2013-2014 Campus and District Improvement Plan Texhoma ISD Approved by the Texhoma Board of Education On October 23, 2013 Amended on May 21, 2014 2013-2014 District Improvement Plan TEXHOMA ISD GOAL I: Students in grades PreK-4 will achieve excellence in all academic areas. OBJECTIVE: Ensure that all teachers are well trained and highly qualified. NEED ADDRESSED: Low percentage of students scoring on grade level on EOY TPRI. Strategy - Activity Review personnel records of current staff to ensure all are highly qualified in their teaching areas Advertise vacancies with university placement services Offer competitive salaries and pleasant working environment to attract high quality candidates. Provide opportunities for professional development in current scientifically based teaching methods to maximize student achievement Staff Responsible Timeline Superintendent October Superintendent By April each year, or as needed. Superintendent Ongoing Principal. Superintendent. Ongoing Resources Personnel records Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation State criteria for “Highly Qualified” Target Population Teachers Prospective teacher candidates SFA contract Region 16 Contracts Personnel, Other competent providers. Title I--$7,372 Title I—8,376 Local Funds--$5,000 Personnel Records, Professional Development evaluations, sign in sheets Certificates of completion Classroom observations Teachers Require all teachers to pursue ESL certification Superintendent Within 2 years of beginning of employment Study Guides Reg. 16 Contracts Prof. Dev. Personnel records Teachers Require all teachers to pursue GT certification grades K4 Principal Superintendent Within two years of beginning employment Region 16 Contracts Professional Development Title I—8,376 Local Funds--$5,000 Certificates of Completion Teachers 2013-2014 District Improvement Plan TEXHOMA ISD GOAL II: Maintain optimum teaching/learning environment. OBJECTIVE: Ensure that TexhomaElementary School is a safe and non-violent campus. NEED ADDRESSED: Failure to attain “Satisfactory Level II” status schoolwide. Low percentage of students scoring on grade level on EOY TPRI. Strategy - Activity Contract with Region 16 ESC to provide professional development opportunities for teachers in suicide prevention, bullying education and prevention, and violence prevention and intervention. Staff Responsible Principal PEIMS Coordination Provide schoolwide Principal professional development in discipline management using the “Love and Logic” model Teachers will use the Love Principal and Logic model of Reading Coach conflict resolution in classrooms and common areas of the school, and will teach conflict resolution strategies to students. Timeline Resources Annually in May Region 16 Contracts Staff development records Title I--$8,376 Local Funds--$5,000 Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation Review of staff development records Target Population Teachers/staff members August “Love and Logic” Materials Teacher surveys Refocus forms/records Teachers/staff members Ongoing Love and Logic program Teacher surveys PreK-4th Students Strategy - Activity Playground doors will be unlocked while children are on the playground, but locked at all other times. Gates to the playground will remain closed and locked during the school day. Visitors will be required to sign in at the office and have a visitor’s pass while in the building. Staff Responsible Superintendent Principal Custodian Timeline Resources Ongoing Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation Observation Superintendent Principal Custodian Ongoing Observation Superintendent Principal School Secretary Ongoing Visitor’s sign in sheet Visitor passes Sign in Sheet Target Population School Visitors GOAL II: Maintain optimum teaching/learning environment. OBJECTIVE: Ensure a low student/teacher ratio in all grades. NEED ADDRESSED: Failure to attain “Exemplary” status schoolwide. Low percentage of students scoring on grade level on EOY TPRI. Strategy - Activity Limit class size to a maximum of 22 students per teacher Teaching Assistant in PreK and K Staff Responsible Timeline Resources Superintendent August Local funds--SCE Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation Enrollment data Superintendent August Local Funds--SCE Personnel records Target Population All students All Students 2013-2014 District Improvement Plan TEXHOMA ISD GOAL III: At least 90% of the students will pass the 2014STAAR Writing test OBJECTIVE: Provide opportunities for writing in grades PreK-4th at least once per week as developmentally appropriate. NEED ADDRESSED: Increase the number of students with a rating of 4 on the written composition for the 4th grade STAAR writing test. Use of Spelling, Capitalization, and Punctuation. Strategy - Activity Staff Timeline Resources Formative Evaluation Target Population Responsible Summative Evaluation Annually disaggregate and Principal Completed STAAR data from STAAR data disaggregated & All Students disseminate STAAR Certified Staff Annually by AEIS Report delivered to SBDM Committee, writing information to SBDM September Secretarial Staff appropriate grade levels for SBDM committee and Committee Technology needs assessments staff for review and analysis Students will participate in Principal Monitor Notebooks and Paper Teacher observation All Students Journal writing weekly Certified Staff implementation & 4thSTAAR Writing Test progress of the activity every 4 wks st th Students in 1 – 4 learn Principal Monitor Daily Oral Language, Student grades and Teacher All Students sentence structure and Certified Staff implementation & Texas Write Source Observation grammar progress of the activity every 4 4thSTAAR Writing Test weeks Effective teaching Principal Ongoing Core Curriculum Lesson Plans All Language Arts methods and instructional LA Teachers Materials Classroom Observation Teachers strategies that are founded on scientifically based research will be used by all language arts teachers. Strategy - Activity Provide extensive training activities to staff regarding instructional methods and strategies that are based on scientific research to assist students, regular and special education students, to pass the STAAR Writing Test. Continuation of the process of data driven instruction to help all students master TEKS. Provide awareness training to ensure that students, parents, and community are aware of the importance of STAAR Writing Test. Develop and implement scope and sequence