Annualized net return for various PEWI land use options and practices The following slides provides the details of the individual analysis done for each land use or practice (summarized below). Note: In the slides, land use that carries a positive net value has a green band; land uses that carries a net cost cost have red bands. Main Assumptions: • 20 yr assessment horizon • 4% discount real rate • Opportunity costs based on average land rent for central Iowa (District 5); $297/ac. • All costs and revenues based on 2013/2014 Iowa or regionally located prices. • Source data is presented. • Yield expectations for crops, timber, and biomass are for Central Iowa. Multi-species Riparian BUFFER COSTS COST DESCRIPTION GRASS SEEDING & MAINTENANCE Disking Crop Land Harrowing Burning Seed Cost (From Plant Schedule) Airflow Spreader fertilizer Lime Mowing TREE-SHRUB PLANTING & MAINTENANCE Mechanical Site Preparation Direct Seeding Shrub Cost (From Plant Schedule) Tree Cost (From Plant Schedule) Tree/Shrub Hand Planting Cost Mechanical Tree/Shrub Planting Cost Chemical Weed Control Mechanical Weed Control Fabric Mulch Land Rent @ $256/acre Totals Quant Unit Unit Cost 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 AC AC AC Total AC AC AC AC $10.00 $3.85 $0.35 $25.67 $4.50 $13.47 $34.50 $6.80 1.00 0 905 905 100 1.00 AC $10.00 AC Total $234.15 Total $494.68 Per Plant $2.00 Per Plant $2.00 Per Plant $0.12 Per Plant $0.06 Per Plant $2.22 $256.00 Total Dollar Value of Timing (yr; Costs a=annual) Present Dollar Annualized Value of Dollar Value Costs of Costs $10 $4 $0 $26 $5 $13 $35 $7 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 a $10 $4 $0 $26 $5 $13 $35 $92 $1 $0 $0 $2 $0 $1 $3 $7 $10 $0 $234 $495 $0 $1,810 $109 $6 $0 $256 0 $10 $0 $234 $495 $0 $1,810 $104 $6 $0 $3,479 $1 $0 $17 $36 $0 $133 $8 $0 $0 $256 $6,323 $465/ac 0 0 0 1 1 a @4% CRP payment for Multi-species Riparian Buffer = • 90% cost-share for buffer establishment • $100/acre “one-time” incentive bonus • $10/ac/yr practice bonus • 80% of calculated annual rental payment Annual worth of CRP* for buffer = $222/acre * Based on 2012 Iowa NRCS estimates Bear Creek, Iowa. Photo: T. Schultz 20-year Switchgrass Management Plan Activities/materials Establishment Costs (buy seed and plant) Fertilization Weed Control Harvesting Land Rent (opportunity cost) Total Present Value Costs/acre Revenue Source Switchgrass Biomass Total Present Value Revenues/acre Year(s) Occurring Present Value ($/acre) 1 $65.54 Annual $1,334.20 Annual $129.61 2 - 20 $832.16 Annual $3,165.40 $5,526.91 Year(s) Occurring Present Value ($/acre) 2 - 20 $6,189.59 $6,189.59 @ 5% Net Present Value/acre $662.68 Annualized Value/acre $53.18 Analysis adapted from: Duffy 2008. rops/html/a1-22.html Broad assumptions: • Uniform yields @ 6 tons per acre • Static input & biomass prices @ $90/ton Oak Ridge National lab, 2002 Crop rotations on Owned land Rotation Profitability Calculator Ag Decision Maker -- Iowa State University Extension For more information, visit Evaluating Profitability of Crop Rotations. For information on long-term average yields, visit Iowa Corn and Soybean County Yields. Place the cursor over cells with red triangles to read comments. Enter your input values in shaded cells. gdm/crops/html/a1-80.html Corn-Soybeans (CS) Needed PEWI Data: • Choose rotation (pick the rotation option - CS, CCS, CC - that best approximates your PEWI rotation) • • • Yield converted to per acre basis Look up current corn and or bean prices. Adjust input prices as needed. • Static input & commodity prices Uniform land rent charge = $0/ac bushels/acre bushels/acre $/bushel $/bushel 135 lbs/acre Corn-Corn-Soybeans (CCS) 1st Corn Yield Goal 2nd Corn Yield Goal Soybean Yield Goal Expected Corn Price Expected Soybean Price N Application to 1st Corn N Application to 2nd Corn \ \ \ $0.00 $0.00 135 190 bushels/acre bushels/acre bushels/acre $/bushel $/bushel lbs/acre lbs/acre $0.00 -$50.00 -$100.00 -$150.00 -$200.00 -$250.00 -$300.00 -$350.00 -$400.00 -$450.00 -$500.00 Corn-Soybeans Corn-Corn (CC) Corn Yield Goal Expected Corn Price Typical N Application Corn-Corn-Soybeans CS 155 bushels/acre $0.00 $/bushel 190 lbs/acre Return to Management Break-even corn price compared to CS -$250.53 Continuous Corn CCS Nitrogen Price Paid P2 O5 Price Paid K2 O Price Paid Land Charge Soybean Seed Soybean Insecticide/Fungicide Soybean Herbicide $0.55 $0.38 $0.43 $0 $31.00 $0.00 $20.00 per pound per pound per pound per acre per 50 Lbs. per acre per acre Wage rate LP Price Diesel fuel price 