LAKEWOOD LINKS NOV.2014 (ALL INFORMATION AVAILABLE ON WEBSITE AND ENEWS) Notes from the principal: Reminder about birthday celebrations and lunches: Please remember if you are bringing a treat to celebrate your child’s birthday do so during the last 5-10 minutes of school. Also, please limit bringing lunch to your child to Tues. through Thurs. (unless it is for a birthday) and only bring food for your child. Do not drop your child’s lunch at the office as this disrupts classroom instruction time for your child’s class if they are called to grab their lunch. Thank you for your cooperation with these matters. Room Reps please work with grade team leaders to discuss the process or list of snacks to choose from in order to deliver nutritional snacks to the classrooms. Each grade level should have a process or a list. SAFETY and SECURITY for all students: In order to have a safe and secure environment, students may be dropped off at the appropriate spots (depending on grade) by or before 7:55 a.m. NOT RAINING SPOTS: K-Auditorium 1st- Gym 2nd -5th – Blacktop (with their teacher) RAINY DAY SPOTS: K, 3rd and 4th – Auditorium 1st – Gym 2nd and 5th – Cafeteria After 7:55 a.m. all students must come through the front entrance rather than dropping off elsewhere. This procedure is to maintain the upmost safety for all children. Parents, after dropping off at 7:55 a.m. please exit the building so that class and announcements can begin on time. After school, pick up students under the trees in front or in the back at the picnic tables only. Please do NOT come into the building to pick up your child. This will allow for instruction to keep going until the end of the day and allow staff to prepare for dismissal. BATHROOMS: Again for safety, we have received permission to have extra pass keys for both sets of portable buildings. Access to portables on the west side of the building is through the door by the cafeteria in order for staff to have a visual of students at all times. We are locking the 2nd grade mod for safety reasons and they will utilize their own bathrooms. 3rd grade has access to bathrooms in their mod and have additional pass key for main building bathroom. 1st grade mod is locked and they will use the bathroom inside the mod. The main building is locked throughout the day except for Kinder P.E. only where the back door is unlocked for bathroom access. PARKING LOT: Please do not walk in the front parking lot with your children before school or immediately following school. Use the sidewalks to get to appropriate areas. FOL News: FOL Dallas Mavericks Lakewood Night Come out and cheer your Dallas Mavericks to victory with your Lakewood friends and raise money for your school. These sporting events have raised thousands of dollars for our school this year by simply enjoying a game night out with your Lakewood friends. The Dallas Mavericks and FOL will once again host Lakewood Elementary Night on Saturday Nov. 15th at 7:30 pm. Come out and watch the Mavs take on the Timberwolves. ALL SEATS ARE TOGETHER AND LOWER LEVEL and have great views of the court. These tickets are great value at a low $40 price. That is a great deal! Don't wait, get your tickets today and help support your school! Get them online here: http://lakewoodmavericks.eventzilla.n et/ NOV. 11TH Dallas Reads for 10-15 minutes in the morning. This is District initiative. Notes from Counselor: The theme for guidance in October is anti-bullying. I will visit each grade for guidance and we will discuss what bullying is and isn’t and what to do if you have a bully problem. We will also have a Rachel’s Challenge assembly for our upper grades on November 13th. Rachel’s Challenge is a nationally recognized anti-bullying program which visited our school two years ago and we have invited back. Rachel’s Challenge Parent Community Meeting for Anti-Bullying Month! Mark your calendars now for November 13th – 7:00p.m. While her life was tragically cut short during the Columbine High School shooting on April 20, 1999, Rachel Joy Scott’s shining example of kindness and compassion was not defeated that day. Come hear the inspiring true story of one girl’s dream being fulfilled over a decade after her death. The presentation is a powerful reminder of the little things we can do every day to make our world a better place. Recommended Audience: 7th Grade and Up Notes from Nurse Bull and Coach Coleman: What is CATCH? CATCH (Coordinated Approach To Child Health) is a TEA approved Coordinated School Health Program designed to promote physical activity, healthy food choices, and prevent tobacco use in elementary school aged children. By teaching children that eating healthy and being physically active every day can be FUN, the CATCH Program has proved that establishing healthy habits in childhood can promote behavior change that carry into adulthood. CATCH is a resource or tool that builds an alliance of parents, teachers, child nutrition personnel, school staff, and community partners to teach children and their families how to be healthy for a lifetime. The four CATCH components - Go For Health Classroom Curriculum, CATCH Physical Education, Eat Smart School Nutrition Guide, and family Home Team activities - reinforce positive healthy behaviors throughout a child's day and make it clear that good health and learning go hand in hand. THEME THIS 6 WEEKS IS “TRY IT TUESDAYS” The third six-weeks the character pillar is Responsibility. Each week we 10/20-24 – Try a new vegetable will discuss a related word. Responsibility – Nov. 10-14 Example – Nov. 17-21 Goal Setting – Dec.1–5 Accountable – Dec. 8-12 Perseverance – Dec. 15-19 Winter Break – Dec. 22–Jan.5 Self-Control – Jan. 6-9 10/27-31 – Try and sit by a new friend Super Stallions for 2nd Six-weeks will be recognized on November 6th. Super Stallions is a student awards program that recognizes students for achievement and improvement each six-week period in academic work, behavior or character-building. Super Stallions are selected by their teachers each six weeks period. This is not simply an academic honor roll; it is an important way to celebrate all-around student performance at Lakewood. Congratulations! 11/3-7 – Try a family game night REMINDERS: ALL INFORMATION CAN BE FOUND AT THE WEBSITE PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO THE ENEWS VIA THE WEBSITE IF YOU HAVEN’T BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF INFORMATION NOT FOUND HERE!! SIGN UP FOR PARENT PORTAL ALSO BY ASKING THE OFFICE FOR THE PROCEDURE. YOU CAN USE YOUR LOGIN FOR YOUR CHILD’S ENTIRE SCHOOL CAREER – IT’S GREAT!