSH, T) Testicular failure (sometimes high FSH, low T) Genetic Acquired Insult (infectious, varicocele) Post testicular (normal FSH,LH,T) • Obstruction Infertility: Sperm/Male Factor Semen analysis • WHO Criteria: • volume • concentration • motility • morphology > 2.0 ml > 20 million sperm/ml > 50% > 30% normal forms Infertility: Sperm/Male Factor Overall Primary Investigations: • semen analysis x 2 Other investigations: • karyotype • TSH, Testosterone, PRL, FSH • postcoital (sperm/cervical mucus interaction) Infertility Investigations 1. Ovarian Function • • • • Day 3 FSH Day 21 progesterone TSH, Prolactin Basal Body Temperature 2. Female Genital Tract • • HSG/SHG/SIS Laparoscopy 3. Male Factor • Semen analysis x 2 Infertility - Treatments • Approach based on fertility requirements: 1) Oocytes 2) Abnormal Female Genital Tract 3) Sperm • use these categories to organize treatment options for each particular couple Treatment Options 1. Ovarian problems: - Treat any hypothyroidism/hyperprolactinemia If PCOS, weight loss, metformin, ovarian drilling Induce ovulation (clomiphene, letrozole, etc) + IUI/IVF donor oocytes/embryos, adoption 2. Tubal factors: - Tuboplasty In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) 3. Male factors: - Artificial Insemination (washed or donor sperm) IVF + ICSI Varicocele repair, surgical repair of obstruction ICSI Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection: • requires very few moving sperm • can combine with testicular sperm retrieval • requires IVF (female risks & discomfort) Pelvic Pain Pelvic Pain 26 yo G0P0 woman presents to the office with 8 years of constant pelvic pain. She has had 3 previous diagnostic laparoscopies (2 months, 2 years, and 6 years ago). All demonstrated a normal pelvis. She has recently been seen by specialists in General Surgery, GI, Urology, Orthopedics, and Gynecology. All investigations have been normal and no cause for the pain has been found. Differential Diagnosis Gynecologic - ACUTE: Gynecologic - CHRONIC: 1. Adnexal: • Mittelschmerz • ovarian cysts, rupture, • 2. Uterine: • • • 3. torsion Hemorrhage into ovarian cyst or neoplasm Degenerating fibroids Torsion of pedunculated fibroid Pyometra/hematometra • • • • Endometriosis/adenomyosis dysmenorrhea (cyclic pain) Ovarian cysts Chronic PID • • • • • adhesions Uterine prolapse Cancer invasive (late) Fibroids Pelvic congestion syndrome Infectious • • Acute PID Endometritis ** RULE OUT PREGNANCY!!! Differential Diagnosis Non-Gynecologic: 1. Urinary tract: • • infection, stones, retention interstitial cystitis 2. GI: • • appendicitis, diverticulitis, obstruction, infarct constipation, hernia, IBD, IBS 3. MSK: • nerve entrapment, referred pain, abdominal wall, MS 4. Psychological trauma: • • Depression, anxiety, somatization ~20% of chronic pelvic pain patients have a history of sexual abuse/assault Diagnostic laparoscopy for pelvic pain should be performed to: a) Evaluate women with cyclic pain who respond to NSAIDs or OCP b) Initially evaluate women with chronic noncyclic pelvic pain c) Biopsy and treat endometriotic lesions d) Lyse all adhesions Pelvic Pain - Investigations ► Gynecology related: ► CBC, bhCG vaginal/cervical cultures pelvic U/S or MRI Laparoscopy GI related: stool cultures abdominal U/S, CT/MRI endoscopy ► Urologic: urine cultures, urinalysis IVP, U/S, CT ► Musculoskeletal: xray, CT, MRI Endometriosis Abnormal growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity ► Pathogenesis is unknown ► Infertility ► dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, dyschezia ► On pelvic exam: ► Tender nodules, fixed uterus May also be normal Which of the following statements are true? a) Women with endometriosis always have dysmenorrhea