1. Complete vocabulary Definition in notebook using Sadlier website http://www.sadlieroxford.com/vocabulary/vw_game s.cfm?sp=student&level=orange 4. Glue the two math problems into your notebook and answer it using the hand strategy. 2. Go to Mrs. Pham’s website and watch the PPT on European Explorers and take notes in your SS notebook. 3. Answer this question using the RACE strategy: Who are you most like, Amy or Dan? Why? 5. 6. 1. Complete a skill on Education Galaxy In your study plan tab. 2. Study 3. Work on Word multiplication flash problems assignment cards with a partner. worksheet. Don’t forget to use the Hand Strategy. 4. Play Challenge 24 5. Work on with a partner. multiplication using based-10. Create a video with Mrs. Pham 6. Create word problems that connects with the problems on #3. 1. Create a TIP for these terms: basic needs, adaptation, camouflage, instinct, hibernation, migration, extinction 4. 2. Read pages 360 to 363 with a partner. Complete questions 1-8 on page 364 3. Read pages 366367 and use the RACE strategy to answer question 1 on page 367. 5. Work on multiplication using based-10. Create a video with Mrs. Pham 6. Create word problems that connects with the problems on #3.