National and Regional Growth Anchor Activities


Directions: The following activities were designed for you to work on during “free” class time that we will have while studying this chapter. You may need to work on these activities outside of class. Please complete any three of these activities by the scheduled due date. Your work will be assessed using the checklist on the back of this paper.


Create and write a poem/remix explaining and/or analyzing the

Industrial Revolution in

America (Chapter 11). You should include at least 12 lines.

Sugar Bowl

Stain and paint a piece of pottery related to the early 1800s. Directions for this activity will be provided. Note: It is possible that not all students will have the opportunity to select this option. We will determine what to do if more than 15 students would like to complete this activity.


Create an interview with at least

10 questions and responses with an important figure from

Chapter 11. Q/As need to be appropriate and creative. Be detailed in your responses.

Diary Entry

Imagine that you are a person such as Eli Whitney, Nat Turner, Samuel

Morse, or Robert Fulton. Create a diary entry for a specific day during the individual’s life. Let’s aim for ¾ of a page.

Crossword Puzzle

Choose 15 vocabulary words from the chapter to use. You should then include at least 10 words that relate to U.S. history.

These words do not have to be from this chapter. The puzzle should be completed on graph paper in class.


Draw and design an invention that could make our lives easier. Consider what inventions could make your life easier as a student. You may create a model of this invention. Also, please provide a brief description with the invention.

Propaganda Poster

Create a poster that is in favor or against the Missouri

Compromise of 1820. Poster should be catchy and have more than a few words on it.

Communication Survey

Create 10 Questions related to communication.

You could survey more than just our class.

Graph Results (At least 3 questions.)

Answer in 2-3 paragraphs: How has communication changed since Samuel Morse and how would you communicate with people today w/o your favorite means?

Erie Canal

Read and interpret the lyrics to the Erie

Canal. Next, choose a song that makes you work faster or makes work go by faster. (A copy of the lyrics would be helpful.) Interpret and analyze the lyrics.

In what ways are the two songs similar/different? Let’s aim for ¾ of a page.
