Running head: PHAM’S PERSPECTIVE 1 Dan Pham Dr. Pierce HDFS 414 Final Paper: Pham’s Perspective 18 December 2013 PHAM’S PERSPECTIVE Pham 2 We live in an imperfect world, but it is the only one we have. Who is to say what is right or wrong through the eyes on an individual? It comes into consideration that one’s own world view people have to respect. Although people’s perspective may contradict your own world view, the nature of people’s uniqueness is what makes everyone special. There are three world views: mechanistic (development of external forces), organismic (development is natural), and contextual (experience is subjective). Which one am I? Throughout this paper I will discuss my developmental insight curiosity of my personal experiences, or other words the theoretical approach of Pham’s experience. World Views Individuals throughout the world are classified in either three categories: mechanistic, organismic, and contextual. How one’s upbringing and societal views contribute to their decision making portrays within their relationships with others. The ideal world view to be in would be contextual, but if that were the case, that takes away the uniqueness and the abilities to help people in the human services field. If everyone had the same mind-set, what kind if world would this be? My Parent’s World View My heritage comes from a traditional background of Vietnam. The way of living where my parents used to live was unbearable compared to the United States. The lack of resources available to many Vietnamese citizens was a normative way of life. For the survival of their families, they had to do whatever it took to ensure that priority. My parents proclaimed that our families in Vietnam think in a mechanistic perspective. As education was a rarity throughout our family, their way of thinking abstractly was unheard of. PHAM’S PERSPECTIVE Pham 3 My family in Vietnam is influenced by the external forces, in this case societal views within their village. After my parents raised their children and lived in the U.S. for over 30 years, they went back home a saw no change. My parent’s thinking abilities showcased that people’s mindset indeed have the capabilities to change, if one is willing to encourage themselves. Throughout my parent’s experiences: mechanistic (home life before leaving), organismic (valuing living systems) their assumptions of better living life for future family in the U.S., and contextual (in the process). Furthermore, my parents are in the process of becoming contextual thinkers, in my belief. Their ability to think on both sides of the spectrum, Western society has definitely influenced. Compared to any of my other family members living here in the states as well as Vietnam, my parents have expanded their knowledge and their abilities to “think outside the box” are motivating. As I was growing up within my household, my parents implemented their traditional lifestyle. I grew accustomed to it, but for my other siblings they all interpreted differently. I believe this is what makes my family unique as well as fascinating. My Personal View Throughout my life, I have experienced many situations where I had to make a decision to the best of my moral abilities. My maturity at such a young age has guided my path to success as well as the person I am today. My personality is the greatest characteristic because my relationships with others are quite important to my self-worth. I revolve around positive attitudes and my passion to help others emotional needs, I put them before myself. It wasn’t until my adolescence that I started to realize my parent’s determination to help their children to succeed. Although they didn’t tell me, I figured for myself and I used that motivation throughout my life. Knowing my capabilities of managing my actions and thinking PHAM’S PERSPECTIVE Pham 4 on both sides of the spectrum, I knew that helping people would be my future career. I truly believe that I am a contextual individual. The person who I am today has internally strengthened and will continue to strengthen till the day I pass away. Relationships are great importance to me without it, how does one be inherently active? I couldn’t imagine myself being isolated from people; I would definitely not be the person I am today. Core Tendency What is the nature of people’s driving force? I believe it showcases throughout their interactions with others as well as their personality. The contribution to one’s core tendency would be their personal life experiences. People’s ability to deal with personal issues, only one can describe. But if they want to seek help for their emotional problems; they must encourage themselves to do so. Core tendency is the internal strive within an individual to do what they believe is right. In people’s human nature to judge those different from ourselves is what society is revolved around. Core Characteristics The commonalities among people in all societies that I’m aware of is the nature of judgment. Whether its physical or emotional, people tend to judge because it’s an instinct. Sadly, some people revolve around being judgmental towards others, but people have to consider other perspectives such as how one may have developed in that way. Words are easier said than done, but in hopes of that perspective we must respect individuals of who they are; we do not necessarily have to like them. Peripheral Characteristics Again, what make people truly unique in their own special way are their individual differences, more specifically their personalities. How one showcases their personality, does it PHAM’S PERSPECTIVE Pham 5 mean it reflects how they are internally? Some people would agree and others would disagree. I have witnessed this type of behavior throughout my life in my family household as well as my schooling. I learned over the years to accept those who were different from me simply because I’m a well-rounded person. I’m accepting towards everyone and a lot of people out in the world could use that hospitality; however, others may not be as appreciative. What I have learned throughout my adolescent years as well as my early adulthood is that you can never judge a book by its cover because there’s probably a great story behind it. Developmental Patterns This section of the paper will discuss Pham’s perspective of life. Throughout my college education, I declared my major as Human Development and Family Studies (HDFS) my freshmen year. Knowing that I wanted to help people, I tried to search the best type of behavior method in helping individuals that related to my own personality. It wasn’t until my senior year that I took HDFS 414 and figured out the most