Electronic Application SYstem (referred to as EASY)

Electronic Application SYstem
(referred to as EASY)
Explanation for each field on the requisition
Introduction to EASY
 PeopleAdmin is the Electronic Application System used by Texas
State University to post all staff positions to open recruiting, university
wide only and any promotions/transfers. Anything that effects a
position within the SAP system must have a requisition in order for it
to happen.
Audit Request
( complete this section only if requesting an audit of a new or existing position [reclassification])
1. Position Number
The position number is located in SAP if it already
exists. If requesting a new position, the New
Position Data Form (NPDF) must be completed
and assigned to requisition
2. Type - Existing
Type means Existing (has position number already
assigned) or New (position does not exist in SAP)
3. Incumbent
Who held the position last if existing position
4. Current Title
What the Current Title is presently being used
5. FTE
FTE – 100%, 50% ( fulltime or part time)
6. Pay Grade #
Pay grade assigned to title found in the University
Pay Plan
7. Job Code
Job code assigned to title found in the University
Pay Plan
8. Proposed Title
The Title you want the reclassification to change to
Audit section continued
9. Proposed Monthly Salary
What you are proposing the salary to be
(used to verify within range on University
Pay Plan)
10. Cost Center
10.What Cost Center this position will be
charged to
11. Fund
What Fund this position will be charged to
12. Internal Order
* required field – select from drop down
13. * Department
Internal order is only used by Grant
14. Position Number
The position number is located in SAP if it
already exists. If requesting a new
position, the New Position Data Form
(NPDF) must be completed and assigned
to requisition
Fill Authorized Vacancy
(Review section 04 of UPPS 04.04.03)
Some of the requested information is repetitious if an Audit was being requested.
15. Recruitment Type (drop down box)
Open Recruiting
University wide Recruiting
Promotion/Transfer From Within
Open Recruiting – any one can apply
University Wide Recruiting – current Texas
State employees in current position six (6)
months, Temporary employees on Texas
State payroll, student workers eligible to
Promotion/Transfer from within –
departmental moves
16. Job Posting Number
Computer fills this in when HR posts job
17. * Position Title – (University Pay Plan
Title) – for all to see
* Per University Pay Plan with department
name after it
18. * Posting Title – (Functional Title) –
internal only
* Same as 17 or whatever you internally
call the department
19. Job Code
Comes from University Pay Plan
20. Pay Plan Base Monthly Salary
Comes from University Pay Plan
Filled Authorized Vacancy
23. * Job Type (drop down box)
Full -Time
Part -Time
* Select job type from drop down box.
24. FTE 1
100%, 75% 50%
25. Cost Ctr #1
Where salary is to be charged
26. Fund Internal Order
What Fund to charge salary to
27. FTE 2
27 through 36 are duplicate FTE, Cost
Center, Fund Internal Orders to show
breakdown of different cost centers to be
charged . These are skipped if 24 through
26 are 100% funding.
28. Cost Ctr #2
30. Fund Internal Order
There are now four duplicate areas as
position funding can be split between
several cost centers and funds. The FTE
will total 100% for full-time and 50% for
part-time. You are only required to fill out
the total FTE needed. Other fields would
be left blank.
Filled Authorized Vacancy
27 through 36 are duplicate FTE, Cost
Center, Fund Internal Orders to show
breakdown of different cost centers to be
charged . These are skipped if 24 through
26 are 100% funding from same cost
center and fund.
Cost Center #3
Fund Internal Order
Cost Center #4
Fund Internal Order
37. Yes
Is this a new position? Drop down box
38. If No on 37 name incumbent
Last employee to hold position
39. Select department - select from drop
down box
Department - drop down box
42. Division – select from drop down
Division – drop down box
41. Date vacant
Last date incumbent worked
42. Date you want person to start
Proposed Hire Date
43. Yes
(This guides me to make sure driving
statement is on job posting and
qualifying question is on job posting).
Does this position require driving
University vehicles? Drop down box
Filled Authorized Vacancy
44. * E-Verify – drop down box
(Federal contract containing clause
73FR 67704 only)
44.* Yes
( If Federal contract all employees
must be verified for eligibility to work in
US per Federal law.)
Most of time this is “No”.
45. Does position require post offer
pre-placement test for physical skills
assessment per Risk Management?
Selected titles are required for
(WorkSteps) testing
46. Additional checks to go along with
standard criminal history charge.
Place check mark in box if additional
checks are to be requested. Additional
fees will be charged accordingly.
Normally, nothing is checked here.
47. Cost Center & Fund to charge criminal
background check
Insert cost center and fund to assist for
proper invoicing
48. Does position require preemployment drug/alcohol testing per
university policy?