or chronic pelvic pain. b) Minimal or mild endometriosis should never be treated surgically, only medically. c) The degree of pelvic pain correlates with laparoscopic findings. d) Medical treatment of endometriosis includes OCP, progestins, GnRH analogues, Danazol. e) Medical treatment of endometriosis results in long term disease suppression and pain relief after cessation of therapy. Case 31 y.o. woman complains of sudden onset of RLQ pain. The pain is constant and worse with movements. There is no nausea/vomitting. Bowel movements are normal. Her LMP is 7 weeks ago, and she has been actively trying to get pregnant. Past medical history is positive for PID requiring hospitalization for IV antibiotics for 4 days. Her vitals are stable, and she is afebrile. She is having mild vaginal bleeding (<1pad) that started today. What is your differential diagnosis??? Case What 3 initial investigations would be most appropriate? A) CBC B) pelvic ultrasound (endovaginal and transabdominal) C) flat plate (x-ray) of abdomen D) Quantitative bhCG E) sigmoidoscopy with possible colonoscopy F) IVP with delayed films Ectopic Pregnancy Ectopic Pregnancy Definition • embryo implants outside of the endometrial cavity Epidemiology • 1-2% of all pregnancies • ~14% if previous ectopic pregnancy • ~1/30,000 pregnancies is heterotopic (1 IUP + 1 ectopic) • 4th leading cause of maternal mortality Location of Ectopic Pregnancy Ectopic Pregnancy Ectopic Pregnancy Ectopic Pregnancy Risk Factors Tubal surgery Previous ectopic Previous salpingitis Assisted Reproduction Age < 25 Previous pelvic infection Infertility Cigarettes Relative Risk 20 10 4 4 3 3 2.5 2.5 * ~50% of patients have no risk factors * IUD use does not increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy Ectopic Pregnancy Clinical Presentation • amenorrhea • abdominal pain (90%) + rebound (45%) • vaginal bleeding • bimanual exam: - CMT and adnexal tenderness (usually unilateral) - palpable adnexal mass (50%) • ruptured ectopic pregnancy: - acute abdomen with pain - hypovolemic shock Investigations • Hx & Px • bHCG quantitative, CBC, blood T&S • Pelvic ultrasound - an intrauterine pregnancy should be seen if bhCG > 1200-1500, definitely by 2,000 • Serial bhCG: - normal doubling time is about 2 days - inadequate doubling suggests abnormal pregnancy • Laparoscopy: definitive diagnosis In order to distinguish an IUP from an ectopic pregnancy, the change in bHCG levels over 48 hours is observed. What percentage rise in bHCG represents the lower limit of normal values for viable IUP? a) 33% b) 50% c) 66% d) 100% Treatment 1. Medical (Methotrexate): • 50 mg/m2 (1/5 chemo dose) • serial bhCG weekly f/u • 10-15% failure rate, 25% require 2nd dose • criteria: - patient clinically stable - <3.5cm unruptured ectopic pregnancy - no FHR - bhCG <5000 - no hepatic/renal/heme disease - compliance and f/u essential 2. Surgical • Laparoscopy vs laparotomy • Salphingectomy vs salphingotomy Tea Break!!! Pelvic Mass Differential Diagnosis Adnexal ► ► ► ► Ovarian cysts/tumors Ectopic pregnancy Tubo-ovarian abscess hydrosalpinx Uterine ► ► ► ► ► Pregnancy Fibroids Adenomyosis Endometrial cancer hematometra *And non-gynecologic causes: Pelvic kidney, GI masses, abscess, lymph nodes A 60 year old woman presents with a pelvic mass. What percentage of ovarian neoplasms in postmenopausal women is malignant a) 5% b) 10% c) 30% d) 80% Ovarian Cysts/Tumors Benign vs. malignant ► Benign ► Physiological (follicular cysts, corpus luteal cysts, hemorrhagic cysts) Endometrioma Benign adenomas Germ cell tumors (dermoid cysts) Ovarian Tumors Ovarian Tumors Pelvic Mass 1) History: - weight loss/gain - increase in abdominal girth - fatigue - fevers/chills - abnormal vaginal