curriculum that encompasses & integrates appropriate STAAR writing objectives and review on an annual basis. Staff Responsible Timeline Resources Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation Survey Reports, Staff Development Records Target Population Principal Superintendent Reg. 16 ESC SFA personnel Annual Staff Development Calendar Staff Surveys, Staff Development Records, Small Rural Schools Title I--$8,376 Local Funds--$5,000 Principal Certified Staff Monitor implementation & progress of the activity each week Completed by January Small Rural Schools Fund--$3000 Teacher observation 4thSTAAR Writing Test TEKS Assessments All Students Disaggregated Scores, STAAR Data, AEIS Report, Publicized Open Board Meeting All Students, Parent & Community Annually in October and November STAAR objectives, TEKS, AEIS Report, Test Data, PEIMS Report, Staff Surveys AEIS School District Report, Sign-in sheets from Parent sessions, STAAR news articles, minutes of board meeting, District Report Card sent home to parents Staff Surveys on file, Lesson Plans on Educational Calendar for each grade level. Principal Superintendent SBDM Committee Board of Trustees Principal Superintendent SBDM Committee All Staff All Students 2013-2014 District Improvement Plan TEXHOMA ISD GOAL IV: At least 90% of the students will pass the 2014 STAAR Reading test or released STAAR Reading test. OBJECTIVE: Implement and enrich “Success For All” program fully in the 2013-2014 school year for all grades. NEED ADDRESSED: Lower STAAR test scores on the Summarization and inferencing objectives. Strategy - Activity Staff Timeline Resources Formative Evaluation Responsible Summative Evaluation Annually disaggregate Principal Completed STAAR data from STAAR data disaggregated & and disseminate STAAR Certified Staff Annually by AEIS Report delivered to SBDM Committee, reading information to SBDM September 30 Secretarial Staff appropriate grade levels for SBDM committee and Technology needs assessments staff for review and analysis Effective teaching Principal Ongoing Lesson Plans methods and Reading Coach Classroom Observation instructional strategies that are founded on scientifically based research will be used by all reading teachers. Provide extensive Principal Annual Staff Staff Surveys, Staff Survey Reports, Staff inservice training Superintendent Development Development Records, Development Records activities to staff Reg. 16 ESC Calendar Small Rural Schools regarding instructional Fund--$5000 methods grounded in Title I--$8,376 scientifically based Local Funds--$5,000 reading research to assist students, regular and special education students, to read on grade level and pass the STAAR test. Target Population All Students All Reading Teachers All Staff Strategy - Activity Timeline Resources Monitor implementation & progress of the activity every 4 weeks Accelerated Reader, K-Roots, S.T.A.R., SFA Program, Wings Story Retelling, and Treasure Hunts Title I--$7,372 Title I—8,376 Local Funds--$5,000 Book Reports (2nd – Principal 4th) Wings Classes Monitor implementation & progress of the activity every 9 weeks SFA Program and the Library Title I--$7,372 Local Funds--$1,000 Practice Reading daily (Pre K – 4th) Monitor implementation & progress of the activity every 4 weeks Story Retell (PreK – 4th) Adventures in Writing, Targeted Treasure Hunts Staff Responsible Principal Reading Coach Principal Superintendent Extended School Day and ExtendedSchool year for at risk students in 3rd – 4th grade for reading ESL Aide available Principall as needed; for pre-kindergarten and kindergarten and a tutor for 1st – 4th SFA Program , Read & Respond forms, Library, Accelerated Reader, Roots parent sign sheet, Shared Treasures Title I--$7,372 Local Funds--$5,000 Monitor SFA Program implementation & Title I--$7,372 progress of the Local Funds--$4,000 activity every week Monitor 3 bilingual aides implementation & progress of the activity every 9 wks Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation Kinder and Roots students retells story individually. Wings student’s test weekly. 2nd released STAAR Test 3rd& 4thSTAAR Reading Test RPTE Test for LEP Target Population All Students Student Grade and postings around the school 2nd released STAAR Test 3rd& 4thSTAAR Reading Test RPTE Test for LEP Reports to other classes Pre K signed homework readaloud sheets, K-Roots and Roots read/responds, Wings score sheet and read/responds with parent signatures, STAAR Reading Test, RPTE Test for LEP, ITBS test 1st and 2nd, TPRI for k-3. Compare Pre (May) and post (July) test, 2nd – 4th Release STAARReading Test RPTE Test for LEP All Students in grades 2 -4 Progress of ESL students 9 wks report cards and progress reports (Formative) Release STAARReading Test RPTE Test and TOP for LEP (Summative) ESL students needing additional assistance All Students At Risk students who are experiencing difficulty Strategy - Activity Staff Responsible Timeline Resources Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation AEIS School District Report, Sign-in sheets from Parent sessions, STAAR news articles, minutes of board meeting, District Report Card sent home to parents Target Population Provide awareness training to ensure that students, parents, and community are aware of the importance of STAAR Reading Test. Principal Superintendent SBDM Committee, Board of Trustees Completed by January of each year. Disaggregated Scores, STAAR Data, AEIS Report, Texhoma/Goodwell News, Publicized Open Board Mtg, Text Messaging Continuation of the process of data driven instruction to help all students master TEKS Continue the implementation of scope and sequence curriculum that encompasses & integrates appropriate STAAR reading objectives and review on an annual basis. Principal Monitor implementation & progress of the activity each week Annually in October and November Local Funds Title I—8,376 Local Funds--$5,000 Teacher observation STAAR Reading Test TEKS Assessments DMAC All Students STAAR objectives, TEKS, AEIS Report, Test Data, PEIMS Report, Staff Surveys SFA Reading materials Title I—8,376 Local Funds--$5,000 Staff Surveys on file, Lesson Plans on Educational Calendar for each grade level. All Students Principal Classroom teachers, SBDM Committee All students, parents, and community 2013-2014 District Improvement Plan TEXHOMA ISD GOAL V: At least 90% of the students will score developed in all areas on the EOY TPRI test in grades K-3 OBJECTIVE: Use individual student data to improve instruction. NEED