Julius Caesar

A Summary of Each Scene
Cassius begins to
 Through the exposition we find out that
Julius Caesar returns Triumphant to
Rome!!! He has conquered Pompey and his
 It seems everyone is happy and celebrating
until we stumble upon Flavius and Murellus
and conflict arises.
 Both call the commoners two-faced as they
had recently cheered for Pompey.
 The commoners leave and Flavius decides
they need to tear down all the items
celebrating Caesar’s victory!
 Caesar enters to the ovation of his people!
 Antony gets ready to run a ceremonial race because
today is the feast of Lupercal. This is important
because we now know it is February 15th! He must
touch Calpurnia to rid her of her sterility.
 The Soothsayer says “Be ware the Ides of March!”
(March 15th) Caesar dismisses him as a “dreamer”.
 Cassius and Brutus speak.
 Cassius flatters Brutus and they hear cheering and
fear Caesar is now king.
 The others return and they tell them that Caesar
refused the crown 3 times.
 Caesar sees Cassius and tells Antony “he has a hungry
 Cassius hopes Brutus’ nobleness does not prevent him
from being corrupted!
Casca and Cicero are first to meet that night
on the roman streets.
They speak of all the omens they have seen.
They then talk about Caesar going to the
capitol the next day. Cicero says men see
omens for what they want them to be…Cicero
Cassius enters and tells Casca that he believes
these omens show that the gods are angry at
Caesar and that they are right and just.
They talk about resistance when Cinna enters.
They talk about how they need Brutus on their
side and Cassius gives Cinna letters to leave
for Brutus to find.
In the dark of night
a plan emerges
 Brutus paces in the dark at his orchard, He can
not sleep or eat and is not sure what he should do
about Caesar.
His servant Lucius lets him know it is March 15th.
He has a major soliloquy where he discusses the
evils of Caesar having power. Why crush the
snake when you can crush the egg first?
The other conspirators arrive and they decide to go
on with it.
They decide not to kill Antony, despite Cassius’
They will meet at Caesar’s house at 8 in the
 Caesar says his wife has been awake all
night with dreams of him spewing blood.
 Calpurnia begs for him not to go to the
Senate. He tells her he will die when he is
meant to die. Finally he reluctantly decides
to stay at home.
 Decius arrives and tells Caesar he is
mistaken that the dream shows how he will
give “life force” to Rome. Caesar decides he
will go so he does not look weak.
 The conspirators arrive at Caesar’s house at
8, as promised, to lead him to the senate.
 Artemidorus decides he will write
Caesar a letter warning him that
those he considers his friends are not.
He names all the conspirators and
decides he will give this letter to
Caesar in hopes of saving his life.
Portia, Brutus’ wife begins to freak
Portia sends her servant to the senate
to see what is happening.
The servant is slower than Portia
would like.
A Soothsayer speaks to Portia and
foretells of something bad happening
to Caesar.
The plan comes
together and sides are
This scene begins with Caesar entering the senate. The
soothsayer and Artemidorous appear to warn Caesar.
Metellus requests that his brother be allowed to return.
Caesar refuses the request. The conspirators surround
Caesar even bowing at his feet. Casca stabs Caesar
first but all join in the stabbing but Brutus is last.
Caesar remarks, “Et tu, Brute?” They decide they are
heroes and must go tell the people. They bathe their
hands in his blood. Antony enters and becomes
friends with the conspirators. He ask to know their
reason, if he may give Caesar a proper burial, and
speak at his funeral. They all agree, Cassius
begrudgingly. Antony speaks after all have left and lets
the audience know he will avenge Caesar.
 Blank verse vs. Prose.
 Blank verse=unrhymed Iambic Pentameter
Pentameter=5 accented syllables per line
 Prose for the lower class
 Cassius and Brutus split the crowd and will
speak to them. Brutus proves to the crowd
that Caesar was a tyrant. The people think
he is a hero and offer to raise him on their
shoulders. He asks that the people stay and
listen to Antony, for he speaks at their will.
Antony moves the people and convinces them
that Caesar was murdered. He tells them
Caesar willed them money and lands and
truthfully had no ambition. This stirs the
plebeians into a rage!
 The crowds get angry and are looking for
justice. Cassius and Brutus flee the city
and the mob is out to kill any of the
conspirators that remain. They mistake
Cinna the poet for Cinna the conspirator.
When they realize he isn’t the correct Cinna
they killed him anyway.
The aftermath of a quick
decision. They pick red
rover teams
 Octavius, Antony, and Lepidus meet to
discuss the future. Antony tells Octavius
that he thinks Lepidus is dumb and
unworthy of being a member of the
triumvirate. Octavius states that Lepidus is
a good and valiant soldier.
 Brutus and Cassius are in camp and
begin to quarrel. Brutus persuades
Cassius to go into the tent to quarrel
so they do not appear divided in front
of their men. Cassius accuses Brutus
of doing him wrong. Brutus accuses
Cassius of taking bribes. They both
end the scene friends and allies.
The battle begins
 The two forces meet on the field.
Each tries to decide their game plan.
Octavius & Antony and Brutus &
Cassius meet at the center of the field
to discuss the battle to come.
 The battle physically begins. Brutus
feels a weakness in Octavius’ ranks and
decides to take advantage of it.
 Cassius and Brutus are in battle. Cassius
asks Titinius to ride on his horse towards
his tents to see if the soldiers are friends or
foe. When Titinius is overtaken Cassius
fears the worst. He has his slave Pindarus
stab him in the gut…help him commit
suicide. Pindarus is not free and leaves.
Titinius returns, places the wreath on
Cassius’ head and kills himself. Brutus says
that he cannot deal with this sorrow right
 Brutus prepares for another battle. He
makes Lucillius get on his horse and
pretend he is Brutus. He is taken over
and the people soon realize he is not
 Brutus sits with what remains of his
army. Brutus decides he needs to end
his life. He asks a friend to hold the
sword for him. His friend says no.
Strato holds the sword. Brutus kills
himself. Antony comes upon the scene
and decides that Brutus deserves a
heroes death as he was noble.