Anatomy &Physiology CLS 221 DR /Noha Elsayed 2016--2017 • COURSE NAME : Anatomy &physiology • COURSE CODE:CLS (221) • DAY: SUNDAY,TUESDAY , WEDNESDAY • Time : 8:9 A.M ,11-12 A.M , 9:10 A.M • The lectures will be in the female department classes 2 Instructor: Dr . Noha Elsayed Office hours: THURSDAY12 :2 P.M. E-mail: 3 Course objectives 1. Help students to acquire background information in these basic sciences, and will enable them to understand the deviation from the normal in the different organ and tissue systems. 2. Familiarize students with the anatomy and physiology of human organ systems . 3. Provide basic discussion on major structures and functions of different tissues and organs . 4. Illustrate the relationship between normal physiology and altered states to serve as a basis for upcoming advanced pathology courses . 4 COURSE OUTLINE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology. Cells and tissues. Skin and body membranes. Skeletal system. Nervous system. Cardiovascular system. Respiratory system. 5 8. Digestive system. 9. Urinary system. 10. Reproductive system. 11. Nerve and muscle physiology. 12. Blood physiology. 13. Endocrine physiology. 6 7 SUBJECT GRADE First Assessment Exam 20 Second Assessment Exam 20 Quizzes + project 20 Final Exam 40 TOTAL 100 9 10 Required textbook Elaine N Marieb, Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology, 7th Edition 11 Attendance • Required - Be sure to sign the roll sheet each class period. • Any material missed will be the responsibility of the student. • It is the student’s responsibility to report absences and the reasons for any absences, before the fact when possible, when they occur. • No one may be present in the classroom who is not enrolled in the course. 12 Communication Devices • All cell phones, and other outside communication devices must be turned to silent or off during class. 13 Communication with me • Please ask questions whenever you have any problems with the material of the course. • If you need extra help or have a question outside of class, please send me an E-mail or take an appointment with me. 14 My Expectations and Your Responsibilities • Prepare for the Examinations: Read the Assigned Chapters well before the day of the exam. Ask questions of me in or outside of class if you need assistance in understanding the material. Do not ask me “What will be on the exam?” The exams will consist of all kind of questions definitions, true& false, choose, figure, list, match and situation. 15 Welcome to cls • Any Questions? • Let’s Start With Some chapters About Why You Are Studying CLS? 16 17