Relational Database Management Systems

Knowledge Discovery in
Information Retrieval
University of Texas at Austin
School of nformation
Knowledge Management Systems
Presented April 29, 2003
By Anne Marie Donovan
Knowledge Discovery in Databases
“The nontrivial process of identifying valid,
novel, potentially useful, and ultimately
understandable patterns in data” (Fayyad,
Piatetsky-Shapiro, and Smyth, 1996, p. 30)
Also known as knowledge extraction,
information harvesting, data archeology,
and information extraction (p. 28)
Information Retrieval
“The methods and processes for searching
relevant information out of information
systems that contain extremely large
numbers of documents” (Rocha, 2001, 1.1)
 “The ultimate goal of IR is to produce or
recommend relevant information to users”
 “Traditional IR does not identify users and
classifies subjects only with unchanging
keywords and categories” (1.2)
Institutions that use KDD/IR systems
Require knowledge-based decisions
 Have a large quantity of accessible, relevant,
historical and current data
 Have a high payoff for correct decisions
 Financial: banking & investment
 Medical: healthcare & insurance
 Sales: marketing & customer relations
(Piatetsky-Shapiro, 1998, Slides 28-31)
Database Management Systems
File Systems
Relational Database Management Systems
Object-Oriented Database Management
Systems (OODBMS)
Object-Relational Database Management
Systems (ORDBMS)
(Devarakonda, 2001, ORDBMS)
Relational Database Management
Systems (RDBMS)
Relational databases are composed of many
relations in the form of two-dimensional
tables of rows and columns
 RDBMS advantages include the SQL
standard (enables migration between
database systems), rapid data access and
large storage capacity
 RDBMS disadvantages include an inability
to handle complex data types and
(Devarakonda, 2001, RDBMS)
Object-Oriented Database Management
Systems (OODBMS)
OODBMS use abstract data types (ADTs) in
which the internal data structure is hidden
 OODBMS data is managed through two sets
of relations, one describing the interrelations
of data items and another describing the
abstract relationships
 OODBMS handle complex data
relationships, but suffer from poor
performance and problems of scalability
(Devarakonda, 2001, OODBMS)
Object-Relational Database Management
Systems (ORDBMS)
ORDBMS store all database information in
tables, but some entries have richer data
structure that are also called abstract data
types (ADTs).
 ORDBMS exhibit features of both the
relational and object models such as
scalability and support for rich data types
 Their main advantage is massive scalability
(Devarakonda, 2001, ORDBMS)
The KDD Process
Collecting and pre-processing data
 The problem of continually increasing
volumes of data
 The problem of increasingly complex
forms of data
 Identifying and extracting useful knowledge
from large data repositories
 What knowledge is in the data set?
 What can be observed about the data set?
 Presenting the knowledge in usable forms
(Fayyad et al., 1996)
The KDD Process (continued)
Data management problems in data
collection, storage, and retrieval
 Translation, change detection, integration,
duplication, summarization; aggregation,
timeliness/datedness (Widom, 1995)
 The impracticality of manual analysis
 Billions of records and hundreds of fields
 Increasing desire for on-the-fly analysis
and more flexible presentation (Fayyad et
al., p. 28)
The KDD Process (continued)
A need to automate the knowledge discovery
and extraction processes
 Data selection and pre-processing
 Data transformation and mining
 Interpretation and evaluation (p. 28)
 Automation requires attention to:
 Data collection, storage, and retrieval
 Statistical foundations of search and
retrieval processes (p. 29)
Stages in the KDD process
Learning the application domain
 Creating a target data set
 Data cleaning and preprocessing
 Data reduction and projection
 Choosing the function of data mining
 Choosing the data mining algorithm
 Data mining
 Interpretation
 Using discovered knowledge (pp. 30-31)
Data mining
The application of specific algorithms to a
data set for the purpose of extracting data
patterns (p. 28)
 “Fitting models to or determining
patterns from observed data” (p. 31)
Data warehousing
Collecting and “cleaning” transactional
data to make it available for online
analysis and decision support (p. 30)
Data mining tasks
Classification: predicting an item class
 Forecasting: predicting a parameter value
 Clustering: finding groups of items
 Description: describing a group
 Deviation detection: finding changes
 Link analysis: finding relationships and
 Visualization: presenting data visually to
facilitate human discovery (Piatetsky-Shapiro,
1998, Slide 17)
Components of data mining systems
Model functions: classification, regression,
clustering, etc. (pp. 31 -32)
 Model representation: decision trees and
rules, linear models, non-linear models,
example-based methods, etc. (p. 32)
 Preference criterion: quantitative criterion
embedded in the search algorithm; implicit
criterion embedded in the KDD process
