Chapter 18- Social Psych Notes

Chapter 18- Social Psych Notes
Fundamental Attribution Error-Dispositional vs. Situational
Fundamental Attribution Error ( Fritz Heider)-
Dispositional Vs. Situational ( How behaviors are explained)-
What causes good people to behave badly?
1. Diffusion of Responsibility-
2. Conformity-
Solomon Asch Study
Findings of study:
Ethical considerations:
What factors made people more likely to conform:
3. The Process of Deindividuation4. Dehumanizing Others-
Bandura StudyDescription:
Findings of study:
Ethical considerations:
What factors made people more likely to conform:
5. Obedience to Authority-
Obedience to Authority and The Milgram Study
Findings of study:
Ethical considerations:
What factors made people more likely to conform:
6. Conforming to a Role
Zimbardo Study
Findings of study:
Ethical considerations
What factors made people more likely to conform:
Chapter 18 – Social Psychology Notes
How attitudes, groups’ influences, social interaction, attraction and altruism change
our behaviors
AttitudesSelf- Fulfilling ProphecyFoot in the DoorCognitive Dissonance-
Group Influence
Social TrapNormative Vs. Social InfluencesSocial FacilitationSocial LoafingGroup PolarizationGroupThink-
Social InteractionPrejudice vs. StereotypeIn-group vs. Out-groupScapegoat TheoryCauses of PrejudiceCategorizationVivid casesJust World Phenomenon-
Causes of Aggression
Frustration –Aggression Principle-
Media and Aggression
Who are we attracted to?
ProximityMere Exposure EffectSimilarity-
Passionate vs. CompanionateMaking Love Last
EquitySelf Disclosure-
Being Altruistic
AltruismBystander EffectSocial Exchange TheorySuper ordinate Goals-