scientific facts

-scientific facts-
Geographical landmarks
• Buzau county is located in southeastern part of Romania, having
coordinates 44050 '-45045 ', North latitude and 26010-27020 ' East
longitude , and is bordered by the counties of Covasna and Braşov
at Northwest, Vrancea in the North-Northeast, Brăila at East,
Ialomiţa to the South and Prahova to the West.
• The surface of the County is about 6103 Km², aprox. 3% of
Romania's surface
• Buzau county lies on the hydrographic basin of the river Buzau and
harmoniously combines three forms of landscape: mountains in
north, plains to the south, and the rest is all hills
• Geographical configuration, diverse landscape and many rivers
have created favorable conditions for human settlements and their
continuity over time.
• The climate is temperate continental, differentiated according to the
landscape, winds that influence the climate of the district, like
crivăţul and austrul, bring the dryness and heat in the summer and
high temperatures in winter.
Administrative organization and
• County’s population is over 515,000 inhabitants aprox. 2.3% of
Romanian’s population of which 211,000 is in the urban area and
304,000 in rural areas. Of the total population, 500,000 are
Romanians. Most of the population is Orthodox.
• In terms of administration, Buzau County Organization has 87
locations,of which 2 municipalities (Buzău and Râmnicu Sărat), 3
towns (Nehoiu, Pătârlagele and Pogoanele ) 82 comune with 481
Ramnicu Sarat
Nehoiu City
• Nehoiu City is a town in
Buzău County, Romania,
with a population of
11,631. Wood processing
is the local main economic
activity. The town has a
lumbermill since the early
20th century.
The Hydrographical Network
Buzau River springs from the eastern side of the Ciucas mountains.
The main settlements in Buzau County crossed by Buzau River are;
Vama Buzaului: Intorsura Buzaului; Sita Buzaului; Crasna; Siriu;
Nehoiasu; Nehoiu; Patarlagele ; Cislau; Viperesti; Magura; Berca;
Sapoca; Vernesti; Maracineni; Sageata;Buzau ;Gradistea; Racovita;
Out of 325km, total length of Buzau’s river, 140km of this river are
crossing our county from northwest to southeast.
Other smaller rivers in our county are: Crasna, Valea Neagra, Siriul
Mare, Nehoiu and on the left side Zabratau, Hartagu, Casca and
Bisca Rosilei
• In the hills area on the right side, there are: Bisca Chiojdului and
Niscov and on the left side Sibiciul, Balaneasa, Saratel, Slanic and
• In the lowland area there are unimportant tributaries rivers of
extremely low flow.
The hydrographic network of Buzau county is harmoniously
complemented by an important number of lakes of different sizes. Out
of those located in the mountain area, the most important and also the
most well-known in terms of tourism is Eagles’ Lake from Siriu.(1420m)
Black Lake
•Next up we have the Black
Lake in Penteleu massif, and
Macearu Lake on the eastern
slope of Ivanet mountain.
“Macearu lake" is one of the
less mentioned atractions in
Buzau. Despite this fact, the
beauty of this lake remains in
every traveller's soul. Once
you get there, you wonder
why it took so long to
discover this little piece of
Meledic lake
• Another category of lakes is formed by those whose genesis is
related to areas with salt (Meledic lakes).
• In the lowland there are lakes such as: Glodeanu Sarat, Boldu, Amara
and Balta Alba (Balta Alba has a particular curative spa importance).
Hydropower facilities
• On the river Buzau there are two hydroelectric power stations: Siriu
dam on the accumulation Lake Siriu, with the hydroelectric power
station Nehoiasu and Candesti dam with the hydroelectric power
station Candesti-Vernesti-Simileasca.
• Nehoiasu hydroelectric power station has an installed power of 42
MW. Put into use in 1988, it uses the waters from the Lake Siriu.
The lake that formed behind the dam is 122 m high, and its volume
is 125 cubic metres.
• The hydroelectric power station Candesti has an installed power of
11.45 MW, Vernesti 11,8 MWand Simileasca 11,7 MW.
Siriu Lake
System of water supply
• The drinking-water supply is provided by centralized facilities since
2008 in 46 places out of 87 in the county. The main operator of the
water supply service and the wastewater treatment in the county is
the Buzău Water Company, which is operates in Buzau and its
surroundings. One of the major concerns for Buzau Water Company
is making sure high quality drinking water reaches all consumers
through prompt services in a civilized manner, based on mutual
respect and in accordance with the legal regulations of the field.