ADDRESSED: High number of students scoring still developing in some areas on EOY TPRI test. Strategy - Activity Staff Responsible Timeline Resources Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation Use data from BOY Reading Coach August to May TPRI testing materials Wireless Generation and MOY Principal IPads reports administrations of the RTI Team Wireless Generation reports TPRI to determine areas of need. Use scientifically Reading Coach Ongoing SFA Reading Program DIBELS Progress based interventions Principal SIPPS—as needed monitoring testing and teaching strategies RTI Team Waterford SRI to address areas of Intervention—tutoring SFA curriculum tests need in student SIPPS, Waterford, and Title I--$7,372 learning. Intervention Assessments Title I—8,376 Local Funds--$1,000 Emat—$4,000 Evaluate core reading Reading Coach Annually in TPRI data Student assessment data program (SFA) and Principal August SFA scope and sequence strengthen areas that Teacher’s Editions are shown to be weak. Title I--$7,372 Title I—8,376 Local Funds--$5,000 Emat--$3,000 Use data to determine Superintendent August, January, TPRI data TPRI data teachers who may need Reading Coach May additional staff Principal Target Population K-3 Students K-3 Students K-3 students K-3 teachers development in various areas of instruction and provide it. Schedule intervention instruction to provide extra help for students at risk of having reading difficulties as Reading Coach RTI Team Annually and ongoing Paraprofessional and certified Tutors Waterford Computer based Intervention program CEI technology based DIBELS progress monitoring assessment data TPRI assessment data K-3 students shown on the TPRI and DIBELS assessments program SFA Tutoring materials Title I--$7,372 Title I—8,376 Local Funds--$5,000 2013-2014 District Improvement Plan TEXHOMA ISD GOAL VI: At least 90% of the students will pass the 2014 STAAR Math test or release STAAR Math test. OBJECTIVE: Increase problem solving skills for all students by providing opportunities weekly as developmentally appropriate. NEED ADDRESSED: Low STAAR test scores on the problem solving objectives & Evaluation of Reasonableness of a Solution. Strategy - Activity Staff Timeline Resources Formative Evaluation Target Population Responsible Summative Evaluation Annually disaggregate and Principal Completed STAAR data from STAAR data disaggregated & All Students disseminate STAAR math Certified Staff Annually by AEIS Report delivere to appropriate grade information to SBDM September 30 Secretarial Staff levels for needs assessments committee and staff for Technology review Administer benchmark assessments at the end of the first, second and third nine weeks to monitor student progress toward STAAR objective mastery. Principal Certified Staff Students work sample STAAR problems and write their own. (2nd – 4th) Work problems 4 times/9 weeks Principal Certified Staff Annually in October, December, and March. Released STAAR tests, PAS tests, Kamico benchmark tests Envision Benchmarks Title I--$7,372 Title I—8,376 Local Funds--$7,000 Emat--$3,000 Monitor Kamico Materials implementation & Other STAAR progress of the preparation materials activity every 9 Envision Benchmarks weeks Title I--$7,372 Title I—8,376 Local Funds--$5,000 Emat--$3000 Assessment data All students Weekly Assessment Observation STAARMathTest Classroom assessments All Students in grades 2 - 4 Strategy - Activity Do an estimation / reasonableness problem. One problem weekly that conforms to STAAR format. P-K–1st at least a 1 step problem once a week Staff Responsible Principal Certified Staff Timeline Monitor implementation & progress of the activity every 3 weeks Extended school day and school year in 3rd – 4th math students who are not mastering TEKS objectives. Certified Staff Superintendent Monitor implementation & progress of the activity every week Do a math fact worksheet daily in 1st – 4th Timed in all. Principal Certified Staff Monitor implementation & progress of the activity every 3 wks Effective teaching methods and instructional strategies that are founded on scientifically based research will be used by math teachers. Provide extensive inservice training activities to staff regarding instructional methods and strategies founded on scientific research to assist students, Principal Certified Staff Ongoing Principal Superintendent Reg. 16 ESC Annual Staff Development Calendar Resources Kamico Materials Other STAAR practice materials Envision materials Title I--$7,372 Title I—8,376 Local Funds-$5,000 Emat--$3,000 Local Funds Title I--$7,372 Title I—8,376 Local Funds-$5,000 Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation Evaluation of student work weekly Target Population All Students in PK – 1st grade Compare pre (May) and post (July) tests Release STAAR Math Test At Risk Students who are experiencing difficulty Saxon Fact Sheet Kamico Materials Other STAAR practice materials Envision materials Rocket Math Title I—8,376 Local Funds-$5,000 Title I—8,376 Local Funds-$5,000 Evaluate Scores Weekly STAAR Math Test Rocket Math All Students in grades 1 -4 Lesson Plans Classroom Observation All Math Teachers Staff Surveys, Staff Development Records Small Rural Schools Fund--$1500 Title I—8,376 Survey Reports, Staff Development Records All Staff regular and special education students, to pass the STAAR Math Test. Strategy - Activity Local Funds-$5,000 Staff Responsible Continuation of the process of data driven instruction to help all students master TEKS Principal Certified Staff Provide awareness training to ensure that students, parents, and community are aware of the importance of STAAR Math Test. Principal Superintendent SBDM Committee, Board of Trustees Continue to implement scope and sequence curriculum that encompasses & integrates appropriate STAAR math objectives and review on an annual basis. Principal Classroom teachers, SBDM Committee Timeline Resources Monitor implementation & progress of the activity each week Completed by January of each year. Local Funds Title I--$7,372 Title I—8,376 Local Funds--$5,000 Annually in October and November STAAR objectives, TEKS, AEIS Report, Test Data, PEIMS Report, Staff Surveys Title I--$7,372 Title I—8,376 Local Funds--$5,000 Disaggregated Scores, STAAR Data, AEIS Report, Publicized Open Board Mtg Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation Teacher observation STAAR Math Test TEKS Assessments AEIS School District Report, Sign-in sheets from Parent sessions, STAAR news