Name: Mrs Loyd US Government Hour: ______ Chapter 2 Key

Name: ____________________________
Mrs Loyd
US Government
Hour: _______
Chapter 2 Key Terms Worksheet
Directions: Use the Word Bank to complete use Key Term Definition. Each word will only be used once.
Section 1: “Our Political Beginnings”
Limited Government
Representative Government
Magna Carta
Petition of Right
English Bill of Rights
1. ________________________ established that the power of the monarchy was not absolute and guaranteed
trial by jury and due process of law.
2. A ______________________ describes a legislative body with one chamber or house.
3. A system of government in which public policies are made by officials selected by the voters and held
accountable in periodic elections is __________________________________.
4. A __________________ is a written grant of authority from the king.
5. ________________________ is the basic principle of American government which states that government
is restricted in what it may do and each individual has rights that government cannot take away.
6. A ________________________ describes a legislative body composed of two chambers or houses.
7. The document ________________________ challenged the idea of the divine right of kings and declared
even the monarch was subject to the laws of the land.
8. The document ________________________ was designed to prevent abuse of power by English monarchs.
Section 2: “The Coming of Independence”
Albany Plan of Union
Popular Sovereignty
9.) Refusal to buy or sell certain products or services is to ________________________.
10.) To recall is to ________________________ something.
11.) ________________________ was a document that aimed to unite the 13 colonies for trade, military, and
other purposes. It was turned down by the colonies and the Crown.
12.) ________________________ is another word for representatives.
13.) The basic principle of the American system of government which asserts that the people are the source of
any and all government power, and government can exist only with the consent of the governed is called
14.) A joining of several groups for a common purpose is a ________________________.
Name: ____________________________
Mrs Loyd
US Government
Hour: _______
Section 3: “The Critical Period”
Articles of Confederation
Presiding Officer
15.) ________________________ is a formal approval, final consent to the effectiveness of a constitution,
constitutional amendment or treaty.
16.) ___________________________ was a plan of government adopted by the Continental Congress after
the American Revolution which formed “a firm league of friendship”.
17.) A chair-(person) is a ________________________.
Section 4: “Creating the Constitution”
New Jersey Plan
Three-Fifths Compromise
Virginia Plan
Connecticut Compromise
Commerce & Slave Trade Compromise
18.) The plan that called for a three-branch government with a bicameral legislature in which each State’s
membership would be determined by its population or its financial support for the central government was
called the ________________________.
19.) The ________________________ called for a unicameral legislature in which each State would be
equally represented.
20.) A group of delegates who drafted the United States Constitution at the Philadelphia Convention were
called the ________________________.
21.) _____________________________ was an agreement during the Constitutional Convention protecting
slave holders and denied Congress the power to tax the export goods from any State, and for 20 years, the
power to act on the slave trade.
22.) An agreement during the Constitutional Convention that congress should be composed of a Senate, in
which States would be represented equally and a House, in which representation would be based on a
State’s population was the ________________________________.
23.) _________________________ was an agreement to count a slave at three-fifths of a person when
determining the population of the state.
Section 5: “Ratifying the Constitution”
24.) A majority or a ________________________ is the least amount of people who must be present for a
legislative body to conduct business.
25.) ________________________ were the people who supported the ratification of the constitution.
26.) ________________________ were the people who opposed the ratification of the Constitution.