Welcome To LIFS 241 HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY II Textbook: Marieb, E. N. 2001. Human Anatomy & Physiology, Fifth Edition; Saladin; K. S. 2003 Anatomy & Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function. 3rd Edition; or Any human anatomy & physiology textbook. Most material will come from the Lecture, with the textbook as reference. Instructor: Christopher M. Ritzi Office Rm 289, Lab Rm 338 Tel. 237-8294 Email: lsritzi@isugw.indstate.edu Office Hour: M-W 3 pm – 4:30 pm http://isu.indstate.edu/~jowhitak/ cmritzi.htm Webpage • http://isu.indstate.edu/~jowhitak/cmritzi.htm • Materials available on-line – – – – Course Outline Lecture Slides Lecture Notes Sample Questions for Exams Addition Reference at Requirements 1) Students are required to attend classes and encouraged to spend at least two hours after each class to digest the lecture and memorize the details. 2) Students are required to take all 4 exams. Grading - One lowest score of the first three exams can be dropped. - Each of the remaining two scores is counted as 25% of the final score. - The final exam counts 50% of the final score. Example Exam 1 60 Exam 2 70 Exam 3 80 Final 90 - Drop the lowest score of 60 - The final score = (70 x 25%) + (80 x 25%) + (90 x 50%) = 17.5 + = = 82.5 20 B + 45 Final grades will be assigned as follows: A 90% and above B+ 85% – 89% B 80% – 84% C+ 75% - 79% C 70% - 74% D+ 65% - 69% D 60% - 64% Rules - No make-up exams are allowed. - Under unusual conditions, exemption of one of the first three exams is considered; the student will lose the privilege of dropping the lowest score. - Missing any of the first three exams without a strong excuse supported by written proof will result in the loss of 25% of the final score. - The final exam has to be taken to pass the course. HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY II Structure/ Composition Function/ Regulation LIFS241 Lab LIFS241 Lecture SYSTEMS Skeletal Muscular Nervous Circulatory Lymphatic Respiratory Urinary Digestive Reproductive Endocrine LIFS231 LIFS241 Announcement LIFS241 Laboratory starts Jan 26, 2004 Lab in Room 292 Science Building 241lab Enrollment Tues, 2 - 4:50 pm 26 Mon, 9 - 11:50 pm 24 Thurs, 9 - 11:50 pm 0 cancel Fri, 1 - 3:50 pm 8 Cancel?