
Cellular elements
2 categories
1. Nerve cells/neurons- concerned with
information processing and signalling
2. Glial cells- supporting role
 100 billion neurons; maybe more glial
If we took 1 second to count one
neuron, counting 100 billion neurons
would take more than 3000 years
 All neurons are variations on the same
 Convey information by combined
electrical and chemical signaling
Electrical signals- rapid transmission of
information from one part of neuron to
 Chemical messengers carry information
between neurons
 Anatomically specialized areas for
collecting, integrating, conducting and
transmitting information
Components of neuron
Cell body= soma/perikaryon
 Supports metabolic and synthetic needs
of the rest of the neuron
Processes of neurons
Dendrites –series of branching tapering
 Receive information from other neurons
via synaptic contacts/synapses
One long cylindrical process
 Conducts information away from cell
 Gives rise to a series of terminal
branches, forming synapses on other
Neurons are anatomically and
functionally polarized, with electrical
signals travelling in only one direction
under ordinary physiologic
Anatomical classification
Depends on number of processes
 Multipolar- vast majority-multiple
 Bipolar- 2 dendrites
 Pseudounipolar -
Unipolar neurons are actually
 They start out as bipolar, but during
development, cell body expands
asymmetrically, leaving behind a stalk
from which both processes emerge
 Located in dorsal root and cranial nerve
Formation of a
pseudounipolar neuron
Motor neurons and interneurons are
 Bipolar neurons are located in retina and
CN VIII ganglia
Functional classification
Sensory neurons
Directly sensitive to various stimuli [e.g.
touch or temperature] or receive direct
connections from non-neuronal receptor
Sensory neurons
Their processes are included in somatic
and visceral afferents
 Somatic afferents convey pain,
temperature, touch, pressure,
Visceral afferents convey pain and other
sensations from mucous membrane,
glands and blood vessels
 Most sensory and motor neurons live
partly in CNS and partly in PNS
The words sensory and motor are often
used in a broader sense to refer to cells
and axons carrying information related
to sensory stimuli and the responses
Motor neurons
Convey impulses from CNS/ganglia to
effector cells
 Their processes are included in efferent
nerve fibres
 Somatic efferents → skeletal muscles
 Visceral efferents → smooth muscle,
heart, glands
≥ 99% of all neurons
 Form a communicating and integrating
network between sensory and motor
 Local interneurons have all there
processes confined to a single area od
Probably not more than 20 million
sensory fibres in all of spinal cord and
cranial nerves combined
 No more than few million motor neurons
Projection neurons
Have long axons connecting different
areas, such as a neuron in cerebral
cortex whose axon reaches spinal cord
Strictly speaking, human nervous
system is almost entirely composed of
interneurons and projection neurons
 More than 99% are interneurons or
projection neurons
CNS is easily divisible into gray matter
and white matter
 Gray matter- preponderance of cell
bodies and dendrites. In life it is pinkish
gray due to abundant blood supply
White matter
preponderance of axons; many of whom
have myelin sheath
 Myelin sheath is mostly lipid- hence the
white appearance
Specific areas of gray matter in CNS
whose neurons are functionally relatedsimilar areas in PNS are called ganglia
An area where gray matter forms a
layered surface covering some part of
Subdivisions of white
matter[collections of axons]
Variety of names in CNS- fasciculus,
funiculus, lemniscus, peduncle- most
commonly tracts
 Collections of axons in PNS are called
Fasciculus = ‘little bundle’
 Funiculus = ‘string’
 Lemniscus = ‘ribbon’- tracts flattened out
in cross section
 Peduncle= ‘little foot’- site where tracts
funnel down into a compact bundle
Features of a neuron
1. neuronal enzymes,
2. structural proteins,
3. membrane components,
4. organelles and
5. some of its chemical messengers
Nucleus; large, pale staining with
dispersed chromatin
 Abundant RER, free ribosomes, stacks
of Golgi apparatus
 Many mitochondris
Nissl bodies/Nissl substanceribosomes, stained intensely with basic