Yes or no drop down box if Drug and
Alcohol testing required for this position
49. Cost Center & Fund to charge
drug/alcohol testing fees
Insert cost center and fund to assist for
proper invoicing
50. Normal Work Day
Monday - Friday
51. Normal Work Hours
8 – 5 or shift work
Some title approved to be posted only five
(5) work days. All other are ten (10) work
days unless Open Until Filled is selected.
Posting and Advertising Instructions
Procedures, Waivers,
Promotion/Transfer From
Within, Posted Salaries,
Days to be posted policy.
Some titles are approved for
less number of days
Procedures, Waivers,
Promotion/Transfer From
Within, Posted Salaries,
Days to be posted policy
UPPS 04.04.03. Some
titles are approved for
posting 5 days only
Administrative Assistant I and II
Grant Clerk and Secretary
Grounds Maintenance Worker I
and II
Utility Maintenance Worker I and
52. Deadline for accepting
application (if other than normal
posting requirements) or Open
Until Filled
Deadline for accepting application
(if other than normal posting
requirements) or Open Until Filled
53. Salary shown in Single Rate,
Salary Range or Rate +
commensurate with experience. If
no rate wanted it would say
Commensurate with experience.
Only Unclassified/Exempt can
have commensurate with
Salary shown in Single Rate,
Salary Range or Rate +
commensurate with experience.
If no rate wanted it would say
Commensurate with experience.
Only Unclassified/Exempt can
have commensurate with
54. Pay Basis
Select from drop down box
Filled Authorized Vacancy
Complete the
Following If You Desire
To Advertise
54. Advertising - drop
down box
No Response
Send Posting to advertising
Do NOT send posting to advertising
55. Indicate
Place a check mark in the box in front of the local paper
wanting advertising.
56. Please indicate
other advertising
Other places not listed you want advertising place in
(magazines or membership advertising the department does).
57. Special
i.e. Two Sunday’s in a row or the first Sunday two months in a
row. Anything out of the ordinary.
58. Cost Center to
charge for ads
Give cost center for invoicing purposes
59. Fund to charge for
Give Fund for invoicing purposes
60. Internal Order to
charge for ads
Grants always have and Internal Order – No one else does
Filled Authorized Vacancy
61. Contact Person (In
Account Manager’s
office for this Requisition
to Fill a Position (RFP)
Posting Information
Contact Person’s Name
Contact Person’s Phone
Contact Person’s Email
62. Job Description
Brief description of job
63. Additional Information
for Applicant
Anything you want them to know up front. i.e. Driver’s license
requirement, resume/cover letter attachment required, special
hours to work possibility, EEO statement and University System
statement (If this is left off job posting, HR will insert it.
64. Duties
Duties broken down
65. Required Qualifications
Required qualifications directly from the GOJA
66. Preferred Qualifications
Preferred Qualification directly from the GOJA
67. Job Open Date
HR inserts the date the job opens
68. Job Close Date
Open Until Filled
HR inserts date job for system to close at 5:00 pm unless
Open Until Filled
69. Application Review
HR inserts date review of applications to begin. It is the eleventh
(11th) work day. Job cannot be closed before this day should large
pool occur.
Date (Open Until Filled
positions. Open Until Filled
can only be used for
Filled Authorized Vacancy
70. Responsible Hiring Manager – select from drop down
Hiring Manager (person creating
the requisition) not necessarily
doing the hiring
71. Job Category – drop down box
No Response
Admin Officer
72. EEO Code – drop down box
A – Executive/Admin/Mgmt
C – Professional
D – Secretarial/Clerical
E – Technical/paraprofessional
F – Skilled Craft
G – Service/Maintenance
This comes directly from the
University Pay Plan. If it is not
done, HR will complete this.
73. Document that are required at time of application
Cover Letter
Other Document (i.e. License, certifications, Letter of
Other Document 2 (i.e.. License, certifications, Letter of
Other Document 3 (i.e.. License, certifications, Letter of
Place check mark in box in front of
items you want to be able to review
for decision factors
74. Document that are required at time of application
Cover Letter
Other Document (i.e.. License, certifications, Letter of
Other Document 2 (i.e.. License, certifications, Letter of
Other Document 3 (i.e.. License, certifications, Letter of
These are defaults allowing
applicants to attach items. If they
are not required you cannot use
them in the decision making of the
The Documents Tab is where all support documents are to be attached prior to going through the
approval process.
1. Internal Applicant Log
The Internal Applicant Log is required when there is to be a
Promotion/Transfer from within the department.
2. GAP Job Description
Brief GAP Job Description attached will get job posted, but you must get
completed GOJA to HR within 30 days.
3. New Position Data For
NPDF is required for all new positions send in for Audit.
4. Hiring Matrix
Hiring Matrix is used to make selection of Recommended For Hire
applicant. It shows same standards are used for all applicants in
decision making. Does not have to be submitted prior to posting.
If completed GOJA is ready for audit then it is attached here.
