Attitudes and the Spiritual Life-031 09-09-07 The Enneagram and The HAM’s: Power HAM Strategies The 5, 6 and 7 Review of the Enneagram HAM’s • HAM is the acronym for Happiness Attainment Motivators. • These are the built-in desires for various types of human happiness. • These motivators are part of the Human Nature we inherit from our parents, their parents, and so on, all the way back to Adam, who started the process when he disobeyed God and ate the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. • This fruit genetically contaminated Adam to create what is known as the Sin Nature, the source of the 6 HAM’s: – Sexual, Chemical, Religious, Approbation, Power and Materialism. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 2 Review of the Approbation Types • One of the HAM’s found in the Enneagram is Approbation, the desire for recognition, respect, honor, appreciation, etc. • Two - Pleaser: Seeks Approbation by making you indebted by giving and helping. • Three - Over achiever: Seeks Approbation by being the epitome of the ideal person. • Four - Dramatic Individualist: Seeks Approbation by being unique and not being the epitome of ideal. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 3 Review of the Power Types • Another HAM found in the Enneagram descriptions is Power; this desire for security ranges from concerns of personal safety to domination. • Five - Observer: Avoids Power issues by avoiding interaction. Isolate themselves and live in their mind, where they have the Power to control. • Six - Doubting loyalist: Fear of having insufficient Power over the circumstances of life. Seeks security by being hypervigilant. Always wonders “What if”. Avoids change. • Seven - Experience Seeker: Seeks the sense of Power or the avoidance of the lack of power through endless outside experience. They avoid thinking. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 4 Review of the Religious Types • A third Enneagram HAM is Religion; the desire to relate to Absolutes, such as God or Right and Wrong. • Eight - Challenger: His “Religion” seeks to correct wrongs (as he sees them) with power by bullying others. Avoids feeling weak, denies being wrong. • Nine - Peacemaker: His “Religion” seeks peace by avoiding conflict and dynamic situations. Pleasant to be around, but passive aggressive. • One - Perfectionist: His “religion” seeks perfection internally and externally. Sees imperfections and tries to right them. Holds in anger, becoming tense. • “Banker’s nieces seek Perfection, expecting all the gifts that Wise Men bring” (B. Dylan) Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 5 The 5-6-7 Strategies • Fives, Sixes and Sevens are usually called "fear-based" types, because, as Power Based, their inadequacy results in fear as their basic preoccupation. • These diverse types of fear make quite different experiences of life, but all three live in varying degrees of terror, partially because they live from their "head" center. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 6 The 5-6-7 Strategies • They think a lot and frighten themselves. • Their knot is in their will, they have a variety of ways of not being able to take action in their world. • These two characteristics, fear and thinking, come together via anticipation. • The types in this center tend to approach life by limiting their life to what they can figure out; by preparing for any eventuality; or by avoiding thinking about what may happen in the future. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 7 The 5-6-7 Strategies • Fives try to be in control by gathering information, thinking everything through, understanding everything. • Sixes expect the worst to happen so they spend a lot of time making sure they have thought of every eventuality. • Sevens don't expect things to work out very well, so they keep busy, deliberately not looking at whatever may be negative. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 8 The 5, 6 & 7 Power Strategies The 5, 6 and 7 Approaches to Power Issues Avoid Thinking or Reckless Power Think of Every Possible Threat Power Restrict Thinking to, or Expand, the CZP Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 9 The Instincts and the 7 • The instinctual energies often appear to manifest differently in enneatype Seven, but the underlying structure really is the same as with any other type. • The Seven fixation results in a running away from the internal, away from boredom or pain. • Sevens go towards the external world for relief. • While the self-pres energy is an inward turning energy, when coupled with the Seven’s outward orientation, the self-pres subtype of Seven can appear outgoing, and more fun loving than other self-pres subtypes. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 10 The Instincts and the 7 • Social seven tends to exhibit a nervous energy compared to the other subtypes of Seven while a dominant sexual instinct often accentuates the outward energy of the Seven in terms of a seeking after intensity. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 11 The Self-pres/Social 7 • Self-pres/soc Seven has many friends and loves to entertain. • Sevens want to experience life with their friends. • The self-pres in type Seven manifests in a desire for sensual pleasures. • Their energy goes to the comforts of the body and positive experiences, both experiences of the body and the mind. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 12 The Self-pres/Social 7 • Like all Sevens, they have an enthusiastic quality, especially as it pertains to the future. • Making plans for life is essential for the selfpres/social Seven. • This future orientation of the self/social Seven can be an escape from boredom, so many of the plans they make for the future don’t come to fruition. • This doesn’t stop them however from forging ahead and moving onto the next grand scheme. