Evolution - Napa Valley College


Some Useful Terms

• Species – Discrete groups differing in appearance, behavior, ecology, genetics, etc.

• Population – a localized group of individuals

• Gene – a sequence of nucleotides producing a protein

• Allele – alternate form of a gene

• Gene pool – all alleles at all gene loci in all individuals in a population

Species, population, gene pool, allele, gene

Why is genetic variation important?

Darwin and the ingredients for evolution in response to natural selection

1. Individuals within species vary (phenotypic variation)

2. Some of this variation is heritable (genetic variation)

3. Survival and/or reproduction are non-random (natural selection)

The individuals that survive & reproduce the most are MORE LIKELY

TO BE those with variations most suited to their environment

Genetic variation is essential for evolution to occur; and population dynamics is about likelyhood (normal distribution)

Microevolution vs. Macroevolution

Microevolution: change in allele frequencies within a population

Macroevolution: evolutionary change at the species level or higher


• A generation to generation change a populations allele or genotype frequency

• Causes include:

– Genetic drift

– Gene flow

– Mutations

– Non-random mating

– Natural selection

Genetic Drift

Change in gene frequencies of a population due to chance

Genetic Drift

• Bottleneck Effect

– Disaster reduces population size so gene pool is reduced and unlikely to represent the original population

– By chance, some alleles will be over- or under-represented and in some cases eliminated

Genetic Drift

• Founder Effect

– A few individuals colonize an isolated island, lake etc.

– Small gene pool unlikely to reflect variety of original population

Gene Flow

• Genetic exchange between populations

Compare & Contrast

• Gene flow

– Less likely when populations are isolated

– Movement of genes across the landscape

– Increases genetic diversity within populations

– Populations become similar

• Genetic drift

– More likely when populations are small and isolated

– Random change in allele frequencies = direction is unpredictable

– Decreases genetic diversity within populations

– Populations can become different


• A change in DNA

– Point – single base pair

– Chromosomal

– Polyploidy - The doubling of the whole sets of chromosmes in the nucleus of a developing egg or seed



Natural selection

• Differential reproductive success

– Alleles are passed on to the next generation in numbers disproportionate to current generation

• Only mechanism likely to adapt a population to its environment

Natural selection

• Heritable Variation – idea is central to

Darwin’s theory

– Within a population

• Polymorphism – variation in a discrete characteristic

– Among populations

• Geographic clines – graded change in some trait along a geographic axis

Natural Selection

• Evolutionary

(Darwinian) Fitness – the contribution an individual makes to the gene pool of the next generation

• Selection acts on phenotypes – indirectly on genotypes

Prerequisites for natural selection

• Trait variation

• Difference in fitness among traits

• Inheritance

• Sources of variation

– Polymorphism – occurrence of more than one form of a species

– Heterozygosity – the fraction of loci that have multiple alleles


Modes of natural selection


– Average individuals have highest fitness


– Shift in mean value or frequency


– Average individuals have lowest fitness

Effect of Selection: Stabilizing

Effect of Selection


• Most common during periods of environmental change

• Shifts the frequency curve in one direction or the other by favoring what are initially rare types

– E.g. size of black bears during glacial and interglacial periods

Effect of Selection


• Selection favors individuals on both extremes

• Size of prey species

– Small fit in smaller holes than predator

– Large – too big to swallow

Constraints to adaptations

• Genetic forces prevent “perfect” adaptations

– Mutation

– Gene flow

• Environments are constantly changing

Constraints to adaptations

• Historical constraints

• Adaptations involve tradeoffs

Macroevolution - A Basic


• The living world is wildly diverse.

– Bacteria to whales (size)

– Antarctic ice to oceanic thermal vents (habitat)

• All organisms now alive shared ancestors 3500 mya.

• Basic unit of classification for life forms is the species.

– Discrete groups differing in appearance, behavior, ecology, genetics, etc.

• Bridge between micro- and macroevolution is speciation.

Result = diversity of life.

Mechanisms of Speciation

• Barriers that prevent interbreeding

– Prezygotic – impede mating or prevent fertilization

– Postzygotic – mating and fertilization occur, but hybrid has low viability and fertility

Mechanisms of Speciation


• Habitat Isolation

– Species in different habitats in the same area may not encounter each other

• Garter snakes – thamnophis – same area but 1 aquatic, 1 terrestrial

Mechanisms of Speciation


• Behavioral Isolation

– Fireflies blinking pattern

– Bird songs

– Courtship rituals

Mechanisms of Speciation


• Temporal Isolation

– Breed at different times of day, seasons

– Frogs

Mechanisms of Speciation


• Mechanical

– Anatomically incompatible

• Pollination of flowering plants

Species Separation by Pollinator Recognition





Flower position

Spur and sepal

Petal blade

Spur length

Petal blade length

A. formosa nodding red

Deep yellow

10-17 mm

2-4 mm

A. pubescens erect

Pale yellow or white

Pale yellow or white

29-37 mm

9-12 mm

Mechanisms of Speciation


• Gametic Isolation

– Gametes may meet but fail to form a zygote

• External fertilization of many marine species

Mechanisms of Speciation

• Reduced hybrid viability

– a zygote is formed, but is never born

• Reduced hybrid fertility

– hybrid dies before reaching reproductive age, or is infertile

• Hybrid breakdown

– hybrids can mate and produce offspring, but offspring are weak and/or sterile


Geographic Modes of Speciation

Allopatry vicariance

Ratites Ratites = rhea, ostrich, emu

Geographic Modes of Speciation


Galapagos finches

Geographic patterns

• Parapatric

• Evolution of reproductive isolation between geographically contiguous

(adjacent) populations

Geographic patterns


Sympatric speciation in animals can work when disruptive selection coevolves with assortative mating.

3 spine sticklebacks