articles, minutes of board meeting, access information of District Report Card sent home to parents Staff Surveys on file, Lesson Plans on Educational Calendar for each grade level. Target Population All Students All Students, Parents, and Community All Students 2013-2014 District Improvement Plan TEXHOMA ISD GOAL VII: Attendance will be at least 96% for 2013-2014 OBJECTIVE: Organize our methods of maximizing attendance for 2013-2014 for all grades. NEED ADDRESSED: Continue to implement methods to improve student attendance. Strategy - Activity Staff Responsible Timeline Resources Call all students’ home by 9:30 a.m. when student is absent and parents have not called. Principal Secretary Teacher Solution Teams Parent/Teacher conferences each semester. End of 1st and 3rd nine weeks periods Principal Classroom teachers Award Perfect Attendance every month. Principal Students in grades K-4 will be required to have a homework folder, assignment book, and/or both. Print attendance on report cards and progress reports. Classroom Teacher Principal PEIMS Director Monitor implementation & progress of the activity every 9 weeks Monitor implementation & progress of the activity every 9 weeks Monitor implementation & progress of the activity every 9 weeks Monitor implementation & progress of the activity every 4 weeks Progress reports sent out in the 4th week and report cards each 9wks Log record and attendance folders, Report Cards Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation Students’ Attendance Rate, PEIMS Data Target Population Students absent from school Number of parents contacted and met with All Students Awards certificates and incentive item Web Page Improved Attendance Designated Students with perfect attendance Class Assignment books and/or folders Teacher will monitor folders All Students in grades K - 4 Daily attendance data, contact with parents (telephone, notes, visits) Attendance figures, monthly attendance reports to the supt., Certificates/Award presentations All Students PEIMS Records 2013-2014 District Improvement Plan TEXHOMA ISD GOAL VIII To prepare all LEP students for success on STAAR through the development of oral language, reading, and written English language skills and through mastery of the TEKS in academic classes by building an ESL program that meets the individual needs of LEP students. OBJECTIVE: To prepare LEP/ESL students to be successful on state tests and in the classroom through the development of English language fluency. NEED ADDRESSED: Improved curriculum and lesson plans, improved parent information and involvement, increased monitoring of LEP students, quality staff training in accommodations and instructional strategies for LEP students, development of individual education plans for LEP students. Strategy - Activity Staff Responsible Timeline Resources Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation Teacher Schedule Class Rosters Student achievement on grades and testing Lesson Plans Target Population Staff Members Encourage all staff members to get ESL endorsement. Superintendent Principal August Teacher salary Release time Have at least 15 minutes of Listening Comprehension activities daily to improve vocabulary. ESL Parent Meetings & improved communications with parents of ESL students. Reading Coach Principal August -May SFA Materials Library Materials Title I--$7,372 Local Funds--$5,000 Principal Reg. 16 ESL Consultant, ESL Staff September– May Budget for Meetings, ESL Brochures, Translation of all documents sent home ESL Parents and ESL Parents attending the meetings and positive feedback ESL Staff of ESL Program on Parent Surveys Training for staff in instructional techniques and accommodations for LEP students Reg. 16 Consultants Principal August– May Reg. 16 Contract Teacher travel Budget for Subs Title I—8,376 Local Funds-$10,000 Teachers more effective in instruction of LEP students. Lesson Plans include accommodations for LEP students. Student achievement on grades and testing. All Students All Staff Strategy - Activity Staff Responsible Timeline Resources Monitoring the inclusion of the cognitive, affective and linguistic domains in instruction of LEP students and in school environment Development and use of a tracking system to monitor student progress in the program and when exited from the program. Principal ESL Teachers Teachers End of each 9 wks. period Lesson Plans Reg. 16 training ideas Posters in Spanish Title I—8,376 Local Funds--$2,000 Principal ESL Teacher LPAC Committee SBDM Team August– December ESL tracking sheets Win School grades & attendance reports. Testing results. Local--$10,000 Lesson plans and curriculum developed based on the levels of proficiency of LEP students. Principal ESL Teacher and Teacher Assistant SFA teacher Each 9 wks. STAAR Tutorials for ESL students needing intensive prep or remediation. ESL Teachers August December RPTE, and STAAR scores, and lesson plans, SFA Title I--$7,372 Title I—8,376 Local Funds--$5,000 STAAR Study Guides and materials Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation Documentation in Lesson Plans. Student achievement on grades and testing. Target Population ESL Staff and Teachers Committee meeting lists of students discussed and letters mailed. Review of ESL tracking sheets. Student achievement on grades and tests. Lesson Plans and curriculum guides of ESL Teacher ESL Students Teacher records of tutorials and intensive remediation and preparation. Student results on STAAR. ESL Students ESL Teacher and Staff 2013-2014 District Improvement Plan TEXHOMA ISD GOAL IX: Dyslexia Program…All students who are identified with dyslexia or a related disorder will be provided instruction in the least restrictive environment to maximize academic performance. OBJECTIVE: Identify students with dyslexia and provide appropriate instructional services. NEED ADDRESSED: TEC 38.003, TAC 74.28, Revised Procedures concerning dyslexia from Texas Education Agency. Strategy - Activity A copy of revised dyslexia plan and an overview is available online to all faculty. Students who are identified as needing services will receive appropriate instruction through remedial strategies, identification and placement into a dyslexia instructional program, based on committee recommendation. Dyslexia program purchased by district (SIPPS) as needed. Dyslexia Committee will develop an IEP for students in need of intervention who have been identified as dyslexic. Staff Responsible Principal Dyslexia Committee 504 Committee Principal