August 29-September 2, 2011 Rowan County High School I Geometry Lab Unit Title: Number and operations Monday’s Target Behavior goal. number structure/ Students can self procedure monitor/ correct behavior regarding 8-F-1 the Discovery F-IF-1,2, Program attending F-BF-1c skills when engaging in the “script”. Academic goal. A-I can monitor my work and self correct much of my work. B-i will not leave a test question blank. (Write a question, do what I can, write a reason why I am confused at this point of the problem.) Tuesday’s Target 8-G-7,8 I will analyze my test listing good, solid work; list things I must improve upon; and make a plan to improve Wednesday’s Target 6-G-1 7-G-6 1-i can calculate areas of 2-d figures with precision. Teaching strategies/differentiation +Opening-review of discovery program -individual test on first 5 targets -logbook Mod: Alternative seating to ensure test focus Assessment -verbal responds to questions -Process point spreadsheet Self evaluate per target logbook Opening work 3-4-5 Review of test. Log time response to my comments on their test and questions. What surprised you? Practice with area problems presented last week. +opening work tangram in square area of each piece if square is one. -areas of triangles, quadrilaterals, pick’s thm. Hexagon using apothem. Summative test. Responses to test. Observe written work and discuss. Peer partner Boardwalk Thursday’s target Friday’s target I will Analyze work and make a plan to improve. I will reason an answer to an equation and then apply inverse operations to solve. Testing skills Unit Title: Monday’s Target I will complete the practice act Using Computer applets/ paper folding, tangram. -practice -review and logbook -Mod peer partner -Ext- surface areas -Process point spreadsheet -opening bell work -Poperree of triange problems include –area, perimeter, 180°, rt. triangleind. Vocabulary bases of isosceles congruent Practice emphasize importance of risking a solution. -break into groups of 4 to discuss. Emphasize “Honor all learning” Ext. joining midpoints of 2 sides of a triangle is parallel to 3rd and half length - on board paper write list of knowledge, skills we know about triangles. Test on learning targets from week two. Algebra flashback- solving equations literal equations. Using kuta software and promethean board. Tablet for Lucas Observe work and listen to student talk Self evaluate per target logbook process point spreadsheet Teaching strategies/differentiat ion Practice act test Color code as taking Self evaluate per target logbook -Observe and analyze test -verbal to questions -Process point spreadsheet Self evaluate per target logbook Assessment Written test Highlighter/ F-IF-1,2, F-BF-1c Possible FBF-3,4 Tuesday’s target test to the best of my ability and look for generalizations and details about my math journey. I will analyze my test listing good, solid work; list things I must improve upon; and make a plan to improve Wednesday ’s target I will obtain a mastery level of number concepts/proced ure skills to a high level of accuracy. Thursday’s target See Wednesday Friday’s target I will Analyze work and make a Discuss time management. Should I guess? Grade Reflect. Opening work 3-4-5 Review of test. Log time response to my comments on their test and questions. What surprised you? Practice with ACT Type problems. -Bell work ACT Mod. Extra time short quick -assign a book. , peer -read page page14-( partner. 1F) -jigsaw notes p 3786 common whole number concepts , to mean/ median/ mode Need 6 groups; present outline of notes, vocabulary and 6 problems. Mod. Extra time, rubric to outline process of presenting presentation I can name -Bellwork and identify -guided practice and the ratio of individual practice 3 from yesterday trigonometr topics. ic ------relationship + exponents and s sin, cos, radicals p93-102 tan. In a rt. Triangle. - on board paper write list of notes on work Dialogue/intervi ew discuss Summative test. Responses to test. -Verbal feedback -Process point spreadsheet - Self evaluate per target Logbook -rubric of presentation I can name and identify the ratio of 3 trigonometric relationships sin, cos, tan. In a rt. Triangle. -Observe and analyze test plan to improve. I will reason an answer to an equation and then apply inverse operations to solve. I can recognize, compute, and rephrase algebraic operations using correct vocabulary. knowledge, skills we know about triangles this weeks topics Test on learning targets from week two. Algebra flashbackalgebraic operationsp103 - 116 Using kuta software and promethean board. . Mathematics Transitional course Unit Title: Teaching strategies/differentiation Monday’s Behavior Target goal. +OpeningStudents can -review of discovery program self -individual test on first 5 targets monitor/ -logbook correct Mod: Alternative seating to ensure behavior test focus regarding the Discovery Program attending skills when engaging in the “script”. Academic goal. A-I can monitor my work and self correct much of my work. B-i will not leave a test question blank. -verbal to questions -Process point spreadsheet Self evaluate per target logbook Assessment -verbal responds to questions -Process point spreadsheet Self evaluate per target logbook (Write a question, do what I can, write a reason why I am confused at this point of the problem.) Tuesday’s target Wednesda y’s target I will analyze my test listing good, solid work; list things I must improve upon; and make a plan to improve I will identify examples of basic properties of real numbers Thursday’s target Friday’s target I will complete a college Opening work 3-4-5 Review of test. Log time response to my comments on their test and questions. What surprised you? Practice with ACT type problems. Summative test. Responses to test. opening problems Video hippocampus -read as class 1g.html -Practice -review. Logbook. -Bellwork pretest order of operatons -quick check – address misconcepts -absolute value -911 emergency service placement -vending machine dispensing -video -notes to solve/ write - practice -discuss/feedback -extend- absolute inequalities. -Verbal feedback -Process point spreadsheet - Self evaluate per target logbook Practice college readiness test Color code as taking Discuss time management. Written test Highlighter/ notes on work -Observe and analyze test -verbal -Process point spreadsheet Self evaluate per target logbook readiness test to the best of my ability and look for generalizati ons and details about my math journey. Should I guess? Grade Reflect. Dialogue/interv iew discuss