CHAPTER 16: WORLD WAR LOOMS Dictators in Europe DICTATORS THREATEN WORLD PEACE: SECTION ONE NATIONALISM GRIPS EUROPE AND ASIA O Postwar Europe experiences Depression and democracies collapse O Dictators promise nationalism and expansion O Problems with the Treaty of Versailles* DICTATORS THREATEN WORLD PEACE O Joseph Stalin* O Gets rid of private farms and makes them into collective farms O Soviet Union became a powerful nation with his “five year” plans* O Death toll in the millions due to restructuring, famine, and mistrust O Totalitarian* DICTATORS THREATEN WORLD PEACE DICTATORS THREATEN WORLD PEACE O Benito Mussolini* O Establishes the Fascist Party based on fascism* O Marched to Rome with the “Black Shirts” O Made head of govt. and called himself Il Duce DICTATORS THREATEN WORLD PEACE DICTATORS THREATEN WORLD PEACE O Adolf Hitler* O Becomes Der Fuhrer and writes Mein Kampf O Nazism* O Aryan race is superior, while inferior races are meant to serve O Looked for living space for new German empire O 1. Nazi party gains strength 2. Hitler becomes Chancellor 3. Est. Third Reich government DICTATORS THREATEN WORLD PEACE DICTATORS THREATEN WORLD PEACE O Military leaders in Japan seize control of Manchuria* O League of Nations condemned Japan; Japan and Germany quit O Hitler takes over the Rhineland; Ethiopia taken over my Mussolini O League does nothing DICTATORS THREATEN WORLD PEACE O Francisco Franco* O 3,000 Americans fight against Franco, but it is not enough O Soviet Union sent equipment and advisors; Germany and Italy sent equipment and troops O Rome-Berlin Axis formed* DICTATORS THREATEN WORLD PEACE DICTATORS THREATEN WORLD PEACE THE UNITED STATES RESPONDS CAUTIOUSLY O Americans want to remain isolated O Neutrality Acts* O Roosevelt finds a loophole and helps to supply China O Roosevelt felt we should take action against agressors WAR IN EUROPE: SECTION TWO AUSTRIA AND CZECHOSLAVAKIA FALL O Most Austrians favor Hitler taking over O Anschluss* O 3 million German speaking people live in Sudetenland, Czech. O Want to annex this country for living space and resources O Claim for invasion of the country* WAR IN EUROPE GERMAN OFFENSIVE BEGINS O Meets with France and Britain and promises that this is the last territory O Signs the Munich Agreement* O Winston Churchill proclaims appeasement* O Afterward, Hitler takes over the rest of Czech O Poland is the next conquest with the same reasoning being used O Nonagression pact signed* WAR IN EUROPE O French and British forces sat on the Maginot Line staring at Germany, waiting for something to happen O Soviet Union takes over Estonia, Finland, Latvia, and Lithuania O Hitler takes over Denmark and Norway with the following reasons* O Proceeds to take over Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg WAR IN EUROPE WAR IN EUROPE FRANCE AND BRITAIN FIGHT ON O Hitler sneaks around the Allied forces and goes through NE France O 400,000 French and British flee to Dunkirk where they are trapped—330,000 make it to Britain O Days later, Italy joins the war and invades S. France, while Germans close in on Paris in the north THE HOLOCAUST O Jews flee to United States, Britain, France, and Palestine, but numbers are limited O Americans do not want refugees for fear of job competition and spies HITLER’S FINAL SOLUTION O Genocide* O Based on Aryans must be the master race and it has to be perserved THE HOLOCAUST O Targeted Jews, gypsies, Freemasons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Catholics, Slavs, homosexuals, mentally ill, physically ill, and terminally ill O Used death squads* O Ordered into ghettos O Living conditions terrible: dead bodies, lived in crowed apartments, forced people to work long hours in factories THE HOLOCAUST THE HOLOCAUST THE HOLOCAUST THE HOLOCAUST THE FINAL STAGE O Ghettos and concentration camps not working O In 1942, death camps were created O Gas chambers use Zyklon B; gas thousands of people each day O Before the gassing* THE HOLOCAUST O Bodies deposited in pits at first; it was not effective O Created crematoriums* O Prisoners were also shot, hanged, injected with poison, or had to be a part of medical experiments O Is it on us to solve this problem? AMERICA MOVES TOWARD WAR: SECTION FOUR THE UNITED STATES MUSTERS ITS FORCES O Cash and carry method* O Americans are shocked by the Tripartite Pact and the formation of the Axis Powers* O Roosevelt asks Congress to increase spending on national defense and Selective Service Act begins to train men AMERICA MOVES TOWARD WAR FDR PLANS FOR WAR O Atlantic Charter* O Roosevelt, despite disapproval, promises Churchill that he will push for war O The United Nations, 26 countries, become the Allies to fight the Axis Powers AMERICA MOVES TOWARD WAR JAPAN ATTACKS THE UNITED STATES O Hideki Tojo* O Seizes unprotected British, French, and Dutch territories (Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos) O U.S. cuts off trade and oil with Japan O Prime Minister Tojo promises the emperor to keep peace with the Americans O Yet, ordered the navy to prepare to attack AMERICA MOVES TOWARD WAR O Roosevelt refers to this as “a date which will live in infamy.” O Congress approves Roosevelt’s request for war against Japan O Three days later, Germany and Italy declare war against the United States