Dyslexia Committee Timeline Resources August Adopted Plan for Dyslexia. Trained Teachers. August– December Dyslexia Committee, Trained Teacher, Texhoma ISD Plan & Reg. 16 Consultants Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation Revised Plan Meetings with staff on dyslexia plan. Identified dyslexia students being served in an appropriate program. Student academic performance as screened by committee. Dyslexia student grades, attendance, and testing information Target Population All Staff Members Identified Students needing an appropriate program for dyslexia instruction. Principal Teachers September - May SIPPS materials. Develop plan to train staff. Students identified with dyslexia Principal Dyslexia Committee September - May Local Funds--$500 IEP forms Students with dyslexia 2013-2014 District Improvement Plan TEXHOMA ISD GOAL X: Optional Extended Year Program…for all students to be promoted to the next grade level and to be successful in passing state assessment instruments. OBJECTIVE: Provide an optional extended day program before the state assessment tests. NEED ADDRESSED: Additional instruction for students at risk of not passing coursework and/or state assessments. Strategy - Activity Staff Responsible Timeline Resources Continue to offer Principal extended day program in grades 3 and 4. February– April After school time. 4 Teachers Materials 2 Teacher Assistants Local Funds Provide training for staff as necessary to deliver the program August - May Reg. 16 Training Substitutes Release Time Principal Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation Number of student in Program. Attendance. Teacher feedback. Program Evaluation. Student Retention. Student Achievement Staff will be prepared to offer an intensive education program for at risk students. Certificates of Training. Student Achievement results Retention rates. Program Evaluation Target Population At Risk Students in grades 3 and 4. Staff teaching in the OEY program. 2013-2014 District Improvement Plan TEXHOMA ISD GOAL XI: Migrant Program…To provide quality educational program for migrant students to help them be successful in progressing through our educational system in spite of possible lags in educational experiences. OBJECTIVE: To provide education and support services necessary to help migrant students be successful and pass state assessments. NEED ADDRESSED: Skills missed because of lag in educational experiences, state assessment failures, parental information and involvement, and proper physical and medical needs. Strategy - Activity Review training on the areas of focus for migrant education. New staff members receive initial training Staff Responsible Timeline Resources Superintendent Principal Migrant Coordinator Reg. 16 program consultants Principal Migrant Staff August Reg. 16 Migrant personnel August– December COE’s Win School grade and attendance reports Extended day and summer school for Migrant students having trouble with passing course work or state assessments and having attendance problems. Principal Migrant Staff Classroom Teacher Each 9 wks. and semester Test and place incoming students in reading group within three days Principal August -May Win School grade and attendance reports. Curriculum materials provided through Migrant program. Funding for staff OEY/summer school SRI test, SFA testing materials, DIBELS test, TPRI Provide a method to track migrant students to make sure they are making progress Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation Staff awareness of migrant program requirements. All staff trained to work more effectively with Migrant students. 9 wks. Grades Target Population Migrant Staff and Teachers Method used to track students. Number of students in the program being tracked. Number of students making progress in classes & passing 9 wks. grade and attendance reports. Passing course work. Passing state assessments. Meet the 90% attendance requirement. All Migrant Students Observation Reading group data Migrant students All Migrant Students of enrollment Strategy - Activity Staff Responsible STAAR Tutorials for Migrant students as needed Principal Teachers Teacher Asst. Timeline Resources August– May Migrant Budget Remediation STAAR Study guides Migrant Parent Meetings Principal Reg. 16 Migrant Consultant Migrant Personnel September COE’s Reg. 16 Brochures Meeting budget Establish a District Parent Advisory Council (PAC) that meets regularly Principal Migrant Staff Complete by Dec. Migrant Parents. Training Parents in responsibilities & program components. Continue Migrant Summer School-Project Smart Principal Reg. 16 Staff Migrant Staff June Migrant funds Project Smart Curriculum Provide Related services as needed for migrant students Principal Reg. 16 staff Migrant Staff August -August Migrant funds Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation Prepare students to take and pass STAAR. Improvement on STAAR reports Migrant students passing all state assessments Parental involvement & understanding of benefits of Migrant program services. Parents who serve on PAC and attend meetings. Positive feedback from parents about the Migrant Program. Improved program with parent involvement. Parents who agree to serve on the PAC. Meeting agendas and sign in sheets. Positive feedback on parent survey of Migrant Program. Provide additional educational opportunities in the summer for migrant students. Attendance records at summer school. Student achievement levels. Provide health care or counseling services as needed to help students be successful in school. Health & Counseling Logs Target Population All Migrant Students All Migrant Parents All Migrant Parents, Migrant staff, & Administration All Migrant Students in need of services All Migrant students in need of services 2013-2014 District Improvement Plan TEXHOMA ISD GOAL XII: Title I School Wide Program…To provide opportunities for all children to acquire skills needed to meet state performance standards. OBJECTIVE: All students will show % of increase in achievement each year. NEED ADDRESSED: Student Performance Strategy - Activity Staff Responsible Timeline Resources Review the Parental Involvement Policy and the Parent-School Compact for Texhoma ISD Principal SBDM Committee January– March Reg. 16 workshops Compact Policy Texhoma Elementary will offer necessary programs to meet the needs of students – coordinated with all other special programs. Principal Title I Staff August– May Teachers Programs Title I--$7,372 Title I—8,376 Local