SOP Number: CP053.00 Title: Preparing PNICU for Experiment 1 Revision No: 00 Replaces: N/A Date in effect: 7/15/2010 Author: Tatiana Zanganeh I Page: Page 1 of 4 MAL Director: Dr. Peggy Borum FSHN Chair: Dr. Neil Shay PURPOSE The purpose of PNICU preparation is to clean and prepare the piglet facility before the piglet arrives. II SCOPE This procedures provides instructions on how to clean and prepare the PNICU and piglet facility for an experiment. III RESPONSIBILITIES It is the responsibility of Metabolic Assessment Laboratory personnel to follow this procedure. It is the responsibility of supervisory personnel to ensure compliance with this procedure and to train employees and students responsible for performing this procedure. Students will report accidents to the principal investigators immediately. IV REFERENCES N/A V REAGENTS AND MATERIALS V.A. Disinfectant cleaning solution (Lysol); a mixture of 4 oz of disinfectant to 2 gallons of water. V.B. Shoe covers. V.C. Trash bags. V.D. Biohazard bags. V.E. 1- and 2-gallon Sharps containers. V.F. Biohazardous and radioactive labels (as needed). V.G. Cotton cloth. V.H. Container for cleaning solution. V.I. Bucket for mopping solution. VI EQUIPMENT VI.A. Mop with a levered squeezer. VII SAFETY PRECAUTIONS VII.A. Members of the MAL have been trained extensively in the procedures described in this SOP. Uncontrolled Copy Document1 CONTROLLED DOCUMENT-DO NOT DUPLICATE Controlled Copy No._______ SOP Number: CP053.00 Title: Preparing PNICU for Experiment 1 Revision No: 00 Replaces: N/A Date in effect: 7/15/2010 Page: 2 of 3 VII.B. Members of the MAL have completed animal contact training in order to work in the PNICU. VII.C. Members have been trained on proper chemical use and handling within the fume hood and realize that human samples are to be assayed in the biofume hood. VIII DEFINITIONS VIII.A. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) – Standard Operating Procedure is a document that provides instructions for completing a specific task in the lab. VIII.B. Metabolic Assessment Laboratory (MAL) – The Metabolic Assessment Laboratory is the laboratory that will use this SOP. VIII.C. Piglet Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (PNICU) – The PNICU is a unit where the piglet is monitored by 24 hour care and routine check-up parameters using PNICU SOPs conducted by the MAL. VIII.D. Piglet Facility—The Piglet Facility is comprised of three rooms: the PNICU used for piglet care; a surgery room used for surgical procedures; and a transition/entry room used by staff to prepare items for care or surgery and to transfer the piglet from surgery to care. IX PROCEDURE IX.A. The Entry Room IX.A.1. The entry room contains a hand washing sink for surgery, a general purpose sink, and cabinet with workspace. IX.B. Preparation of the Entry Room IX.B.1. The entry room is the first entered of the piglet facility, and the last cleaned. IX.B.2. Remove any entrance workspace surfaces and cabinets from the entry room before cleaning. IX.B.3. Clean the ceiling, light reflector covers, walls, doors and door jams, and sinks with a disinfectant cleanser solution and a cotton cloth. IX.B.4. Clean the floor with a disinfectant cleanser solution. Use the mop with a levered squeezer and bucket to clean the floor. This mop is exclusively reserved for cleaning the piglet facility. Shoe covers must be worn from this point onward. IX.B.5. After the room is dry, clean any main entrance workspace and cabinet with a disinfectant cleanser solution and a cotton cloth. IX.B.6. Place the following items by each sink: IX.B.6.a. Hand brush IX.B.6.b. Antiseptic hand cleanser IX.B.6.c. 70% Ethanol squirt bottle IX.B.7. Place one large biohazard container (with biohazard bag) by the door to the PNICU into which all the PNICU trash is placed. If the trash is radioactive, both the trash bag and area will be marked radioactive. IX.B.8. Place a biohazard sharps box on the entry room work surface area. This is the waste container for any small, sharp materials, like needles, that are contaminated Uncontrolled Copy Document1 CONTROLLED DOCUMENT-DO NOT DUPLICATE Controlled Copy No._______ SOP Number: CP053.00 Title: Preparing PNICU for Experiment 1 Revision No: 00 Replaces: N/A Date in effect: 7/15/2010 Page: 3 of 3 with any biohazardous material. IX.B.9. A mop with a levered squeezer, bucket, broom, and dust pan should be located to the side of the door to the PNICU. All of these items are used only in the piglet facility. Clean these items prior to the experiment with a disinfectant cleaner solution and a cotton cloth. IX.B.10. Place shoe storage shelves under each sink. These are cleaned prior to the experiment with a disinfectant cleaner solution and a cotton cloth. IX.B.11. On top of the workspace area, place the following prior to surgery: IX.B.11.a. One roll of autoclaved paper towels. IX.B.11.b. A bin for instruments that need to be cleaned. IX.B.11.c. A sharps container. IX.B.12. Inside the workspace cabinet place items that may be needed during the experiments: IX.B.12.a. Extra infusion pumps. IX.B.12.b. Extra piglet teddies. IX.B.12.c. Extra oxygen lines with nose funnels. IX.B.12.d. Extra IV bag poles. IX.B.12.e. Extra IV bag hooks. IX.B.12.f. Extra trash bags, biohazardous bags. IX.B.12.g. Bottle of disinfectant cleaner. Uncontrolled Copy Document1 CONTROLLED DOCUMENT-DO NOT DUPLICATE Controlled Copy No._______ SOP Number: CP053.00 Title: Preparing PNICU for Experiment 1 Revision No: 00 X Replaces: N/A Date in effect: 7/15/2010 Page: 4 of 3 ATTACHMENTS X.A. For a list of materials and their locations, refer to SOP# CG098.00. Uncontrolled Copy Document1 CONTROLLED DOCUMENT-DO NOT DUPLICATE Controlled Copy No._______