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 13 The Self-pres/Social 7 • The self-pres/social Seven’s plans usually focus around typical self-pres concerns such as making money, exploring job opportunities, or renovating the house. With social second in the stacking much of their energy will spill over into maintaining social connections. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 14 The Self-pres/Social 7 • When unhealthier, their many friendships serve mostly as tools which help keep the Seven distracted from facing themselves and their problems. • The more friends, the more opportunities the Seven has to be distracted. These Sevens can have a hard time making or keeping commitments, as commitments can feel like a limitation on their options. • With the sexual instinct least developed, they can feel unmotivated to put in the work it takes to maintain a close relationship. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 15 The Self-pres/Social 7 • When this subtype gets healthier they learn to ground themselves, slow down and actually appreciate the many things they have acquired, whether they be material things or experiences. • They start to realize that the next great plan may not give them the happiness they are expecting. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 16 The Self-pres/Sexual 7 • This subtype is similar to the self-pres/social, but their plans and pursuits are more passionate in nature. • There is often more of an artistic flair. • They can be moodier then the other subtype. • Their focus is more on relationships, although commitment can also be a problem for this subtype. • This subtype can even be known to use introspection as an escape. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 17 The Self-pres/Sexual 7 • They can go inward with a seeming depth, but they will usually avoid the most troublesome areas, the areas and characteristics most painful to them. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 18 The Self-pres/Sexual 7 • This subtype of Seven is overall more focused than the self-pres/social. Their focus is on their intimates although certainly not solely on them as they usually have many other fires burning also. They generally have a great sense of humor, sharp quick minds and many interests. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 19 The Self-pres/Sexual 7 • These qualities might be common to all subtypes of the Seven, but in the selfpres/sexual subtype, the infusion of enthusiasm comes through when they are engaged in their plans and fulfilling them. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 20 The Social/Self-pres 7 • Enneatype Seven is a mentally fixated type, with image focus generally underdeveloped. • For the social Seven, the concern with issues of image and relation to the group is somewhat at odds with dominant type Seven fixation. • This can result in some apparently conflicting behaviors in the social/self-pres Seven. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 21 The Social/Self-pres 7 • There is an underlying sense of insecurity and anxiety that isn’t as apparent in the other subtypes of Seven which is especially noticeable with the Six wing. (These can even become quite needy when unbalanced.) With sexual instinct least developed, they can lose trust in the bonds they have. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 22 The Social/Self-pres 7 • While they may be very good and comfortable in a large group and when dealing with surface social relationships, they sometimes can struggle with forming and maintaining connections in a closer relationship. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 23 The Social/Self-pres 7 • The self-pres backup for the social instinct adds a grounding force that is missing with the social/sexual. • While still possessing a good sense of humor, this subtype also usually has more focus and follow-through when it comes to their many projects. • On the high side, they are community minded, have a lot of energy and usually socially accomplished. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 24 The Social/Sexual 7 • This Seven has a lot of energy although not always a productive energy, as it often contains a frenetic quality. • These Sevens usually have a great sense of humor and many comedians are soc/sexual sevens. • The social and sexual instincts go hand in hand with the type Seven fixation. • These Sevens want to keep things light. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 25 The Social/Sexual 7 • They have fast sharp minds that incorporate social awareness into their humor which they use to get by in their interactions with the world. • On the down side, commitment is a big issue for this subtype. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 26 The Social/Sexual 7 • They cultivate many friendships and can thrive on winning people over, making them laugh and entertaining them but intimacy can feel threatening and constraining. • For others, interacting with this subtype of Seven can feel draining, because they are “on” so much of the time. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 27 The Social/Sexual 7 • With the self-pres instinct least developed in the stacking, they tend to lose focus on their many plans. • On the down side, their health and commitments can fall by the wayside in lieu of the buzz of the newest excitement. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 28 The Social/Sexual 7 • In intimate relationships, this subtype is “the charmer,” but they maintain their freedom from any strong ties to the one person. They may end up in marriages or long term commitments where they hook up with someone reliable and stable, someone with a much more low key personality. This gives them the stability they don’t have themselves. