Anatomy Terminology **You will need these notes throughout the WHOLE year!** Why do we need to learn these words? • Veterinarians use these terms to discuss the animal injuries, where to inject shots, or just general explanations of animals. • If you decide to go into the field of veterinarian medicine, you will already have an advantage in your degree or job! Directional Terms • Adjacent: Next to, adjoining, or close to • Cranial: Position more towards the CRANIUM or head end of the body. (can also be craniad or cranially) • Caudal: position more towards the tail end of the body. (can also be cudad or caudally) • Cephalic: Pertaining to the head (not used as • • • • frequently as cranial) Rostral: pertaning to the nose end or towards the nose Dorsal: pertaining to the back area of the quadruped (an animal with 4 legs) or a position more toward the back. Ventral: the belly or the underside of a quadruped or toward the belly (down) Lateral: a position farther away from the median plane of the body or of a structure (ex. The lateral surface of the leg is the outside surface) • Medial: a position closer to the median plane of the body or of a structure • Oblique: at an angle or pertaining to an angle • Superficial: near the surface; not deep • Deep: situated far beneath the surface • Peripheral: situated near the outer areas or surface of a body or structure • Proximal: nearest to the center of the body relative to another body part, or a location on a body part relative to another more distant location • Distal: farthest from the center of the body relative to another body part, or a location on a body part relative to another closer location • Superior: above or directed above • Inferior: below or directed below Postitional Terms • Caudal: back side of the leg above the carpus • • • and tarsus Cranial: front side of the leg above the carpus and tarsus Dorsal: the front side of the leg from the carpus and tarsus distally (what is that again??) Palmar or volar: the caudal surface of the front leg from the carpus to the phalanges (includes the bottom surface of the front foot) • Plantar: caudal surface of the hind leg from the hock to the phalanges (includes the bottom surface of the hind foot) • Pronation: the act of turning the body or arm so the palm is down • Prone: to lie face down • Recumbent: lying down (modifying this term also tells which way the animal is lying down: ex. Dorsal recumbency= the animal is lying on its back) • Supination: the act of turning the body or arm so the palm is up • Supine: to lie face up Anatomical Terms • Abdominal: abdomen • Antebrachium: the distal area of the front legs of an animal, below the elbow joint • Appendicular: the limbs and their attachments to the axis of the body • Axial: the head, neck and trunk related to the axis of the body • Axillary: pertaining to the armpit area • Brachial: the proximal area of the front legs of an animal, above the elbow joint • Cervical: the neck area • Coccygeal: the tail or vertebrae of the tail • Cranium: the part of the skill that encases the brain • Crural: the rear legs of an animal • Digital: the area of the foot where the animal’s toes, or toe bones, are located • Frontal: pertaining to the forehead • Inguinal: pertaining to the groin • Lumbar: pertaining to the lumbar vertebrae • Mammary: pertaining to the mammary glands • Nasal: nose • Oral: mouth • Orbital: pertaining to the bony eye socket • Patellar: the patella or kneecap • Pelvic: pertaining to the pelvis or hip bones • Perineal: pertaining to the region between or surrounding the anus and the external genitalia • Peritoneal: pertaining to the cavity inside the abdomen and the membrane that line it • Pleural: the cavity inside the chest and the membranes that line it • Popliteal: the caudal area or back of the true knee (the stifle joint) where the popliteal lymph node is located • Pubic: pertaining to the bone located between the animal’s rear legs, known as the pubic bone • Quadrants: arbitrary divisions of the abdominal cavity into 4 equal sections using the mid-abdominal transverse and medial planes as the dividing lines • Sacral: pertaining to the sacrum, the fused vertebrae by which the pelvis is attached to the backbone • Scapular: the scapula or shoulder blade area • Sternal: the region of the sternum or breastbone • Stifle: the true knee, or femorotibial joint • Thoracic: the thorax or chest • Umbilical: pertaining to the umbilicus or navel (bellybutton) • Vertebral: the vertebrae or spinal column