Fern and Weart Avenues Lyndhurst , New Jersey 07071 (201)896 2100 Fax (201)896 2088 CHEMISTRY REQUIREMENTS General Course Description: The Chemistry course is rigorous, comprehensive, relevant and demands a high level of abstract thinking, memorization, working with symbols, and application of knowledge to problem solving. With Algebra II being a prerequisite/simultaneously for this course it is assumed that the student is proficient in arithmetic, algebra and in the use of a calculator. Student participation in laboratory activities is essential for success in this course. The main aim is to help the student see, understand, appreciate and enjoy the world of Chemistry. The central theme of the year is the basic principle that the properties of matter are a consequence of the arrangement of certain elements. The periodic table is a "cheat sheet" which explains why and how this takes place. It is the road map for all chemical structures, reactions, and chemical properties. The course content includes organization of matter, chemical bonding, atomic structure, gases, states of matter, nomenclature, and skill development. A balance approach is presented in combining chemical theories and concepts with quantitative problems. Students will find the material challenging and will be encouraged to think independently throughout the year. Instructor: Mrs. Mariana Vladescu mariana_vladescu@lyndhurst.k12.nj.us Office: Chemistry lab (second floor), room 212 Office Hours: Due to teaching schedule, I may be able to meet with you only after school (from 2:50 to 3:30 ), Tuesday and Thursday. Classroom materials: - One binder (1.5 in) and loose leaf paper for all activities (on a daily basis); - Graphing calculator or scientific calculator; - Textbook (it has to be covered at all times and no sticky covers allowed). Only in the lab day textbook is not required to be brought to class; - Pencils or pens. GRADING TESTS – 25% Given after each chapter or unit; questions based on subject content and understanding. Tests may consist of multiple choice, matching, short answer essays, and problem solving(calculations). Test will be always announced and its time length may vary: from 30 minutes to 43 minutes. There will be 2-3 tests per marking period. A rubric for the test will be provided by the teacher. If the student tries to get answers from somebody else 5 points will be automatically deducted from the overall grade. LAB – 20% Based on observations and scientific method; 50 points will be awarded on completeness and accuracy of data, correctness of prelab quizzes and correctness of analysis section. A template for the lab report will be given in class. 50 points will be awarded for lab participation. No make ups allowed . “Excused” will be accepted only for one lab per each marking period and it has to be medically documented. QUIZZES – 15% Will be administered almost on a daily basis. The “Do Now” activity is counted as a quiz. It will cover the material we have discussed in lectures, reading from homework, laboratories performed, or demonstrations viewed in class or at home. These quizzes will be presented in different forms such as: cross word puzzles, word search, fill in the blanks, open ended problems, short essays etc. Quizzes will be no longer than 10 minutes and may vary in point value. HOMEWORK & CLASSWORK – 20% Given for each chapter, problems will supplement classroom activities. It is important to do all of the assigned problems to the best of your ability. Homework will be assigned every night in the form of reading and or watching and or writing, problems from the textbook, and practice problems from the worksheets. The written homework must have a full heading in the upper right corner, a number, title, and the text of the problems written down. Homework is for your benefit. Good problem solvers spend time practicing on their own, rather than watching others solve problems. The evaluation of homework will be done by collection at the teacher’s request. CLASS PARTICIPATION – 10% Based on taking notes, following teacher’s directions, completing class assignments, appropriate behavior during lab activities. Student will receive a grade every two weeks for this category. Note: - 1Hall Pass/2 weeks allowed; 10 points off for each extra H.Pass - 15 points off for the use of cell phone; - 15 points off for the use of iPad without teacher’s permission; - 1Late/2 weeks allowed; 10 points off for each extra Late - 10 points off for talking without permission. OTHER – 10% Includes projects, research papers, extra credits. A rubric will be provided by the teacher for each situation. Failing to hand in on time the work will penalize the student with a zero. Note: I reserve the right to curve grades at the end of the quarter or semester if I feel that it is necessary. Individual tests and quizzes are not curved. CLASS RULES Cheating: cheating in any form will not be tolerated in this class. If I suspect cheating, I will take appropriate measures to squelch this activity. Attendance: All work missed while absent is to be made up after you return to class according to the school policy. It is the student responsibility to get the assignments they missed. If the absence is school related, and the student has reported to school that day, any assignments that are due must be turned in on that day. Unexcused absences: No work except tests may be made up after an unexcused absence. Make up work: Tests and quizzes will be made up in the laboratory(212). Labs will not be made up. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain from his/her lab partners the complete documentation needed for the lab report. Late assignments: Only assignments turned in on the due date will be considered for full credit (unless for an excused absence). Some assignments will be accepted the following day with a penalty. This will vary depending on each assignment’s turn over time. Therefore, the student should ask if the assignment would be accepted for a late penalty if they want to hand the work in for credit. Discipline: 1. OUR PRIMARY GOAL IN THIS CLASS IS TO LEARN CHEMISTRY. Students will respect the rights of others to learn in a safe, enlightening, and productive environment. 2. BE ON TIME! 3. BEGIN TO START UP “DO NOW” ACTIVITY WITHIN ONE MINUTE AFTER THE BELL RINGS. Directions will be given to you on the board or projection screen 4. COME TO CLASS WITH ALL THE REQUIRED EQUIPMENT— and be prepared to take notes. 5. BE PREPARED TO PARTICIPATE in class discussions, which will be based on the reading and/or homework. Also, be prepared to participate in board work—a good source of bonus credit. 6. RAISE YOUR HAND if you wish to add something to lectures or discussions. Otherwise, when I am addressing the class—that is, lecturing—DON'T TALK. 7. NO CELL PHONES 8. ATTEND TO PERSONAL NEEDS BEFORE COMING TO CLASS 9. TALK ONLY WHEN PERMITTED 10. DO NOT EAT OR DRINK – unless you have been given special permission. 11. USE POLITE SPEECH AND BODY LANGUAGE 12. KEEP ME HAPPY – and I will do a better job for you YOUR RIGHTS IN THIS CLASS ♣ You have the right to earn whatever grade you desire; ♣ You have the right to express your opinions in an adult, intellectual manner; ♣ You have the right to learn at your own pace; ♣ You have the right to get help when you need it; ♣ You have the right to ask questions; ♣ You have the right to meet with me after school for any reason related to class; ♣ You have the right to receive honest explanations about grades and discipline; ♣ You have the right to be treated with respect, dignity, and fairness; ♣ You have the right to have fun; ♣ You have the right to grow. My Rights In This Class I reserve the right to guide the direction of discussion in the classroom; I reserve the right to get off-topic now and then; I reserve the right to be wrong now and then; I reserve the right to skip around in the textbook; I reserve the right to assign homework and other assignments as I see fit; I reserve the right to ask you to meet with me after school for any class-related reason; I reserve the right to request a conference with your parent(s) or guardian(s); I reserve the right to have an orderly and clean classroom; I reserve the right to be treated like a normal human being; I reserve the right to demand excellence from you.