Funds-$15,000 August Local--$1000 Grade Level Expectation Principal Handout for PK – 4th to all parents Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation Parental involvement will continue to increase. Workshop Handouts. Meetings to revise policy and compact. Adopted policy and ParentSchool Compact Programs will be developed to meet the needs of students. Programs Developed. Program Evaluation. Target Population Principal & SBDM Committee All Students Parents will be more informed All Parents on what is expected of students at each grade level. Copies of all handouts. Dates that documents go out to parents. Program Evaluation. Parent Survey Information 2013-2014 District Improvement Plan TEXHOMA ISD GOAL XIII: State Compensatory Ed…Maximize the use of funding to improve achievement of students labeled at-risk of dropping out of school. OBJECTIVE: All at-risk students will pass all portions of the STAAR and perform satisfactorily in all program designed for at-risk students.. NEED ADDRESSED: Retention Problems, state assessment failures, parental involvement, use of funds, at-risk student achievement. Strategy - Activity Staff Responsible Timeline Resources Formative Evaluation Target Population Summative Evaluation At-risk Students Identify at-risk students Principal September Texisprogram for Completion of at-risk list and at the beginning of each At-risk January Grades & attendance. distribution to appropriate staff. End of school year program semester Committee Testing Data evaluations PEIMS Data Local Funds-$10,000 At-risk Students Tutorials for students Principal Students will be Texis Grades Student performance identified in need of Teachers assessed every 9 SRI Assessments SRI Assessments remediation Teacher Asst. wks for SCE Funds: Teacher Assessments placement in Teacher Assistants Compare failure rates of at-risk tutorials $95,000; Teachers with last year students (summer school) $4500 Develop plans for at-risk Principal End of each nine Win School At-risk students with attendance At-risk Students students with attendance Staff weeks period Attendance reports problems are given immediate problems Local Funds-assistance to improve attendance $10,000 and maintain the 90% attendance requirement. Percent of students maintaining attendance requirement. Increased attendance rate for atrisk students at end of school year. Strategy - Activity Staff Responsible Timeline Resources Extended School Day for at-risk students prior to STAAR tests. Principal Teachers Teacher Asst. 2 weeks prior to 4th grade writing, 3rd& 4th grade reading and math tests SRI Assessments Teacher Assessments STAAR reports STAAR test preparation materials Title I—8,376 Local Funds--$5,000 Summer School Program for at-risk students Principal Teachers Teacher Asst. June 16 days, 2 hours per group per day Contact with parents of at-risk students with grade, or attendance problems. Principal Staff Every 4 weeks between grading periods. CEI Lab Program STAAR test preparation materials Advantage Learning Program A+ Emat--$4,000 Texis Progress Reports. Report Cards (9 wks) Contract for State Compensatory Education support Superintendent Business Manager August SCE Funds: ESC $2900 Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation STAAR Test Data Immediate tutorials & remediation for students who fail portions of the STAAR. Number of students being served in ESD Program. Number of students passing the STAAR. Target Population At-risk Students CEI Program Progress Progress in A+ Program Teacher Observation STAAR Results At-risk Students Parents will be made aware of students at-risk of failure before the end of the grading periods. Attendance problems can also be corrected that would keep students from being promoted. Number of students failing each 9wks. & at semester. Number of parental contacts. At-risk students are passed to the next grade level. Support is provided from Reg. 16 ESC for teacher training and program enhancement. Support provided by ESC Test Results Retention Rates At-risk Students At-risk Students 2013-2014 District Improvement Plan TEXHOMA ISD GOAL XIV: A program designed to meet the needs of gifted students is fully implemented. OBJECTIVE: To provide an appropriate instructional program for gifted students. Strategy - Activity Staff Responsible Timeline Resources Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation PIEMS Data Target Population Gifted students are identified using criteria established by the SBDM committee. Teachers of gifted students in any of the four core areas will have an initial 30 hours of appropriate CPE, and 6 hours annual update. Challenge activities will be imbedded in daily curriculum to meet the needs of gifted students Principal GT Committee August ITBS Data STAAR Data Gifted Students Principal PeimsCoordinator August Region 16 Professional Development Calendar Title I--$8376 Evaluation GT Assessments K-4 Teachers Principal Certified Staff August SFA Assessments A+ Progress Charts and Assessments Gifted Students Enrichment activities designed to meet the needs of gifted students will be planned at least once each semester. Principal Certified Staff August – May Annually SFA Curriculum Advanced Learning Technology Software Title I--$7,372 Title I—8,376 Local Funds--$5,000 Local Funds--$1000 Lesson Plans Gifted Students 2013-2014 District Improvement Plan TEXHOMA ISD GOAL XV Increase parental involvement in the educational process of their children. OBJECTIVE: Facilitate opportunities for parents to participate in the educational and decision making processes of the school. NEED ADDRESSED: Lack of involvement of parents of Hispanic and at-risk children. Strategy - Activity Staff Responsible Timeline Resources Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation List of committee members Target Population Parents Populate the SBDM committee with parents who represent a cross section of the community. Provide translators for all parent/teacher conferences and meetings Superintendent Sept. Principal August-May Bilingual staff members Sign in sheets Hispanic Parents Provide opportunities for interested parents to use computer lab to learn or improve English skills. Parent Liaison August-May Computer progress records Hispanic Parents. Provide parent liaison to assist parents new to district with enrollment and educate them on expectations, and student needs and services. Parent Liaison Sept. English in a Flash computer software Computer lab Lab assistant Emat--$3,000 Local--$3,000 None