• The county’s vegetation shows variations with specific elements for
each of the three existing landscape areas.
• The Carpathian hills and the mountain forests are the following: oak
forest, birch forest and coniferous shrubs and subalpine forest. An
interesting case in the flora is represented by the volcanic region from
Piclele-Beciu, where they develop associations of ghirin halophilic
and the endemic shrub gardurarita.
The lowland landscape is dominated by grasslands and remnants of
ancient forests such as the Crang Park and the Spataru forest.
Spataru forest
Crang Park
• Aided by the existence of intermediate sub-Carpathian area, most
species of animals and especially birds continue a process of
migration from the mountains to the lowlands and the other way
around, as living conditions change frequently from one area to
• Example of birds in the grasslands would be: lark, nightingale,
blackbird, starling, sparrow, swallow, cuckoo (singing birds) hawk,
owl (predators).
• Mammals are represented by common species of rodents: orbetele,
popindaul, hirciogul and mole. Other tipical animals are: skunk, fox,
weasel and rabbit.
Black goat
Monuments and natural
• Slanic Valley, near Lopatari and Rusavatu-Viperesti, has an
impressive phenomenon - “ life-like fires" - blue flames coming out of
deep soil cracks.
• The Living Fire is a natural phenomenon caused by gas emanation
that comes to the surface through the crust forming burning flames,
ignated by sunlight, or sometimes people, if there is no flame.
The muddy volcanoes
One of them are “The muddy volcanoes” from Buzau county. They
were declared “monuments of nature” in 1924 and it’s the only place
in Europe where these type of phenomena can be seen.
• Muddy volcanoes are mounds of earth
where the natural gas is released from
underground hydrocarbon deposits.
• The gas brings to the surface
underground water and mud derived from
the soaked marl.
• Mud volcanoes are recognized for their
therapeutic effect that the mud has given
this unusual phenomenon.
The Muddy Volcanoes
Sarata Monteoru
• It is a spa-resort about 14 km away from Buzau. The teritorrial
administration belongs to Merei commune. It was first known among
locals for the healing waters of salt springs.
• Salty waters and sapropelic mud from Sarata Monteoru have
exceptional properties. Natural therapeutic factors are represented
by: salty mineral water springs, iodine, bromine, calcium,
magnesium, sulfur. Very remarkable results are obtained especially
in treating musculoskeletal disorders (rheumatic, abarticulare, posttraumatic), gynecological, gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary.
Oil mine from Monteoru is unique in
The mountain of salt-Manzalesti
“The mountain of salt" from Buzau county is impressive given its
beauty. It’s 15m high, and it was named “The White Mountain". On
the top of this mountain, there is a cross. On the ground there is a
bridge that makes crossing over easier.
• A special attraction are the cultural objectives - history and
architecture, such as the Roman camp and Thermele Pietroasele,
cave settlements in Alunis - corner and Pile - Bozioru Complex
Brancoveanu, Colti Amber collection.
"Ciolanu Monastery" is the only
religious settlment from Buzau
county attested since XVI century. It
has two churches, located at a
distance of 100 meters between
There is also a museum where you
can admire icons, some of them
painted in 1886, objects of worship
and religious vestments.
Outdoor sculpture camp from
Ratesti Monastery
The hen with golden chickens EN
The treasury “The hen with golden
chickens", also named "the treasury
from Pietroasa" was discovered in
march-april 1837 by two peasants
while they were working on Istrita hill.
The name "the hen with golden
chickens" was given by the parts'
• Ethnographic costumes specifical to the area are admired today in
the museum collections, including ethnography and folk art
collections at "Vergu-Manaila House".
Rafting and fishing on Buzau River
Environmental protection
• The mankind must control its attitude towards the natural
environment's role in the economy and society. It also has the
obligation to protect and restore the intimate mechanisms of natural
• This is because the protection, conservation and improvement of the
natural environment require not only a great effort in the scientific,
technical, economic, financial, cultural and educational area, but
also the respect from the society.
In the context of environmental protection students of the Pedagogical
High School have participated in cleaning the Buzau River in the town’s
residential area.
1. Strategia de Dezvoltare si Promovare a Turismului si
Agroturismului în judetul Buzãu
2. Business & Tourism Magazine