1st year Corn seed 1st Year Corn Insecticide 1st Year Corn Herbicide Corn on corn seed Corn on Corn Insecticide Corn on Corn Herbicide $11.00 $1.88 $3.58 $3.50 $0.00 $25.00 $3.50 $3.44 $3.44 -$442.94 #VALUE! $1.23 per hour per gallon per gallon per 1000 seeds per acre per acre per 1000 seeds per acre per acre Version 1.1 Author: Mike Duffy David Correll This data needs to be entered/a djusted Note: this data is already “annualized” CC #VALUE! Additional Inputs General Assumptions: • Return to Management Corn Yield Goal Soybean Yield Goal Expected Corn Price Expected Soybean Price Typical N Application This data has already been adjusted to 2014 prices Crop rotations on Rented land Needed PEWI Data: • Choose rotation (pick the rotation option - CS, CCS, CC - that best approximates your PEWI rotation) • • • Yield converted to per acre basis Look up current corn and or bean prices. Adjust input prices as needed. Rotation Profitability Calculator Ag Decision Maker -- Iowa State University Extension For more information, visit Evaluating Profitability of Crop Rotations. For information on long-term average yields, visit Iowa Corn and Soybean County Yields. Place the cursor over cells with red triangles to read comments. Enter your input values in shaded cells. Corn-Soybeans (CS) • bushels/acre bushels/acre $/bushel $/bushel 135 lbs/acre Corn-Corn-Soybeans (CCS) 1st Corn Yield Goal 2nd Corn Yield Goal Soybean Yield Goal Expected Corn Price Expected Soybean Price N Application to 1st Corn N Application to 2nd Corn \ \ \ $0.00 $0.00 135 190 bushels/acre bushels/acre bushels/acre $/bushel $/bushel lbs/acre lbs/acre $0.00 -$50.00 -$100.00 -$150.00 -$200.00 -$250.00 -$300.00 -$350.00 -$400.00 -$450.00 -$500.00 -$550.00 -$600.00 -$650.00 -$700.00 -$750.00 -$800.00 Corn-Soybeans Corn-Corn (CC) Corn Yield Goal Expected Corn Price Typical N Application Corn-Corn-Soybeans CS 155 bushels/acre $0.00 $/bushel 190 lbs/acre Return to Management Break-even corn price compared to CS -$547.53 Continuous Corn CCS Nitrogen Price Paid P 2 O5 Price Paid K 2 O Price Paid Land Charge Soybean Seed Soybean Insecticide/Fungicide Soybean Herbicide $0.55 $0.38 $0.43 $297 $31.00 $0.00 $20.00 per pound per pound per pound per acre per 50 Lbs. per acre per acre Wage rate LP Price Diesel fuel price 1st year Corn seed 1st Year Corn Insecticide 1st Year Corn Herbicide Corn on corn seed Corn on Corn Insecticide Corn on Corn Herbicide $11.00 $1.88 $3.58 $3.50 $0.00 $25.00 $3.50 $3.44 $3.44 -$739.9 #VALUE! $1.2 per hour per gallon per gallon per 1000 seeds per acre per acre per 1000 seeds per acre per acre Version 1.1 This data needs to be entered/a djusted Note: this data is already “annualized” CC #VALUE! Additional Inputs Static input & commodity prices Uniform land rent charge = $297/ac Return to Management Corn Yield Goal Soybean Yield Goal Expected Corn Price Expected Soybean Price Typical N Application General Assumptions: • gdm/crops/html/a1-80.html This data has already been adjusted to 2014 prices Constructed Wetlands Drawdown structure Driving Sheet Piling for Outlet Structure Removing Borrow Material from Wetland Location Short-rotation Woody Crop System (SRWC) – Hybrid Poplars 20-year Plantation Management Plan Cost Activities/materials Establishment Costs (buy stock & plant) Maintenance Costs (mow and spray) Harvest and Chip Thin Between Rows Thin Between Rows Harvest and Chip Land Rent (opportunity cost) Total Present Value Costs/acre Revenue Source Year(s) Occurring 1 1-3 10 11 13 20 Annual Present Value ($/acre) $306.00 $177.01 $2,332.87 $57.30 $31.18 $1,432.18 $3,165.40 $7,501.94 Year(s) Occurring 10 11 13 20 Present Value ($/acre) $5,525.22 $128.92 $70.16 $3,392.01 $9,116.31 $1,614.37 Woody Biomass * Woody Biomass * Woody Biomass * Woody Biomass * Total Present Value Revenues/acre @ 4% Net Present Value/acre Annualized Value/acre $129.54 * Hybrid poplar yield data: R. Hall, Pers. Comm. 2012 Woody systems contribute to a whole host of potential societal benefits in the form of ecosystem services. For example woody systems: • Can provide critical habitat and/or travel corridors for a diverse array of species], even in highly managed plantations; • Can help stabilize soils and maintain soil quality and; • Efficiently cycle water and nutrients and; • Create long-term, below-ground reservoirs for carbon sequestration (in both natural or plantation systems); • May be ideal for restoring highly degraded lands and for bioremediation treatments and. Conventional Forest Scenario Data: Species