Warm-Up #1 Define the following

Warm-Up #1
Define the following:
Breadbasket Colonies
term referring to the Middle Colonies because they
grew so much food
elected representatives to an assembly
Warm-Up #2
Define the following:
the process of settling an area which is to be ruled
by the native country
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
one of the first written constitutions in the
Warm-Up #3
Define the following:
Great Awakening
a religious movement of the 1730s & 1740s that
emphasized a personal relationship with God &
the importance of doing good
Indentured Servants
laborers who agreed to work without pay for a
certain period of time in exchange for passage to
Warm-Up #4
Define the following:
1st permanent English settlement in North America;
founded in Virginia in 1607
Mayflower Compact
document signed by the Pilgrims in which they
agreed they would form a representative
government & obey its laws
Warm-Up #5
Define the following:
system in which it is a colony’s responsibility to
support its parent country
Warm-Up #6
Define the following:
Navigation Acts
a series of English laws to regulate trade between
the mother country & her colonies
Northwest Passage
A non-existent water route to Asia through North
America sought by European explorers
Warm-Up #7
Define the following:
separatists who journeyed to the colonies during
the 1600s, wanted to reform the Anglican church
Plantation System
economic system in the South in which large farms
(plantations) grew cash crops for export & slaves
were used to produce these crops
Warm-Up #8
Define the following:
Protestants who, during the 1600s, wanted to reform
the Anglican Church
religious group that left England for America because
of religious persecution; believed everyone was equal,
including women, blacks, & Native Americans. They
also believed in non-violence & refused to serve in any
military conflict.
Warm-Up #9
Define the following:
Religious Toleration
accepting or permitting others’ religious beliefs &
practices which disagree with one’s own
Representative Government
a system for running a country in which elected
delegates speak & vote for the people
Warm-Up #10
Define the following:
a loyalty to the region in which a person lives
A system in which people own & control other
people for the purpose of getting work done
Warm-Up #11
Define the following:
Thirteen Colonies
Original east coast areas settled by Great Britain
(England) in 1607 that became the original 13 states
Virginia House of Burgesses
First representative assembly (legislature)
Original 13 Colonies
Warm-Up #12
Define the following:
Triangular Trade
A trade route that exchanged goods between the
West Indies (Caribbean), the American colonies, &
West Africa. A portion of this trade route was
known as the Middle Passage, where enslaved
Africans were shipped to the West Indies