dyes, appear as clumps- prominent in
large neurons
 Many mitochondria
Cytoskeleton composed of microtubules,
neurofilaments [aggregates of these are
called neurofibrils] and microfilaments
Tapered extensions of neuronal body
 Collectively provide a great increase in
surface area available for synaptic
 In spinal cord, dendritic surface area
may be 30 or more times that of cell
Dendrites of many neurons are studded
with small protuberances called
dendritic spines
 These are preferred sites of some
synaptic contacts
Dendrites and dendritic
Different from dendrites
 Cylindrical process- arises abruptly from
an axon hillock on one side of neuronal
 Initial segment has bundles of
microtubules, neurofilaments and
mitochondria- no Nissl substance
It is most electrically excitable part of a
 Beyond initial segment, many axons are
encased in spiral wrapping of a
membrane called myelin sheathgreatly increases speed of propagation
of electrical impulses
Transport of macromolecules and
organelles synthesized by cell body
occurs away from soma[anterograde]
and towards it [retrograde]
 It can be slow or fast
 Microtubules act as ‘railroad tracks’ for
fast transport
Many peripheral nerves are myelinatedresemble a string of sausages
 Each link of sausage corresponds to a
length of axon wrapped in myelin with
adjacent links separated by a gap in
At this site axon is separated from
extracellular space only by fingerlike
processes from Schwann cells
Myelin sheath between 2 nodes is called
internode- formed by s single Schwann
 Most of smaller axons in peripheral
nerves are unmyelinated- slow
conductors of electrical signals
Glial cells
Glia =Gr. Glue
 Cells are so named because they fill up
most of the spaces between neuronsappear to hold them in place
 Some do provide structural support
 Play a wide variety of additional roles
Neuroglial cells, collectively known as
the neuroglia or simply as glia, have
important ancillary functions.
 The neuroglial cells of the normal CNS
are astrocytes, oligodendrocytes,
ependymal cells (derived from neural
tube ectoderm), and microglia (derived
from mesoderm)
Astrocytes occur throughout the brain
and spinal cord
 Oligodendrocytes produce myelin and
are also found next to the cell bodies of
some neurons.
Microglial cells become phagocytes
when local injury or inflammation is
 The neuroglial cells of the peripheral
nervous system are Schwann cells in
nerves and satellite cells in ganglia.
Neurons, neuropil, and the
common glial cells of the CNS
Neurons, neuropil, and the
common glial cells of the CNS
Supporting cells
Glia/neuroglia in CNS
 Schwann cells and supporting cells in
 Schwann cells surround neurites,
isolating them from adjacent cells and
extracellular matrix
In PNS ganglia, supporting cells are
Satellite cells- surround nerve cell
bodies [nucleus containing part]analogous to Schwann cells
 In development, glial cells serve as
scaffolding that directs neuronal
migration to appropriate sites
Physical support for neurites
 Electrical insulation for nerve cell bodies
and processes
 Metabolic exchange pathway between
vascular system and neuronsS
Processes extend around several axons
in CNS
 Predominant glial cell in white matter
Form a network of cells within CNS
 Communicate with neurons- modulate
and support their activities
 Fibrous astrocytes- few, long processesfound in white matter
 Protoplasmic astrocytes- many short
branched processes- found in gray
Important role in proper formation of
CNS in fetal and embryonic
 Control ionic environment of neurons
 Form scar tissue in CNS damage
Perivascular feet
 contribute to blood- brain barrier
 Regulate vasodilatation
 Regulate transfer of oxygen, ions and
other substances from blood to neurons
Ependymal cells
Low cuboidal/columnar
 Line ventricles of brain and central canal
of spinal cord
 In some places they are ciliated to
facilitate movement of CSF- in others
they have long microvilli
5% of all glial cells
 Part of MPS- monocyte precursors
 Proliferate and become actively
phagocytic in regions of injury and
 Remove debris of apoptotic cells during
CNS development
Types of synapses
Nerve injury/regeneration
Nerve cells, unlike neuroglial cells,
cannot proliferate but can regenerate
their axons, located in the PNS