New Parents 2013-2014 District Improvement Plan TEXHOMA ISD GOAL XVI: Texhoma Elementary will provide appropriate special education services in the least restrictive environment to all students who are identified to maximize academic performance. OBJECTIVE: The Comprehensive Analysis Plan will be implemented in order to provide appropriate services to all identified students. Strategy - Activity The District will continue to utilize the Northwest SSA (NWSSA) for testing Interventions will be implemented for all identified students Transition ARDS will be offered for all students leaving Texhoma Elementary School to go to TexhomaMiddle School. Students will be referred for special education evaluation only after extensive classroom interventions have failed ARD Committee decisions will be followed for both Math and Reading MODIFIED/ALTERNATIVE assessments with extensive intervention and progress monitoring Staff Responsible Timeline Resources Special Ed. Teacher August -August NWSSA contract and personnel Local--$15,000 Local Funds--$1000 Special Ed. Teacher August– May Special Ed. Teacher Principal April – May, NWSSA Local--$15,000 Special Ed. Teacher Reading Coach Principal August -May Certified Staff Special Ed. Teacher Reading Coach Principal August-May Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation Test Results Target Population Special Ed. Students Lesson Plans IEP ARD minutes ARD records Special Ed. Students NWSSA Local--$15,000 Intervention Records Lesson Plans Special Ed Referral records Struggling Students NWSSA Local--$15,000 ARD Records Intervention Records Lesson Plans Special Ed. Struggling students Special Ed.4th Graders 2013-2014 District Improvement Plan TEXHOMA ISD GOAL XVII: Texhoma Elementary will provide appropriate special education services in the least restrictive environment to all students who are identified to maximize academic performance. OBJECTIVE: The Texas Behavior Support Initiative will be implemented in order to maximize instructional opportunities for special education students.. Strategy - Activity Staff members will receive professional development in the Texas Behavior Support Initiative (CPI Training) Texas Behavior Support Intiative (CPI Training) will be implemented for students whose behavior interferes with instruction or learning. Staff Responsible Timeline Resources Superintendent Principal August Region 16 ESC Title I--$8376 Special Ed. Teacher Principal August– May Local Funds--$300 Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation PD records Discipline Plan Discipline Records Target Population Teachers Special Ed. Students 2013-2014 District Improvement Plan TEXHOMA ISD GOAL XVIII: Texhoma Elementary will provide a healthy environment for all students. OBJECTIVE: Students will receive nutrition education that fosters the adoption and maintenance of health eating behaviors. Strategy - Activity Staff Responsible Timeline Resources The CATCH program will be fully implemented by classroom and Physical education teachers The school cafeteria will offer healthy meals that meet the federal and state guidelines as outlined in the Texas Public School Nutrition Policy PE Teacher; Food Service Manager August Curriculum materials Local $200 Food Service Manager August School menus Cafeteria documentation Parents will be encouraged to follow guidelines established in the Texas Public School Nutrition Policy for healthy classroom snacks when planning treats for classroom parties. Students will receive classroom instruction and nutrition information that fosters healthy eating behaviors at least once per month Classroom Teachers; Principal August TexasSchool Nutrition Policy Formative Evaluation Target Population Summative Evaluation Classroom observation All students Lesson Plans All Students Observation Parents Lesson Plans All Students Parent information P. E. Teacher; Classroom Teachers August squaremeals.org CATCH curriculum materials Strategy - Activity Nutrition messages will be posted in the cafeteria and throughout the school Staff members responsible for nutrition education have participated in professional development activities to effectively deliver instruction that promotes healthy life styles Staff Responsible Timeline Resources Food Service Manager August– May Posters, Handouts Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation Observation P. E. Teacher Food Service Manager August Region 16 PD records Target Population Students Physical Education Teacher 2013-2014 District Improvement Plan TEXHOMA ISD GOAL I: At least 53% of the Hispanic and Economicall Disadvantaged students will pass the 2014 STAAR Reading test. (Focus Strategies to Identigy Achievement Gaps) OBJECTIVE: Implement ESL and ALL teaching strategies fully in the 2013-2014 school year for all grades. NEED ADDRESSED: : The 43% of STAAR Reading test scores for Hispanics, 50% of STAAR Reading test scores for Economically Disadvantaged, and 60% of Reading STAAR test scores for All Students which did meet the federal level of 75% making TISD a Focus School. Strategy - Activity Staff Timeline Resources Formative Evaluation Target Population Responsible Summative Evaluation The instructional staff will Instructional March 28, 2014 ESC 16 ALL trainiers; Sing-in Sheet; All students; receive 3 hours of training in Staff; Instructional Contract Materials Hispanic Students All Language Learners Administration (ALL) strategies and in Implementing and Understanding ELSP from ESC 16. CSF 1, 3, 7 The Instructional Staff will Classroom March 2014-May None Lesson Plans; All students; implement the ALL Teachers; 20, 2014 Classroom Hispanic Students strategies in classroom Principal Observations instruction. CSF 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 The FOCUS Team will meet FOCUS Team; Febrauary 21, None Sign-in sheet; All students; and discuss the six areas of Principal; 2014 Minutes; Hispanic Students concern: DMAC, Test Superintendent February 27, 2014 Agenda; Scores, Parents, March 6, 2014 DIP Community, Staff, May 7, 2014 Administration, and School Board. CSF 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 All students will receive Classroom March 1, 2014Materials FOCUS Fund- Lesson Plans; All students; classroom instruction in Teachers; May 20, 2014 -$1,000; Classroom Hispanic Students ESL and ALL teaching Principal ESC 16 ALL trainiers; Observations strategies in increase Instructional Contract comprehension. CSF 1, 2, 4 Strategy - Activity All Classroom Teachers will attend