 Search algorithms: parameter search (given
a model) or model search over model space
There is NO universal search algorithm
Each type of search suits specific types of
search problems
 The searcher must be careful to properly
formulate the question
 The searcher must understand the search
goal (p. 31)
Every search can be improved by an
increase in data or query context
Creating context for KDD and IR
Extending IR throughout the social network
of an organization, e.g., Answer Garden
(Ackerman, 1994 & Ackerman and
MacDonald, 1996)
 Providing social context for data exchange,
e.g., PeopleGarden (Xiong and Donath, 1999)
 Relational database reverse engineering,
“extracts a conceptual model from an
existing relational database by analyzing
data instances as well as metadata” (Lee and
Hwang, 2002, Conclusion)
KD & IR problems for Web resources
Collecting and pre-processing data
 Even more continually changing data
 Complex data; streaming & multi-media
 The problem of identifying and extracting
useful knowledge from Web resources
 No consistent data models; no context
 A lack of descriptive information
 Presenting the knowledge in usable forms
 More and more wireless devices and timesensitive, multi-media applications
Current methods for Web KD & IR
Collecting and pre-processing data
 Web crawlers and link-based ranking
 Human indexing and categorization
 Identifying and extracting useful knowledge
from Web resources
 Keyword search on natural language text
 Topical directories or topical Web sites
 Presenting the knowledge in usable forms
 Content presented in native format
(plugins) or in HTML
Automating KD & IR for the Web
Semantic markup to enable machine
understanding/processing (RDF/S &
DAML/OIL) & inference analysis
 Intelligent search engines and agents to
exploit semantic statements
 Ontologies to provide context (a data
model) for agents (Shah et. al.)
Automating KD & IR for the Web
Automated data collection, automated
context collection (data pre-processing)
 Value-added services (query routing)
 Integrated query systems/knowledge
delivery systems (accessibility)
 Social accounting metrics to provide
context for humans (Smith, 2002, p. 52)
Enhanced presentation for the Web
Reformatting for presentation
 Differentiated service
 Variable visualization
• Adaptive graphics, “a unifying
framework that allows visual
representations of information to be
customized and mixed together into
new ones” (Boier-Martin, 2003, pp. 6-9)
• Previewing & interactive content
• Selective presentation & customized
KDD and IR for pervasive computing
Achieving “ubiquitous data access”
(Cherniack, Franklin, & Zdonik, 2001, slide 7)
 Data management problems
• Dissemination (context dependent
• Synchronization (multiple
• Recharging (renewing) multiple data
• Profile-driven data management
KDD and IR for pervasive computing
Achieving “ubiquitous data access”
(Cherniack, Franklin, & Zdonik, 2001, slide 7)
 Location aware, mobile devices
 Service discovery for mobile services
 Distributed sensors/collectors (slides 827)
Next generation KDD & IR will….
Focus on solving business problems, not data
analysis problems
 Embed knowledge discovery engines
 Integrate access to enterprise and external
data on the back-end
 Integrate knowledge discovery process with
knowledge delivery tools (Piatetsky-Shapiro,
1998, Slide 7)
Next generation KDD & IR will….
Manage information retrieval contextually
 Allow contextual query/continuous query
 Synchronize multiple data flows from
disparate sensors/input devices
 Enable KD in virtual networks of peer-topeer databases (data “clusters” or “cubes”)
 Interpolate or extrapolate for missing data
(Cherniack et. al., 2001, slides 115-138)
Next generation KDD & IR will….
Recognize individual users
 Characterize information resources
 Provide a way to exchange knowledge
between users and information resources
(push and pull of information
 Adapt to the user community and enable the
reuse and recombination of information as
well as its exchange
(Rocha, 2001, 1.2)
KDD research problems
Massive data sets & high dimensionality
 User interaction & prior knowledge
 Determining statistical significance
 Missing data
 Understandability of patterns
 Management of changing data & knowledge
 Data integration
 Non-standard, multimedia, & objectoriented data (Fayyad, Piatetsky-Shapiro, &
Smyth, 1996, pp. 33-34)
“Top Ten” IR research issues
Integrated solutions
 Distributed IR
 Efficient, flexible indexing and retrieval
 "Magic” (automatic query expansion)
 Interfaces and browsing
 Routing and filtering
 Effective retrieval
 Multimedia retrieval
 Information extraction
 Relevance feedback (Croft, 1995)
Total Information Awareness - DARPA
on the bleeding edge…...
New database technologies
 Database architectures
 Database population
 New search algorithms and data models
 Genysis
 Goal is to produce technology enabling
ultra-large, all-source information
Social Issues
Communicating context
 Creating trust/social value
 Inciting cooperation/collaboration
 Privacy tradeoffs: convenience/service or
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