7th Grade Study Guide for Social Studies Final Chapter 7 Lesson 1

7th Grade Study Guide for Social Studies Final
Chapter 7
Lesson 1 Be able to:
Explain what each state needs to do create their state government P.176
Define bicameral and tell how it relates to the state’s government P.177
Identify who was allowed to vote in elections p.176
Explain the type of government the United States was forming and how it would run. P.177
Describe the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation pgs. 178-179
Explain the policies regarding land in the West- Ordinance of 1785, Northwest Ordinance, and the Land Act of 1800 pgs 180181
Identify the problems that were developing at home because of the weak Confederation Government pgs. 182-183
Describe relationships between the U.S., Great Britain and France. Pgs. 183
Lesson 2 Be able to:
Explain the events that were occurring because of the articles of Confederation. Pg. 184
Describe the events of Shay’s Rebellion pgs. 184-185
Identify when and where the Constitutional Convention occurred p. 187
Explain the roles of James Wilson, James Madison, and Gouverneur Morris played in the forming of the Constitution. P. 188189
Explain the terms of the Great Compromise and the Three-fifths Compromise p.190
Explain how the problem of slavery was going to be handled and the issue of a Bill of Rights p.180-181
Cite when and where the Constitution was finally approved. P. 191
Identify who refused to sign the Constitution and why. p. 191
Lesson 3 Be able to:
Explain the term federalism as it applied to the U. S. p.195
Identify powers left to the states and those shared between the federal and state governments p. 196
Explain why the Constitution was the “supreme law of the land”. P.196
Identify and explain the roles of the three branches of the government. P.197
Explain how the checks and balances work. P.197
Compare/contrast the beliefs of the Federalists/Anti-Federalists. P.198
Tell when the Constitution was ratified. p. 199
Chapter 8
Lesson 1 Be able to:
Define popular sovereignty, limited government p. 206, p. 207
Explain enumerated power, reserved powers, concurrent powers, implied powers p. 207, p.211
Explain what is contained in the Bill of Rights and be able to give three of them p. 209
Identify the rights and duties of a citizen. Pgs. 214-215
Chapter 9
Lesson 1 Be able to:
Explain the problems faced by Washington as 1st President. pgs. 246-248
Name the three important actions taken by Washington and Congress for the new government p. 246
Describe Hamilton’s plan to help the economy p. 249
Explain the opposition to Hamilton’s plan and explain the compromise that was made pgs. 250-251
Explain the disagreement over a National Bank p.251
Lesson 2 Be able to:
Challenges of the Whiskey Rebellion and Native Americans in the West. Pgs. 252-253
Explain conflicts that Washington faced with Britain and Spain. Pgs. 254-255
Cite the meaning behind Washington’s Farewell remark about foreign policy. P.255
Lesson 3 Be able to:
Compare the views of the Federalists and the Republicans. Pgs. 256-257 (graphic organizer)
Explain the events known as the XYZ Affair. P.259
Explain the Alien and Sedition acts. P. 259
Chapter 10
Lesson 1 -3 Be able to:
Describe the events of the 1800 election of Jefferson p.269
Explain the principles of judicial review p. 271
Give the details and results of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Pgs. 274-275
Explain how piracy led to the war with Tripoli p. 279
Describe the problems we encountered with France and Britain while they were at war. Pgs. 280-281
Explain the issues that faced James Madison when he took office. Pgs. 282-283
Lesson 4 Be able to:
Describe how we were drawn into the war of 1812
Identify the strengths that the U.S. had in the war. P. 286
Describe the battle that was the turning point of the war. P. 288
Explain the event that took place before the Americans knew of the signing of the Treaty of Ghent p. 288
Chapter 11
Lesson 1 and 2 Be able to:
Explain new inventions and new technology that developed during the Industrial Age. Pgs. 296-297
Describe the three elements of free enterprise. P 298
Changes that developed to help agriculture remain a leading occupation. P.299
Lesson3 Be able to:
Describe new technology that helped bring about a movement of people and goods to the West. Pgs. 302-305
Explain what brought about sectionalism in the U.S. pgs. 308-309
Explain how Missouri’s admittance to the Union sparked the Missouri Compromise. P.308-309
Explain the importance of the Monroe Doctrine. P.315