relevant theory, Aaron Beck’s cognitive therapy. Although the other cognitive theorist Albert Ellis has interesting methods that I concur to, but his style of therapy is too confrontational. Furthermore, throughout my high school years I had helped several of friends through emotional distress. With that in mind, I did the best I could to help them through their situations, but ultimately it was their desired goals they had to overcome themselves. One of the most important aspects of Beck’s work is the therapist and client working together as a team. I value that so much; in addition, challenging clients to explore their underlying beliefs. Most times when people are troubled, they are caught in the moment and don’t realize what’s within their beliefs. In other words they are “smoked screen.” Connecting the pieces of information together PHAM’S PERSPECTIVE Pham 6 in helping my friends got them on the right path of self-success. One of my personal errors of helping people is my willingness in finding the best solution(s) for their problems. Continuity or Discontinuity In the works of a cognitive therapist such as Aaron Beck, I personally believe that his style of therapy would be discontinuity rather than continuity. Understanding one’s self is a step by step process. This type of internal problem I do not see being a continuous smooth process, it’s merely a stage process. This particular stage process involves in depth abstract thinking rather than overcoming set of skills at a certain age. Working together in essence of accomplishing goals throughout one’s problem would be step by step process. Achieving a goal does not necessarily mean it’s solved, until the individual feels it is so and they are happy within themselves. Pathology Human beings aren’t perfect, no one is. If someone thinks they are Beck would see a dysfunctional belief pattern of narcissism. People experience life events in the past, present, and will continue in the future until they die. Those experiences contribute how one thinks as well as make decisions. Sometimes people do not have the ability to stand for their own and need guidance/support. The breakdown how emotional problems occur is both internal and external. One may be more crucial than the other, but they work together in causing emotional discomfort for individuals. Intervention The most effective way to be at peace within you is admitting there is problem(s) that is preventing to continue on in life. Encouraging yourself that you want to seek professional help is another step in becoming whole with yourself once more and the struggles/difficulties would PHAM’S PERSPECTIVE Pham 7 become less stressful. Committing yourself to go through with therapy sessions or seeking any kind of help is just a step closer of ensuring a better life within yourself. Conclusion All in all, people throughout every society will have a different mindset from other individuals. Having that in mind, we as human beings must realize that no one is perfect. We make mistakes throughout life; learn and capitalize from those experiences. Those who have influenced the nature of who they are will be judged by others and this judgmental nature will never go away. In essence, people show their physicality as well as behaviors there is no correct way in doing so. If we as a society consistently judge and project negative attitudes towards individuals, most likely that would impact those who are victimized. Furthermore, I realized that individuals are different from one another and that’s alright with me. Not everyone will abide to the “correct” standards how we as a society view things. Throughout high school I believe I’ve seen all of the normative dramas and issues portrayed. Seeing individuals get emotionally hurt also hurt me as well. The nature of who I am gravitates towards people who are emotionally hurt and need support. No matter who these individuals are regardless of race, color, religion, sex, gender, friend, acquaintance, and etc; I will do the best of my competent abilities to ensure happiness upon them. You can never judge a book by its cover until you get to the root of the problem(s). The fact of judging and assuming I believe is looked down upon through my values of the Pham experience. Throughout my life, my parents have motivated me to succeed with the choices I make for my future. Happiness and tranquility within me are the key components of the passion I want to strive in which is helping people with their emotional problems. After knowing about Aaron Beck and his techniques as a cognitive therapist, I feel that I relate to him in ways of how I help PHAM’S PERSPECTIVE Pham 8 people. Moreover, the way I help people in hopes of resolving his/her problems: working together as a team, challenging one’s beliefs, and promoting tasks will only get someone a step close of finding their solution(s). In respects of Albert Ellis, there are times within helping a person through a problem where you have to get a bit confrontational and challenge their beliefs. I personally stated this in this paper that I don’t do this, but in rare occasions sometimes that could express one’s emotions if the helper is frustrated. I have lived, learned, taught not only myself but other individuals how to potentially solve problems. I am willing to give my time and effort to go out of my way to help another person in emotional distress. My personality showcases not only who I am but also committed hospitality (theoretical approach) towards people. I believe this demonstrates similar characteristics of Aaron Beck’s work with his techniques. My parents are the motivation of my life, the passion in helping people, and happiness as well as tranquility made me into the person I am all contributes to nothing more than Pham’s experience. People have the capabilities in becoming contextual thinkers. But if every society thought in the contextual perspective, how can individuals be unique as well as human services be a part in today’s growing occupation? As time change so do individuals within their society. Throughout Pham’s experience, it does not only influence me from the past, but also what is occurring in the present and what might occur in the future. Pham’s experience will guide an individual in becoming happy within themselves due to the moral decisions made throughout life. But first, one’s mindset of who they are must be truly happy. Afterwards, the work of Pham’s experience will positively take care what lies ahead for people’s lives. Laughter is the best medicine. Every day is a new beginning for someone to be happy; you may not have that opportunity tomorrow to express what your heart says.