Titles For Research Assignments Titles Good titles make favorable first impressions. Don’t underline your title. Don’t put your title in quotation marks. Do capitalize all but small connecting words. Do skip one line between your title and the body of your paper. Titles Should describe the content of the paper, not the assignment. Bad Titles: – Career Project Evaluation Essay – First History Paper – Essay #1 Titles cont. Should be professional rather than personal. Should not be statements of fact. Should not leave the reader wondering what the essay is all about. Bad titles: – – – – Why I choose Nursing I want to be a Biologist My goal: Rocket Scientist Why it’s Difficult for me to Decide Titles cont. Should indicate the tone/approach of the essay. Good titles: – Nursing: A Financially and Spiritually Rewarding Career – The Time is Worth it: Taking the High Road to the Ph.D. in English – Career Options for Extroverts with Strong Math Skills 25 Titles 1. Backseats 2. Praying in the Backseat 3. Now I'm waiting for the end of Time . . . 4. Here comes the Mack Truck! 5. Jesus and Me -- Backseat Buddies 6. Ford Falcons, Chevy Impalas and other things 7. Sin, Sex, and the Saviour 8. Jesus Loves Me? 9. In the Family Way 10. Love, Love Me Do 11. Down the Highway of Life: A View from the Backseat 12. The Things I've Prayed For 13. Holding Death At Bay -- Prayers from the Backseat 14. Death and Sex 15. Surprise, It's the Minister! 16. Ring Around the Rosary 17. Now I Lay Me Down 18. Lay it all Down 19. Blood, Sweat and Tears: a Story from the Backseat 20. The Lord is With Me? 21. Thinking about Religion: Backseat Meditations 22. Love and Death: Backseat Buddies 23. Stories from the Backseat at 6 and 16 24. Deaths: The Big one and the Little one 25. A Rear View Mirror Story 25 more 1. Sacrifice 2. The Altar of my Love 3. Altered States: Backseats at Six and Sixteen 4. Ruminiations of a Catholic in the Backseat 5. Catholic Girl Grows Up 6. How Cars affected my Religious Faith 7. Backseat Catholic 8. Blood Bearing Fruit 9. Religious Ecstacy 10. Growing up in the Backseat 11. Praying by the Light of the Moon 12. Crucifixes and Crusades: Backseat Chronicles 13. Backseat Yarns: Or, The Tangled Web I Wove 14. I don't want to Die! 15. Damned for All Time! 16. The Rosary and the Radio 17. Now and at the Hour of our Death (of course) 18. Mad Woman in the Backseat 19. Guilty, as Usual/Always: A Backseat Catholic 20. I want to sit up front! 21. What I need is a little sports car without a backseat 22. Death Traps 23. Roll up the Windows and Lock the Doors 24. Bailing out of the Backseat 25. Backseat Blues Some Reflection . . . Okay. There are 50 titles. When I look them over, I see that some of them are awful, corny, unwieldy. Others are not so bad. I like, for example, "Death Traps" and "Backseat Blues". I also like "Now I Lay Me Down" because it's kind of a pun. It plays on the prayer we prayed as kids and the idea of getting or being laid, which is important to the second half of my essay. The tone of these three seems about right for me, too. Not too serious, not to flippant. I mean, this essay is funny, but it also has a serious side to it. I think what these titles would do for my essay is insist that somewhere in it I do some narrating or commenting about the situations. Right now, I've just presented them, laid them out there. Now I need to write a little bit about what they mean or fill in some context that will make their impact stronger. Academic Titles Reevaluating and Redefining Empathy: Or, How Whiteness Studies is Useful in a Multicultural Literature Course Rewriting Racism: Whiteness Studies in the Composition Classroom Questions as Tools For Two Kinds of Invention: Imitation and Inspiration Kenyan Women Building Nation -- Bridging Racial and Ethnic Differences in Marjorie Oludhe Macgoye's The Present Moment More of Them Authoring Nation in Kenya: Ngugi, Ogola and Macgoye Un-Becoming White: Navigating the Swamp: Fact and Fiction in Rosario Ferré’s The House on the Lagoon Creating a Liminal Space for Readers in Margaret Laurence's The Fire Dwellers: Carnival at Work in the Middle of Things More Academically Speaking Un-Becoming White: Identity Transformation in Louise Erdrich’s The Antelope Wife Becoming Indian, (Un)Becoming White: A Postcolonial Reading of Louise Erdrich's The Antelope Wife Whiteness and Indianness in Louise Erdrich's The What White People Can Learn from Louise Erdrich's The What Louise Erdrich Teaches White People in The Good Indians and Bad Indians: Defining "Indian" through White Cultural Lenses in Louise Erdrich's The Antelope Wife Antelope Wife Antelope Wife Antelope Wife Influences of White Culture on the Characters in Lousie Erdrich's The Antelope Wife White-Washing the Indian: The Battle with Cultural Identity in Louise Erdrich's The Antelope Wife Part 2 Guilty as Charged: White Cultural Dominance in Louise Erdrich's The Antelope Wife Ain't Misbehaving: Cultural Imitation in Louise Erdrich's The Antelope Wife The Good, the Bad and The Ugly: Representations of Whiteness in Louise Erdrich's the Antelope Wife Is White always Wrong: Representations of Whiteness in Louise Erdrich's The Antelope Wife White and Wrong: Identity Troubles in Louise Erdrich's Identifying Stereotypes of Whiteness in Louise Erdrich's Interpreting Whiteness: White Stereotyping in Louise Erdrich's The Antelope Wife Switching Codes: Seeing Red and White in Louise Erdrich's The Antelope Wife The Antelope Wife The Antelope Wife