OHS AP Human Geography

OHS AP Human Geography
Jennifer Julian
Class Website:
Course Description
Advanced Placement Human Geography is and introductory college course in human geography. Human
Geography entails pretty much all of life. It is about the here and now. It is about people and groups and how
geography shapes those people and groups. Unlike “traditional” geography courses, Human Geography is not
about simple place location; instead it goes much deeper into the successes and struggles of various societies
(including our own).
The purpose of the AP Human Geography course is to introduce students to the systematic study of patterns and
processes that have shaped human understanding, use, and alteration of Earth’s surface. Students learn to employ
spatial concepts and landscape analysis to examine human socioeconomic organization and its environmental
consequences. Students will also learn about the methods and tools geographers use in their research and
College Level Goals!
-Interpret maps and analyze geospatial data.
-Understand and explain the implications of associations and networks phenomena in places.
-Recognize and interpret the relationships among patterns and processes at different scales of analysis.
-Define regions and evaluate the regionalization process.
-Characterize and analyze changing interconnections among places.
Topics of Study
-Geography: Its Nature and Perspectives
-Population and Migration
-Cultural Patterns and Processes
-Political Organization of Space
-Agriculture, Food Production, and Rural Land Use
-Industrialization and Economic Development
-Cities and Urban Land Use
Required Materials
-Textbook: Rubenstein, James. The Cultural Landscape: An Introduction to Human Geography, Eleventh Edition.
-Sturdy 3-ring binder of 2+ inches with 10 dividers
-#2 pencils and pens (black or blue only)
-Loose-leaf paper; Paper ripped from spiral-bound notebooks is NOT acceptable for assignments, quizzes, and
other class activities unless the edge has perforations that permit the NEAT removal of the little "taggy" pieces.
(Just one of my little pet peeves.)
Continued….. 
OHS AP Human Geography
-Recommended: AP Human Geography Study/Review book. You can find these online or on the
”Review Materials” page on the class webpage.
- Assignment notebook/ Calendar/ Planner
Grading Determination/Scale:
Your grade will be determined on your achievement on the following
assessments of learning:
-Daily participation and preparation work
-Homework assignments
-Unit Free Response Questions (FRQ’s)
-Unit Exams
-Midterm Exam
-Final Exams
Grading Scale
Below 60%
AP Expectations
Respectful Behavior in Human Geography looks like…
Being fair and honest with other individuals in the classroom. Respect others opinions and they will respect yours.
Due to the nature of the course at times you will be required to examine your own personal beliefs and at times
become familiar with other students and cultures beliefs as well. It is imperative that WE as a class respect each
other’s differences when dealing with sensitive issues.
Having a positive attitude towards one another and the work that is being done within the classroom. Consider
Space, Usage and Volume for assignments and others.
Enter and leave in a quiet civil manner.
Having proper volume and voice and a mature attitude.
Not speaking while others have the floor. This goes for everyone not just the teacher/presenter.
Raising your hand if you have a question or need something. It keeps everyone organized and civil.
Having academic honesty and integrity. This means not copying someone’s assignment, essay, test etc. This also
means plagiarism.
Leaving your cell phone, iPod, or whatever other contraption you have off unless asked otherwise.
Be Responsible
Responsible Behavior in Human Geography looks like…
Having the proper required materials for the day. Always have on hand something to write on and something to
write with. If you forget your supplies please ask a neighbor. You will need your book Everyday.
Having and using a Binder/Folder to keep assignments. You will turn this in at the end of each chapter and it worth
points for each assignment. It must be organized and include all of your work from the chapter.
Having a notebook specifically for AP HUG. There will be note-checks periodically for points. It is important to
keep notes neat and organized.
OHS AP Human Geography
Being in the classroom before the last bell. Your first and second tardy will result in a warning any after will result
in a detention. (SWIPE)
Using the pass only when absolutely necessary. Let’s remember why we are here. Remember you will not be
allowed to leave the first ten minutes of class or the last ten minutes of class.
Having assignments done on time. My late assignment policy will be discussed in class.
Be Engaged
Engaged Behavior in Human Geography looks like…
Paying attention to what is going on and being ready to get involved.
Not working on other classes assignments, this will not be allowed under any circumstances.
Being ready to use every second in class. We will be active from bell to bell.
Paying attention to the world around you and current events. Yes, that means that I am telling you to watch T.V.,
but I am talking about the news, Discovery Channel, Travel Channel, TLC, the National Geographic Channel and the
History Channel. Also, TIME Magazine and Weekly are great current event resources. *Extra Credit opportunity
could arise.
Using electronic devices from time to time, but only when it is for the lesson. Therefore, unless I tell you, leave the
following off your desk (Resist temptation!): phone, iPod, laptop, or any other new gadget that is created.
Skills that we will develop through this course according to the ACT College Readiness Standards
I: Main Ideas
II: Supporting Details
III: Sequential, Comparative and Cause-Effect Relationships
IV: Meaning of Words
V: Generalizations and Conclusions
VI: Interpreting maps, graphs, and charts
The AP Exam
The AP Exam will be given in May to all students that participate in this challenging course. As the dates are
announced they will be posted in class and throughout the building. The exam consists of both a multiple choice
section and a FRQ section. Students will be pulled out of class on the selected date to complete the exam. With a
passing score, students may receive college credit, this will be discussed later in the year. (Not a bad deal!)
*Attached is an outline of each chapter/unit for this course. We will refer to this periodically so keep it safe!