First Amendment Notes - Goshen Community Schools

1st Amendment
Congress shall make no law respecting an
establishment of religion, or prohibiting the
free exercise thereof, or abridging the
freedom of speech, or of the press; or the
right of the people peaceably to assemble,
and to petition the Government for a redress
of grievances.
Freedoms are not absolute!
• Establishment Clause – prohibits an
establishment of religion by the government
• Free Exercise Clause – prohibits the
interference by government in the exercise
of religion
Religion in Schools
– Public school buses can bus
parochial school children as a
matter of safety (Everson v. Board
of Education of Ewing Township,
Release time
– State funds can be used for secular
textbooks that are used in public
and religious schools (Board of
Education of Central School
Discrict No. 1, 1968)
Religious Organizations
– Must be allowed just as other
organizations are allowed
(Westside Community Board of
Education v. Mergens, 1990)
Remedial Program Funds
– Public Funds can be used in church
run schools for secular remediation
programs (Agostini v. Felton,
– Students can be released from
school for religious classes if they
are held off school grounds
– Schools that teach evolution do not •
have to teach creationalism
(Edwards v. Aguillard, 1987)
Use of School Facilities
– Religious groups are allowed the
same access to school facilities as
other community groups (Lamb’s
Chapel v. Center Moriches Union
Free School District, 1993)
– No prayer in school (even
voluntary) unless led by a students
– Although student led prayer at
high school football games were
not supported b/c it was endorsed
by the school (Santa Fe
Independent School District v. Doe
Religion Con’t
• Community Holiday
– Can display religious
Christmas symbols if
there are some nonreligious symbols, too
(Lynch v. Donnelly,
• Government prayer
– Congress and state
legislatures can open
with a prayer led by a
gov’t paid chaplain
[because it is a deeply
rooted historical
tradition (March v.
Chambers, 1983)]
Speech and Press
• Give people the right to have their say and
to hear what others have to say
• Intended to protect the expression of
unpopular views
Commercial Speech (businesses)
Can advertise services
Can advertise drug and alcohol prices
Cannot advertise misleading ads
Banned cigarette ads on radio and TV
Not protected…
• Libel – false and malicious use of printed
• Slander – false and malicious use of spoken
• Obscenity
• Speech that advocates violence
Prior Restraint
• Prior restraint – preventing information
from being spoken or printed
• In most cases, the gov’t CANNOT prevent
ideas from being expressed (Near v.
Minnesota, 1931)
• Military / CIA information
• School officials can censor school
Symbolic Speech (non-verbal)
• Picketing by strikers
• Wearing a black arm band as a political
protest (Tinker v. Des Moines Independent
Community School District, 1969)
• Burning the American flag (Texas v.
Johnson, 1989)
Assembly and Petition
• Assembly – to gather with one another and
express view on public matters
• Petition – to bring views to the attention of
public officials (petitions, letters,
advertising, lobbying, parades, marches,
• Time, Place, and Manner can be regulated
• Cannot trespass on private property