discharge or bleeding - menstrual history - pregnancy symptoms (amenorrhea, molimina) - pain - bowel/bladder dysfunction - family history of gynecological/bowel cancers Pelvic Mass 2) Physical Exam: - complete general survey (including nodes) - abdominal exam - pelvic: speculum, bimanual, pelvi-rectal 3) Investigations: - U/S: abdominal and endovaginal - + CT or MRI - pre-op investigations - + pregnancy test Pelvic relaxation/prolapse Definitions • Cystocele: downward displacement of bladder • Uterine Prolapse: descent of the uterus and cervix into vaginal canal towards the vaginal introitus • Rectocele: protrusion of rectum into posterior vagina • Enterocele: herniation of small bowel into vagina • Vaginal Vault Prolapse: descent of vaginal apex into vaginal canal towards introitus after a hysterectomy Pelvic relaxation Predisposing Factors • age • pregnancy and vaginal childbirth • menopause (↓ estrogen) • changes in pelvic anatomy (surgery) • obesity • chronic cough • chronic constipation • connective tissue disorders Symptoms • Pelvic pressure, bulge, heaviness • Low back ache • Possibly relief with lying down • worse symptoms at the end of the day • Voiding difficulty, incomplete emptying, UTIs, stress incontinence • Constipation (need to reduce the rectocele to have BM) • dyspareunia Treatment 1. Conservative • • • • • • Pessary (not useful for rectocele) Kegels weight loss stool softeners HRT smoking cessation 2. Surgical • • • • Vaginal Hysterectomy (for uterine prolapse) Vaginal Repair (anterior, enterocele, and/or posterior repair) Vault suspension Anti-incontinence procedure Pap Smear Management Screening Test • Sampling of transformation zone (endo/exocervix) • Detection of early pre-malignant lesions • Multiple classification systems Bethesda vs CIN System PAP Smear Management Possible Results (Squamous) •Within Normal Limits • Atypical Squamous Cells of Undetermined Significance (ASCUS): • may favour reactive or premalignant/malignant process • Low Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion (LSIL) • High Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion (HSIL) • Squamous Cell Carcinoma PAP Smear Management Possible Results (Glandular cells) • Within Normal Limits • Atypical Glandular Cells of Undetermined Significance (AGUS): • may favour reactive or premalignant/malignant process • Adenocarcinoma • endocervical, endometrial, extra-uterine, NOS Gynecologic Infections Case 19 year old G0 woman presents to the ER with lower abdo/pelvic pain for 2 days. She had developed a fever today and a vaginal discharge. She has recently become sexually active, and is not using contraception. A pregnancy test is negative. Case What is the most likely diagnosis? A) early appendicitis B) chlamydial cervicitis C) disseminated herpes D) PID E) trichomonas vaginitis Acute Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) • Clinical diagnosis implying patient has upper genital tract infection and inflammation • Ascending infection to endometrium, tubes, peritoneum • Most often an STD: chlamydia, gonorrhea • Rarely endogenous vaginal bacteria, TB PID – Risk factors ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► Age < 30, sexually active Vaginal douching IUD (esp. 1st 10 days post insertion) Invasive gyne procedures: D&C, endometrial biopsy History of previous STI Multiple sexual partners No barrier contraception Contact with infected person Presentation • Spectrum of severity •Up to 2/3 asymptomatic, many subtle or mild symptoms • Common: • Fever > 38.3 • lower adbo pain and tenderness (adnexal) - Cervical motion tenderness on bimanual exam • abnormal discharge: vaginal, cervical • Uncommon: • Nausea, vomiting • Dysuria • irregular vaginal bleeding • RUQ pain (Fitz-Hugh-Curtis) Investigations ► Bloodwork BhCG (r/o ectopic), CBC, blood cultures if septic ► Speculum exam Vaginal swab Cervical cultures for GC and chlamydia ► Ultrasound May be normal Fluid in cul-de-sac Hydrosalpinx, tubo-ovarian abscess, pelvic abscess ► Laparoscopy For definitive diagnosis What are the criteria that would require inpatient treatment of PID? Treatment - Outpatient ORAL Regimen A: ► ► ► Ofloxacin 400 mg twice daily for 14 days OR Levofloxacin 500 mg once daily for 14 days WITH OR WITHOUT Metronidazole 500 mg twice daily for 14 days Treatment - Outpatient ORAL Regimen B: ► ► ► ► Ceftriaxone 250 mg IM in a single dose OR Cefoxitin 2 g IM x 1 and Probenecid 1g PO PLUS Doxycycline 100 mg twice daily for 14 days WITH or WITHOUT Metronidazole 500 mg twice daily for 14 days Treatment - Inpatient PARENTERAL Regimen A: • Cefoxitin 2g OR Cefotetan 2g IV q6h (at least 48 h) PLUS • Doxycycline 100mg IV/PO BID x 14 days PARENTERAL Regimen B: • Clindamycin 900mg IV q8h (at least 48 h) PLUS • Gentamicin 2mg/kg loading dose then 1.5mg/kg maintenance dose q8h (at least 48 h) Treatment - Inpatient Alternative PARENTERAL Regimens: ► ► ► ► ► Ofloxacin 400 mg IV q 12 hours OR Levofloxacin 500 mg IV once daily WITH OR WITHOUT Metronidazole 500 mg IV q 8 hours OR Ampicillin/Sulbactam 3 g IV q 6 hrs PLUS Doxycycline 100 mg orally/IV q 12 hrs Chlamydial Cervicitis • Etiology: Chlamydia trachomatis • Intracelluar parasite • Most common bacterial STI in Canada • Often associated with N. Gonorrhea • Reportable disease • Risk Factors: • sexually active < 25 y.o. • history of previous STI • new partner in last 3 months • multiple partners • no barrier contraception • contact with infected person Presentation ► ► ► ► ► Asymptomatic (70%) mucopurulent endocervical discharge pelvic pain/discomfort to PID Urethral syndrome: dysuria, frequency, pyuria with no bacteria post coital spotting or intermenstrual bleed Investigations: ► ► Cervical cultures Rescreen women 3-4 months after treatment due to high prevalence of repeat infection Treatment - Chlamydia • Doxycycline 100mg PO BID x 7 days OR • Azithromycin 1g PO x 1 Alternative treatments: • Erythromycin base 500 mg qid for 7 days OR • Erythromycin ethylsuccinate 800 mg qid for 7 days OR • Ofloxacin 300 mg twice daily for 7 days OR • Levofloxacin 500 mg for 7 days * if pregnant Erythromycin, Amoxicillin, Azithromycin **Screen and treat partners Neisseria Gonorrhea Cervix, urethra, rectum: • gram negative intracellular diplococci • reportable disease Presentation and Risk Factors: • same as chlamydia Investigations: • cervical, rectal and throat culture Treatment ► ► ► ► ► Ceftriaxone 125mg IM x 1 OR Cefixime 400mg PO x 1 OR Ciprofloxacin 500mg PO x 1 OR Ofloxacin 400 mg/Levofloxacin 250 mg AND Treatment for Chlamydia * If pregnant: cephalosporin regimen or 2g spectinomycin IM Vulvovaginitis Organism Discharge Symptoms Wet Mount Candida(Yeast) White thick -itching KOH -satellite lesions -hyphae -edematous -red Ph <5 Bacterial Vaginosis Grey, thin, (anaerobes, diffuse Gardnerella, etc.) - fishy odour - worse after intercourse - no irritation/ inflammation Trichomonasis (Trichomonas Vaginalis) Yellow/green -strawberry spots -fagellated protozoa 5-6.5 Clear/white - no irritation/ inflammation -normal epithelial cells <4.5 Physiologic (high E2 states) - clue cells 5-5.5 KOH (+whiff test) Vulvovaginitis Treatment Candida(Yeast) -clotrimazole, miconazole, terconazole -Diflucan 150 mg PO x 1(resistant cases) -lactobacillus acidophilus Bacterial Vaginosis Metronidazole 500mg PO BID x 7 days (or 2g PO x1) OR Clindamycin 300mg PO BID x 7 days OR topical above creams QHS x 7 days Trichomonas Metronidazole 500mg PO bid x 7days or 2g PO x 1 Questions?