Marzano Regional trainings. CSF 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 ESL Instructional Strategies professional development. CSF 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 ESL and ALL training at TISD at beginning of 2014-2015 school year. CSF 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 Administrators will receive training in Closing the Gaps, Data 411, and Understanding and implementing ELPS. CSF 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 All classroom teachers will select 1 ESL/ALL strategies per month to implement in the classroom for a total of 10 strategies during the 20142015 school year. Campus Solution Teams will meet and discuss implementation of ESL/ALL strategies on a monthly basis. All students, economically disadvantaged, and Hispanic students will show a gain of 10% points in Reading for 2013-2014. Staff Responsible Timeline Resources Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation Attendance Certificate Target Population Classroom Teachers; Principal; Superintendent Classroom Teachers; Principal; Superintendent July 21-25, 2014; SeptemberOctober 2014 FOCUS Fund— $12,000 All students; Hispanic Students September 2014May 2015 FOCUS Fund-$400 ESC 16 Instructional Contract Attendance Certificate All students; Hispanic Students Instructional staff; Principal; Superintendent August 11, 2014 Attendance Certificate All students; Hispanic Students Principal; Superintendent February 4, 2014 February 21, 2014 March 28, 2014 ESC 16 ALL trainiers; Instructional Contract FOCUS Fund-$120; ESC 16 Focus Contract Attendance Certificate All students; Hispanic Students Curriculum Director; Superintendent August, 13, 2014May 15, 2015 None Walk-throughs PDAS All students; Hispanic Students Curriculum Director; Superintendent August, 13, 2014May 15, 2015 None Team Meetings Agenda Sign-in Sheet Minutes All students; Hispanic Students Classroom Teachers; Curriculum Director; Superintendent June 2014 None STAAR Reports All students; Hispanic Students All students, economically disadvantaged, and Hispanic students will show a gain of 22% points in Reading for 2014-2015. Classroom Teachers; Curriculum Director; Superintendent June 2015 None STAAR Reports All students; Hispanic Students 2013-2014 District Improvement Plan TEXHOMA ISD GOAL I: At least 53% of the Hispanic and Economicall Disadvantaged students will pass the 2014 STAAR Math test. (Focus Strategies to Identigy Achievement Gaps) OBJECTIVE: Implement ESL and ALL teaching strategies fully in the 2013-2014 school year for all grades. NEED ADDRESSED: The 43% of STAAR Math test scores for Hispanics, 42% of STAAR Math test scores for Economically Disadvantaged, and 56% of Math STAAR test scores for All Students which did meet the federal level of 75% making TISD a Focus School. Strategy - Activity Staff Timeline Resources Formative Evaluation Target Population Responsible Summative Evaluation The instructional staff will Instructional March 28, 2014 ESC 16 ALL trainiers; Sing-in Sheet; All students; receive 3 hours of training in Staff; Instructional Contract Materials Hispanic Students All Language Learners Administration (ALL) strategies and in Implementing and Understanding ELSP from ESC 16. CSF 1, 3, 7 The Instructional Staff will Classroom March 2014-May None Lesson Plans; All students; implement the ALL Teachers; 20, 2014 Classroom Hispanic Students strategies in classroom Principal Observations instruction. CSF 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 The FOCUS Team will meet FOCUS Team; Febrauary 21, None Sign-in sheet; All students; and discuss the six areas of Principal; 2014 Minutes; Hispanic Students concern: DMAC, Test Superintendent February 27, 2014 Agenda; Scores, Parents, March 6, 2014 DIP Community, Staff, May 7, 2014 Administration, and School Board. CSF 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 All students will receive Classroom March 1, 2014Materials FOCUS Fund- Lesson Plans; All students; classroom instruction in Teachers; May 20, 2014 -$1,000; Classroom Hispanic Students ESL and ALL teaching Principal ESC 16 ALL trainiers; Observations strategies in increase Instructional Contract comprehension. CSF 1, 2, 4 Strategy - Activity All Classroom Teachers will attend Marzano Regional trainings. CSF 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 ESL Instructional Strategies professional development. CSF 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 ESL and ALL training at TISD at beginning of 2014-2015 school year. CSF 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 Administrators will receive training in Closing the Gaps, Data 411, and Understanding and implementing ELPS. CSF 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 All classroom teachers will select 1 ESL/ALL strategies per month to implement in the classroom for a total of 10 strategies during the 20142015 school year. Campus Solution Teams will meet and discuss implementation of ESL/ALL strategies on a monthly basis. All students, economically disadvantaged, and Hispanic students will show a gain of 10% points in Math for 2013-2014. Staff Responsible Timeline Resources Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation Attendance Certificate Target Population Classroom Teachers; Principal; Superintendent Classroom Teachers; Principal; Superintendent July 21-25, 2014; SeptemberOctober 2014 FOCUS Fund— $12,000 All students; Hispanic Students September 2014May 2015 FOCUS Fund-$400 ESC 16 Instructional Contract Attendance Certificate All students; Hispanic Students Instructional staff; Principal; Superintendent August 11, 2014 Attendance Certificate All students; Hispanic Students Principal; Superintendent February 4, 2014 February 21, 2014 March 28, 2014 ESC 16 ALL trainiers; Instructional Contract FOCUS Fund-$120; ESC 16 Focus Contract Attendance Certificate All students; Hispanic Students Curriculum Director; Superintendent August, 13, 2014May 15, 2015 None Walk-throughs PDAS All students; Hispanic Students Curriculum Director; Superintendent August, 13, 2014May 15, 2015 None Team Meetings Agenda Sign-in Sheet Minutes All students; Hispanic Students Classroom Teachers; Curriculum Director; Superintendent June 2014 None STAAR Reports All students; Hispanic Students All students, economically disadvantaged, and Hispanic students will show a gain of 22% points in Math for 2014-2015. Classroom Teachers; Curriculum Director; Superintendent June 2015 None STAAR Reports All students; Hispanic Students