Distribution, Basal Area per acre 5% Timber data used for analysis from Amana Colonies, 2001 – Compartment 10 Upper Amana. Inventory conducted by ISU Forestry students (Amana is Iowa’s largest industrial forestland owner) 2% 2% 4% 2% White oak Red oak Shagbark hickory American Elm 9% American basswood 10% 55% Hackberry Cottonwood 14% Analysis Assumptions: Black walnut other • Stumpage rates for W. Oak/R. Oak = $360/$260 MBF; clearcut silvicullture; Rotation age = 65 years; • Biomass sales at $20/ton (tops/bark of merchantable species; all non-merchantable trees) • Final stumpage value per acre at rotation age = $1,800 per acre • Additional $200/acre/year in hunting lease fees. • Harvest & biomass on-site processing costs $150/acre; $5/ac/year overhead charge. Equal Annual Income = $320/acre • Hunting only $195/ acre Managed hardwood forests can: • Habitat & corridors for diversity of game/non-game species. • Can help stabilize soils and maintain soil quality; • Efficiently cycle water and nutrients; • Create long-term, below-ground reservoirs for carbon sequestration Grass-fed beef: Improved Pasture or Rotational Grazing Assumptions: • Finished grass-fed beef with hanging weight right around 630 pounds (which usually translates into about 1,000 pounds live weight). Net profit for grass fed beef in Cornbelt (2012) = $250 per head. Profit data from Potential Ecosystem Benefits From Boody et al. 2005 adoption of grass-based livestock systems would greatly: • reduce emissions of greenhouse gases (40 %), • decrease soil erosion (50 -80 %), • decrease fuel use, and • improve water quality (lower nutrient loss/ increased soil mention) • Enhance habitat for deer, turkey, quail, and other birds (could increase by a factor of five). Alfalfa Production: Average Net Revenue Average Costs and Returns Over 4 Years 4 4 - Including Establishment Year Average Cost per Acre Fixed Variable Total $233.62 $214.09 $447.71 $66.75 $61.53 $128.28 Average Costs per Year Average costs per acre Average cost per ton Average Total Cost All Acres $448 Average Gross Returns Per Acre All Acres Average Gross Returns per Year Expected Hay price Hay Yield - Production Years Average total returns Average Net Returns per Year $160.00 4 tons / acre / year $521.00 $521 $521.00 $521 Average Net Return per Acre Over Variable Total Net Return Cost s Costs All Acres $306.92 $73.29 $73 Data: ISU Ag Econ Extension; A. Johanns: Version 1.1 Contact: Ann Johanns Date Printed: 4/7/14 Prairie ecosystems provide services that: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Disperse seeds Mitigate drought and floods Cycle and move nutrients Detoxify and decompose waste Control agricultural pests Maintain biodiversity Generate and preserve soils and fertility Contribute to climate stability Regulate disease-carrying organisms Protect soil from erosion Protect watersheds, streams & river channels Pollinate crops and natural vegetation Provide aesthetic beauty Provide wildlife habitat Provide wetlands, playas Provide recreation Provide research opportunities Restored Prairie • On average in Iowa, the costs of restoring prairie on agricultural land is $350/ acre/ year. • Hunting leases are a possibility; assuming $380/acre/ year lease revenue (e.g., $95/ acre x 4 hunting leases/ac/ year). • Leaves a net revenue of $30/ year ≤ 10% of total cost Site prep & plan ng costs… + ~ 10% 15% of total cost Management costs… + Upwards of ~ 90% total cost Restored prairie at the Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge in Central Iowa Opportunity Cost of land = foregone rent or revenue Net costs of conservation Corn or Beans Selecting conservation corn or beans assumes that the fields involve the following Best Management Practices: No-till cultivation Cost and or savings associated with this suite of BMPs: • On average in Central Iowa, about .05% of a field could use a grass waterway = $15/ac/year • Cover crops, aerial seeded = $34/ac/year Cover crops (cereal rye) Grass waterways • No -till leads to a total savings = $25/ac/year (mostly from using less diesel, labor and depreciation) Total net costs* for conservation crop ground = $24/ac/year Data sources:; Kling, C., Rabotyagov, S., Jha, M., Feng, H., Parcel, J., Gassman, P., & Campbell, T. (2007). Conservation practices in Iowa: historical investments, water quality, and gaps. A report to the Iowa farm bureau and partners. Final report. Iowa State University Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Ames, IA. * Does not factor any potential yield increase or decrease