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 29 The Social/Sexual 7 • This eventually leads to trouble if the soc/sexual seven doesn’t realize that responsibility for his or her own life can’t be transferred to another. It’s not that the soc/sexual goes into the relationship with this kind of pattern in mind. It is just easy for the dynamic to default to that dynamic. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 30 The Sexual/Self-pres 7 • The energy of the sexual instinct is, in some ways, at odds with the type Seven fixation. • The Seven’s focus is future oriented and outward, away from the inner world, while the sexual variant is instinctual and dwells on the inner self as far as relationships and identity are concerned. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 31 The Sexual/Self-pres 7 • This combination can make for a Seven that can be Four-like in many ways. They can have a flamboyant style and be very moody and intense. In relationships, there is often a push-pull quality. They are very attracted to the falling in love part. The buzz and high of that is very stimulating to them, almost drug-like for them. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 32 The Sexual/Self-pres 7 • Their problems come when that buzz wears off. They want to recreate it again and again, but they also have a way of becoming attached and sometimes very dependent on their romantic partners. On the down side, they can be very clingy but don’t want at the same time to lose their freedom. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 33 The Sexual/Self-pres 7 • When unhealthy, they can be very selfish in these relationships, things become onesided in a way that favors the interests of the Seven. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 34 The Sexual/Self-pres 7 • The sexual/self-pres Seven’s addictive behavior with relationships can extend to other areas, like music, and performing in general. The rock star image and lifestyle can be attractive to the sexual Seven. Many rock stars are sexual Sevens the buzz they experience from music can be similar to what they experience in relationships. Creativity can also function as a release of frustration from the boredom. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 35 The Sexual/Social 7 • This subtype has a lot of energy, crazy, intense energy and this energy is going to find a way to manifest. • This subtype of Seven can have the biggest extremes in behavior and with material success in life. • With the self-pres instinct last in the stacking they aren’t afraid of taking risks, so they sometimes become very successful, as in the case of rock stars, but they typically also take too many risks, look for too many easy ways out. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 36 The Sexual/Social 7 • With the self-pres least developed, they can become dependent on others to add a much needed stabilizing element to their busy hedonistic lives. • They have many of the same issues and share many of the same problems as the other sexual first subtype with regards to relationship addiction and have even more dependency issues then the sexual/selfpres. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 37 The Sexual/Social 7 • They can lose focus and drift similar to the social/sexual subtype and their high energy can likewise be draining for others. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 38 The Sexual/Social 7 • With this subtype, you have drama mixed with mental energy. • What separates them from Fours who they might resemble superficially is their planning and future orientation. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 39 The Sexual/Social 7 • Their drama and intensity is focused on what they are going to do, not on what has happened. • They are usually blind to their past, moving forward and not looking back. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 40 The Sexual 7 • The Five wants a cerebral relationship and the Seven wants an exciting physical one. The Seven is attracted to the cerebral five (her security point), but she can't sustain a purely platonic relationship. Narcissistic Sevens have an inflated set of expectations of the world, an optimism that really isn't warranted. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 41 The Sexual 7 • They tend to have grandiose expectations that they will be appreciated without having to do much to gain that appreciation. • For example, Sevens tend to make "entrances" rather than just walk into a room. • Sevens tend to be among the most self-referential of all the types, blithely assuming that if they want to do something, it will be all right with the rest of the world. • This is an assumption they frequently don't check out. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 42 The Sexual 7 • They assume everyone else is thinking about themselves so they don't really care what the Seven is thinking or doing. • This gives Sevens a certain inner clarity as a secondary gain, but it can be illusory because the Seven often has trouble with perseverance in whatever it is they wanted. • They aren't swayed from without, but they are distracted from within. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 43 The Sexual 7 • The reason for the lack of inner clarity is that the Seven is not going after things, they are running away from an inner void. • The direction toward is not primary so it lacks staying power. • They are much clearer about what they don't want than what they do. • They want lots of things - a clue - because they don't trust any one thing, no matter how desired, to give them satisfaction. • Sevens tend to think about their appetites. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 44 The Sexual 7 • No one thing can satisfy the Seven, because they can't commit to a relationship, object or course of action. • Any activity will do, so no one thing gets full attention. • The full attention is unconscious and focused on running away from the fear inside. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 45 The Sexual 7 • Sevens often report a happy childhood and are puzzled and surprised when their siblings talk of tough times that the Seven has forgotten. • They delete the negative from their memories as well as their expectations. • This gives them a lot of energy, but it can be the frantic manic energy of the person running away from something. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 46 The Sexual 7 • Sevens love beginnings, they seem like first steps into the rest of their life. • The lure of the dream is intoxicating and if you're not careful, you'll fall under their spell. • In the beginning they see all the possibilities while brushing the inevitable little problems aside, usually with a quip or a grand gesture. • It is the Sexual Seven who invented rose-colored glasses, and then invited you to put them on, too. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 47 The Sexual 7 • If you've ever bought snake oil, you possibly bought it from a Seven. • What makes them so dangerous is that they don't ask you to do anything they wouldn't invest in themselves. • They are not conscious frauds, they are in an optimistic trance and so they expect you to see things the way they see them. • All Sevens prefer new experiences and a Sexual Seven prefers to share these new experiences with someone else - not necessarily sexual at all. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 48 The Sexual 7 • Any new, unusual, exotic, intense experience - from hang-gliding to adventures in the apothecary to the study of Arabian love poetry - will energize the Sexual Seven. • And as they energize, they "share." So they want to share with you. • All their charm and energy is focused on the partner so the partner must go along. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 49 The Sexual 7 • The self-referential character of the Seven manifests in their attitude that says even though they make constant attractive efforts to get you to go along with them, they are put off by having to go along with someone else's idea of excitement. • Sexual Sevens really get into magical thinking. • The New Age Movement is permeated with Seven energy and their love of magical thinking (creating just by thinking) shows up everywhere. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 50 The Sexual 7 • Sevens have a fear of criticism. • Sevens are working hard (remember, our enneagram style is something we do, not who we are) to see only the possibilities and if someone starts picking and pecking (that's how it feels to a Seven), they are not just making observations, they are challenging the Seven's whole world view. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 51 The Sexual 7 • Sevens will often drop the charm and flash anger, usually only briefly, when negatives are brought up, especially in the form of criticism. • This seeing only the good in things is called idealization. • Because they focus on their partner, they can often idealize their partner. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 52 The Sexual 7 • The technique they use to keep the idealization working is reframing. • "All right, she burned the dinner, that's because she's so sensitive to the children's needs that she couldn't pay attention to anything else." • The instant reframe can keep the idealization alive for longer than most types and can easily lead them to stay in negative relationships much longer than you'd expect from people who are known as escape artists. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 53 The Sexual 7 • They don't always physically escape, they escape through the reframe. • The opposite of fascination is boredom. • Bored to tears and bored to death are powerful metaphors for the Seven. • The Sexual Seven runs the risk of becoming bored with the partner. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 54 The Sexual 7 • Idealization is one way of not being bored, but romanticizing works, too. • "Here we are huddled in this one room flat. When we're old and rich, just think of the stories of rags to riches we'll tell our children." • Their imaginations are not only powerful, but they are focused on the future because in the future all these loose ends will somehow magically come together and we will all be wonderfully happy. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 55 The Sexual 7 • Sevens believe in a premature heaven. • What is seductive about the Sexual Sevens is that because fantasy is more powerful than fact, they can talk their partners into living a future dream while not facing the wretched current conditions. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 56 The Sexual 7 • Sexual Sevens, when they seduce, (especially but not exclusively sexually) they don't tell lies. • They are not phony, they are successively sincere. • Today she really loves Brad but tomorrow she will really love Brian. • Today she desperately wants to go to the symphony, but tomorrow she much prefers light opera. • The appetite is for variety. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 57 The Sexual 7 • Now that's fine in many areas. • No harm in eating from different ethnic traditions every night of the week. • But if you are putting moves on solid Susan today and tomorrow you are equally enamored of Brigid, you may have a big problem. • Remember, this is fear-based. • The fascination is rooted in a fear of boredom. • The fast pace is rooted in a deeper unacknowledged fear that life is dull, slow and insipid. Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 58 The Sexual 7 • The penalty in every style is that the more we flee, the sooner we run up against what we are running from. • So with an initial fascination, if the Seven doesn't persevere, she finds little satisfaction, because of lack of depth. • Without depth, life is boring. Imagine being sentenced to be on a desert island with nothing to read except Reader's Digest! Attitudes LWBC 09-09-07 59