Short Form Lab Report Requirements – Enzyme Catalysis Due Date

Short Form Lab Report Requirements – Enzyme Catalysis
Due Date – Friday 10/10 – as a hard copy to Mr. Bradley by 3:15 PM
40 pts
Format – 5 pts
o Descriptive title that describes the purpose of the experiment (pt B only) – 1 pt
o Typed, 12 pt font, double spaced – 1 pt
o Written using the conventions of grammar, minimal spelling mistakes – 2 pts
o Graphs neat and easy to read or created using computer program – 1 pt
Abstract – 300 Words – 10 pts
o Explain the role and importance of catalase to cellular metabolism (2 pts)
o Summarize the findings of the experiment testing the effects of age on catalase
and SOD production in rats and how this correlated to catalase concentration in
humans at different ages. (3 pts)
o Explain the DV and how titration will be used to measure hydrogen peroxide
consumption. (3 pts)
o Develop the null hypothesis and the parameters for which it will be rejected (error
bars with 95% CI) (2 pts)
Results – 10 pts
o Create the graph from part B showing the effects of enzyme concentration (age)
on the catalase catalyzed decomposition of hydrogen peroxide
 Descriptive title – 1 pt
 Labeled axis (with units) – 1 pt
 Plotted group means for each treatment – 3 pts
 Error bars showing 95% Confidence Intervals for each – 3 pts
 Caption describing the trend – 2 pts
NOTE – I do not need tables
Analysis – 13 pts
o Explain the results of graph B – how effective does catalase remain at lowering
concentrations (with age)? Can we reject the null hypothesis (or more
specifically, is there an age beyond which we can reject the null hypothesis?) – be
sure to address the confidence intervals. What are the biological reasons why the
catalase functions at the range of concentrations and why its function decreases
with age (or doesn’t) – explain the evolutionary implications our results have on
humans. Find and cite outside source to help answer this – 10 pts
o Develop a further experiment (identify the IV, DV, and develop a hypothesis) that
could be run that will help us further understand the role of catalase in the aging
process. – 3 pts
Works cited (include the pre-lab experiment) cite within the body of the text – in APA
format – 2 pts
Attach next page to your lab report:
Name____________________________________ pd_______
Enzyme Catalysis Experiment Rubric
Explain the role and importance of catalase to cellular metabolism
Describe catalase concentration in humans at different ages
Explain the DV and titration
Develop the null hypothesis and the parameters for which it will be rejected
Descriptive title – 1 pt
Labeled axis (with units) – 1 pt
Plotted group means for each treatment – 3 pts
Error bars showing 95% Confidence Intervals for each – 3 pts
Caption describing the trend – 2 pts
Explain the results of graph B
Develop a further experiment
Works cited
APA format
_____/40 pts