6. Organizational Chart
Organization Chart showing where this new position fits into the
7. Audit Request Justification
Justification memo is required to justify addition of position and for the
8. Additional Support
Extra support documents can be attached here.
9. Additional Support Document
Extra support documents can be attached here.
10. Additional Support Document
Extra support documents can be attached here.
11. Additional Support Document
Extra support documents can be attached here.
12. Criminal History Background
Signed Criminal History Background Check form can be attached her or
emailed to HR.
Template Level Questions
This is a default question for applicant to
answer to help HR know where applicants
heard about job. It helps show if the
advertising the department chooses to do
is spending their money wisely.
Hiring Manager does
nothing with this tab.
Posting Specific Questions
HR adds the question if they are a
minimum requirement.
Are you a current Texas State
University employee?
Yes or No
Do you have the ability to obtain a
Texas drivers license within first 90
days of employment? Yes or No
HR adds questions here that are needed to prevent
unqualified applicants from getting to the Hiring
Manager based on the job requirements.
i.e.. University Wide posting Only, Texas Driver’s
If the Answer is
No Response
the applicant does not meet the minimum
requirements for the position and they are
automatically disqualified and their
application does not make it to the
department for review.
If the applicant answers the question YES
then the system allows the application to
go through to the department. This is
then considered falsification of the
application and the applicant can be
disqualified by the Hiring Manager.
HR places the disqualifying factors in the
posting based on the Hiring Manager’s
Screening Committee
Anyone that is going to be involved in the
decision making of the applicants must be
placed on this tab
Click on:
Add New Entry
* Screening Committee Member Name
* Ethnicity
* Sex
* Required Fields - This shows
Equity & Access the diversity in the
decision makers.
Guest User
The Guest User is used for anyone
involved in the decision making to view
the application, cover letters and resume
or any other documents attached to the
Click on Activate Guest User
When this is done, the system will create a unique
User name for this job and this job only. Each time
one is created it is different.
User Name: GU#####.
*Password - the Hiring Manager creates.
Anyone on the Selection Committee is given this
User Name and Password created and the website:
They can go and review or print all the documents
without making changes to the requisition.
Notes / History tab
This shows you
exactly when
something was
created or passed
through to the next
approver for
approval. This is
reviewed by HR
when the requisition
get to HR to make
sure all approvers
approved the
requisition. If one is
skipped the
requisition will be
sent to the proper
person to create the
proper approval flow.
Divisional Approval Flow
11 - President
Hiring Manager
Human Resources
15 - VPSA
Hiring Manager
Vice President
Human Resources
12 - VPIT
Hiring Manager
Vice President
Human Resources
16 - VPUA
Hiring Manager
Vice President
Human Resources
13 - VPAA
Hiring Manager
Faculty Records
Human Resources
17 - Athletics
Vice President
Human Resources
14 - VPFSS
Hiring Manager
Director (not all)
Vice President
Human Resources
If Grant account it goes to Grants instead of Budget
VPSA- Review is used for
Vice President Selected Applicant approval only
Electronic Application SYstem
(referred to as EASY)
Application Processing
Posting of Position
A second set of tabs is located directly
below the original.
Name: The applicants appear in
alphabetical order by last name and the
first name. Under the name you click on
View Application and it opens for you to
view/print .
Documents. This is the tab the applicants
attaches the cover letter, resume, other
support documents as required or optional.
Verified Veteran Preference: HR verifies if
an applicant receives veteran preference or
not. If “Yes” is in this column they get it, if
“No” they do not get it. This is strictly a tie
breaker should your top applicants be tied
in score and a decision as to who is to be
hired cannot be reached. If one is a
Veteran and the other is not, the Veteran is
After the job is posted and applicants begin to
apply you will see the first tab in the system is
now a new tab Applicants. There is also a tab
called Emp History Verification. Per University
policy this must be completed on the selected
tab continued
Current or Previous TSU Employee:
A question on the application completes
this column allowing the department to
see if they presently or previously
worked for the university.
You can double click on this tab and
system will sort all yes or no answers
together for quick reference as to who
has worked at university.
Score: tab is not presently used by our
Not used by university
Link to :
Shows the history of the applicant
applying for the job. i.e. saved, attached
documents, process complete
Click on History/Notes and it will show
you the history of the applicant working
the system.
Date applied:
Date applicant applied for job
This is used to move applicants from
consideration and to show selected
Use to select one or all for changing
status by placing a check mark in box.
Second set of tabs
Second set of tabs
All/None continued
Once you place the check mark in the boxes,
scroll down and click on “change multiple status”
and it will let you change all at one time with
same reason. i.e. Not hired – low matrix score
The Copy from Pool option is used only by HR
for copying all the applicants to your second
requisition without posting it.
Temporary Pool Access
Secretarial/Clerical Pool
Username: GU51350
Password: tempsecretarialpool
-- Custodian/Service/Maintenance pool
Username: GU51351
Password: tempservicepool