Questions and Answers Revision-1

Royal Buckingham International School
Subject: Social Studies
Grade- 5
Questions and Answers
Question -1 What is a water cycle?
Answer -1 The cycle of processes by which water
circulates between the earth's oceans, atmosphere,
and land, involving precipitation as rain and snow,
drainage in streams and rivers, and return to the
atmosphere by evaporation and transpiration.
Question -2 What is a transpiration?
Answer -2 Transpiration is the process by which plants
return water to the atmosphere. After absorbing water
from the ground, plants release water through their
Question -3 What is water vapour?
Answer -3Water vapour is the gas phase of water. When the liquid is turned into
gas it is formed.
Question -4 What is precipitation?
Answer -4. The liquid and solid water particles that fall from clouds and reach
the ground are known as precipitation. These particles include drizzle,
rain, snow, hail.
Question -5 What is evaporation?
Answer -5. Evaporation is when the sun heats up water in rivers or lakes or the
ocean and turns it into vapour or steam.
Royal Buckingham International School
Question -6 What is condensation?
Answer -6 Condensation occurs when a
gas is changed into a liquid.
Question -7 What are permeable rocks?
Answer -7 Permeable rocks are rocks that allow water to passes through/into
them. Examples are soil and sand.
Question -8 What are non-permeable rocks?
Answer -8 Non- permeable rocks are rocks that do not allow water to passes
through/into them. Examples are basalt and granite.
Question -9 What are glaciers?
Answer -9 A glacier is a huge mass of ice that moves slowly over land. The
term “glacier” comes from the French word glace (glah-SAY),
which means ice.
Question -10 What is erosion?
Answer -10 Erosion happens when rocks and sediments are picked up and
moved to another place by ice, water, wind or gravity. It is the breakdown of the
continents and the land around you.
Question -11 What is a tributary?
Answer -11 A tributary is a stream or river which flows into the main stem or
parent river. Atributary does not flow directly into the sea, ocean or lake.
Question -12 What is a pot-hole?
Answer -12 A small round hole carved in the rocky bed of a river by stones
which have been swirled around by the current.
Royal Buckingham International School
Question -13 What is a floodplain?
Answer -13 A nearly flat land along the course of a
stream or river that is naturally subject to flooding.
Question -14 What are meanders?
Answer -14 A meander is a bend in a river. A meander
forms when moving water in a stream erodes the
outer banks and widens its valley, and the inner part
of the river has less energy and deposits silt.
Question -15 What is an ox-bow lake?
Answer -15 An oxbow lake is a U-shaped body of
water that forms when a wide meander from the
main stem of a river is cut off, creating a freestanding body of water.
Question -16What is an estuary?
Answer -16 An estuary is a river’s mouth, where
freshwater from river mixes with the seawater from the
Question -17 What are fords?
Answer -17 A shallow place in a river or stream allowing one to walk or
drive across.
Question -18 What is a port?
Answer -18 A place where ships load and unload
their cargo.
Royal Buckingham International School
Questions and Answers
1. What is evaporation?
2.What is transpiration?
3. What is erosion?
4. What is water cycle? [4]
Royal Buckingham International School
5. What are permeable rocks? Give 2 examples?
6. What is a glacier?
7. What is a floodplain?
8. What is a ford?
Royal Buckingham International School
Subject: Social Studies
Grade- 5
River Rhine
The Rhine is one of the longest and most important
river in Europe. It runs for over 1,232 km (766 mi)
from its source in the in the Swiss Alps (in
Switzerland), issuing from the Rheinwaldhorn Glacier
3,353m above sea level. The River Rhine is the
major source of hydro-electricity. The Rhine is also
linked to the other main rivers of Europe by canals,
so that cargoes from the Rhine ports or overseas
can be sent all over mainland Europe. Many large settlements have developed on
the banks of the River Rhine.
The Rhine flows through six countries -Switzerland, Principality of Liechtenstein,
Austria, Germany, France and the Netherlands before flowing into the North Sea at
Rotterdam. As the Rhine enters Germany it becomes the border between Germany
and France. Many years ago, the Rhine was considered as one of the most polluted
rivers in Europe. Many tourists each year go on Rhine River cruises, travelling by
river barge.
River Nile
The River Nile is about 6,670 km (4,160 miles) in length and is
the longest river in Africa and in the world. Although it is
generally associated with Egypt, only 22% of the Nile’s course
runs through Egypt.In Egypt, the River Nile creates a fertile
green valley across the desert. It was by the banks of the river
that one of the oldest civilizations in the world began. The
ancient Egyptians lived and farmed along the Nile, using the soil
to produce food for themselves and their animals. Around 40
million people (half of Egypt’s population) live in the Nile Delta
The River Nile is in Africa. It originates in Burundi, south of the equator, and flows
northward through northeastern Africa, eventually flowing through Egypt and finally
draining into the Mediterranean Sea. The River Nile is in Africa. It originates
in Burundi, south of the equator, and flows northward through north eastern Africa,
eventually flowing through Egypt and finally draining into the Mediterranean Sea.
The Aswan High Dam was built in 1970 to help regulate flooding of the Nile River.
Before the Aswan Dam was built, years that featured high levels of water could wipe
out crops while years of low level water could produce famines and drought. The
dam helps control these water levels.
Royal Buckingham International School