Blood - Images

1. What is the blood volume in an adult male? 5-6mLNormal pH?7
2. What percentage of blood is made up of: plasma55%, cells?45%
3. What are the functions of blood? Deliver oxygen to tissues, remove wastes, immune response.
4. Name the formed elements. Red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets
5. How does the structure of a RBC make it ideal for its job? Small and can move easily through vessels
6. How many oxygen molecules can 1 RBC carry? (calculate this) (4x250 million) 1 billion
7. Where and HOW are RBC produced? In the red bone marrow hematopoiesis.
8. How long do RBC live? 120 days How are they taken out of circulation?
9. What is EPO? What is its job? OMIT
10. Describe these diseases (causes, symptoms): anemia lack of RBC, sickle cell anemia- mis
shaped RBC, polycythemia. Over abundance of RBC
12. What are the ABO blood types? A, B, AB, and O
13. Complete the table:
Blood Type
Antigens on
Antibodies in Can receive
this type of
What are the Rh blood groups? Presence or absence of D antigen
Where were they first discovered? In the Rhesus Monkey
What Rh factor do most people have? Rh+
How can Rh factor be a problem for a newborn? When the mother is Rh- her body will build up
antibodies against an Rh+ fetus.
18. What are all WBCs called? Leukocytes
19. How do WBC differ from RBC? WBCs have a nucleus and play a role in the immune system
20. Where are WBC made? Bone marrow
21. What is diapedesis? What does it have to do with WBC? Bonus Question
22. What are the 2 primary groups of WBC? Granulocytes and Agranulocytes Name and
describe the members of each group. See you Formed elements table we have in our notes.
23. What is hemostasis? Process of blood clotting
24. What is the role of platelets in hemostasis? Form a platelet plug for RBC to attach to.
25. In what diseases do clots form in vessels?
26. What drugs reduce platelet aggregation? Aspirin, Heprin
Cardiovascular System
1. Be able to identify all the structures of the heart. (See you diagram)
2. Be able to identify all the coverings of the heart.
3. List the four chambers of the heart.
4. Which chamber of the heart has the greatest muscle mass?
5. Which layer of the heart wall is the thickest?
6. List the 3 layers of the heart wall.
7. Indicate the location of the 3 layers of the heart wall.
8. List what type of tissue each layer of the heart wall is made up of.
9. What valves separate the right atrium and right ventricle?
10.What valves separate the left atrium and right ventricle?
11. Name the largest artery that leaves the heart.
12. Name the largest vein that empties into the heart.
13. What is the function of valves found in veins?
14. Compare and contrast the structures and functions of veins and arteries in a t-chart.
15. Which vessels in the body are considered bilaterally symmetrical ( found on each side of
the body)?
16. How many tunic layers make up the walls of arteries and veins and what are they
17. How many tunic layers make up capillaries?
18. Which chamber of the heart is the first to receive freshly oxygenated blood?
19. What is cardiac output?
20. How is cardiac output determined (Hint: there is an equation)?
21.Given an end-diastolic volume of 150 ml, an end-systolic volume of 50 ml, and a heart
rate of 60 bpm, the cardiac output is what?
22. Write in sequence the events of depolarization of the heart nerves.
23. Define systole, diastole, stroke volume, and cardiac cycle.
24. Describe in detail the events that occur during the cardiac cylcle (Hint see Fig. 11.7).
25. Trace one drop of blood from the time it enters the R atrium of the heart until it enters
the L atrium. What is this circuit called?
26. What is the function of the fluid that fills the pericardial sac?
27. What genetic disorder occurs when coagulation factors are abnormal or absent?
28. Reduction or lack of red blood cells.
29. Name the type of cancer in which abnormal production of one or more leukocytes
30. Name the disorder characterized by overabundance of erythrocytes.
31. Disease in which abnormally shaped RBC’s are made.