بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم Johali KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA MINISTRY OF HIGHER EDUCTION KING SAUD UNIVERSITY RIYADH MALE COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCES MEDICAL LABORATORY DEPARTMENT Health Education for MEDICAL LABORATORY Technician With Health Promotion The HEMLT2010/2011 EISA ALI JOHALI Towards HEMLT APCHER Quality عيس ى بن علي الجوحلي 1 بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم Johali بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم Welcome HEMLT2010/2011 EISA ALI JOHALI عيس ى بن علي الجوحلي A Lecturer B A. M. Sc. Heath Education, KSU 1407 /1987 Short Fellowship Planning Health Professions Education, UIC, USA 1991 MA (Ed.) Nursing Curriculum, Teaching & Learning, UK 1995 Author of Two Publishing Book & 3 Projected TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality 2 HEMLT PROMONTORY Johali ،ألن الجودة من الحرص واالجتهاد وآلن ”االحساس والشعور بمرض ومشكالت ومتاعب االخرين“هي غاية مقررنا هذا طلبا للحسنيين : نستهل مقدمتنا هده بآيات من الذكر الحكيم في التقوى،“وهي في ”التقوى ]3 ،2/[الطالق َ َو َم ْن َي َّتق ُُ ِِ ََ هللا َي ْج َع ْل َل ُه َم ْخ َر ًجا * َو َي ْر ُز ْق ُه ِم ْن َح ْي ُث َال َي ْْح ِ .]29/[األنفال َ َ إ ْن َت َّت ُقوا هللا َي ْج َع ْل ل ُك ْم ُف ْر َق ًانا ِ : عن أنس بن مالك رضي هللا عنه،وقول رسوله الكريم نبينا ”محمد“ عليه أفضل الصالة والسالم )( ال يؤمن أحدكم حتى يْحُ ألخيه ما يْحُ لنفِه وقوله صلى هللا علية وسلم (كان هللا في عون العبد ما كان العبد في عون أخيه) رواه مسلم وأبو داود والترمذي أخرجه البخاري These Islamic Calls are our Evidences to assure Quality of Profession; Quality of HEMLT & Quality of Life today and for the Day after. Meanwhile, do not forget the most common Arab Proverb: “Nothing Itching Your Skin Like Your Nail” ”“ما يْحك جلدك مثل ظفرك Who can itch your skin! Effectively? You or other eg. teacher ?: When you will feel better & Who can understand better: the Passive student who taught or filled by other the teacher? Or the active student who learn by himself or at least participate /share learning with teacher?. Thus, what do you prefer /recommend: Be Passive Student & Patient? Or Be Active ? 3 HEMLT INTRODUCTORY Johali As an introductory to this probing “Lectures’ Note”, I would like to send a progressive educational message to my dear “Adult Learners”. My dear learner remember that you are not a primary school pupil neither a an elementary nor even, a secondary student. You are an adult learner that in order to success in this progressive course and in your life as well, you have to “Think, Participate, Practice & Reflect on and in, you have to react actively and voluntarily at every session. This is not a traditional lectures’ note that you can just read, store and recall. it is a “Lifelong Learning Guide (LLG)” to help you to think around, back, about, over and up. It is prepared to promote you to search about the most appropriate knowledge, attitude that can lead to the right behavior for you, your patients and community as well. This LLG consists of nine major learning units. Before briefing the history of medical laboratory science & education, it starts probing the reasons why you are studying this course “Health Education for Nursing Technician (HEMLT)”. The second and third units promote you to determine the boundaries of the quality of HEMLT through the modern philosophical and scientific concepts of education and health that can guide you to, the Fourth by which you will distinguish the appropriate methodologies and technologies that can enable you to plan and develop effective health education activities to increase the quality of HEMLT. In order to learn the course well, you have to use "Your All Senses" and "Abilities", as well; You have to attend, see, listen, ask, discuss and participate actively in teaching, learning and assessing your self, your colleague, your teaching and learning process and materials, your curriculum, and your teacher, as well. Finally, if you do so, do not worry, you will success in your course and your life as well. With this Concise & its T&L Plan and Process “All the Learners will success; Except the one Who DO NOT Welling to Success” 4 A CONCISE OF HEHAT THE HEMLT THE COURSE EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES During this course you will ”Learn & be examine” With: Explore the sciences of health, education, health education from the nature and duties of his profession and his specialized courses, Briefly highlight the historical overview of Health Education, Probe education ↔ health & briefly highlight philosophical & scientific HE roots. Well realize the recent HE scientific concepts, methodologies, technologies & planning procedures that can promote the quality of lifelong health. Define Global health education ↔ Create a“ National Definition” which suites our national nature and characters & predict HE Principles, Fields, Communication & Ethics. Be aware of the “Teaching & Learning” methods and technologies that we taught by during our HE study. Distinguish & use the most common HE Methodologies & Technologies, and their major advantages and disadvantages. Discover \ Produce \ Evaluate Some interactive HET “materials”: Leaflet, Folder, Poster and Pamphlet & Sites ….. Use the most related scientific concepts to plan an effective HE Activities. Our Overall Goal The Way Ahead Towards “ Assertive Patient Centred HE” with & Best Evidence” (APCHE’R) QUALITY Johali Towards HEMLT APCHER Quality 5 Johali HEMLT ‘S T & LEARNING PLAN OUR GENERAL AIM The Way Ahead Towards APCHE’R QUALITY HEMLT “Assertive with The Patients Centred HE” Best Evidence 6 HEMLT S’ T & LEARNING PLAN ًWeeks Johali Units/Subjects Notes 1 hrs/week 1st & 2nd UNDERSTANDING EACH OTHER DISCUSSING THE COURSE OBJECTIVES Via this T& L Plan WHY “HEMLT ” (The Place of HE in MLT Profession & Education) A BRIEF HISTORICAL OVERVIEW 3rd & 4th 5th & 6th PROBING HEMLT = DEFINE TERMS & Relations: HEALTH, HEALTH PROMOTION: the New HE & HEMLT Name HEPMLT Interactive Lecture/Group Discussion/Role Playing /Ego Reflective Exercise & Research = EDUCATION “TEACHING & LEARNING”; Adapt National Health & National HEMLT - THE MOST COMMON HEMLT THEORIES & MODELS = 1st EXAM + Assignments Plan 7th & 8th - HEMLT related COMMUNICATION & ETHICS = 9th & 10th HEMLT METHODOLOGYIES & TECHNOLOGIES (1) = 11th & 12th HEMLT METHODOLOGYIES & TECHNOLOGIES (2) QHEMLT PLANING TERMS & PROCESS (1) = 2nd EXAM + Assignment Presentation 13th & 14th 15th & 16th QHEMLT PLANING CONCEPTS & PROCESS (2) HE TYPES/FIELDS & SPECIALITIES / ASSOCIATIONS & RESOURCES Final Revision & FINAL EXAM = = ASSESSMENT=2 Monthly Creative Exams + Smart Reflective Assignment (15 Grades each) 7 Johali THE MOST RECOMMENDED REFERENCE & SOURCE ** Your Smart Lecture Notes, in the Class ** JOHALI (2010/2011) A CONCISE HEALTH EDUCATION FOR MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNICIAN (HEMLT): A Creative Lecturer’s Note, (Al Quafil Centre, King Abdullah Road, front of KSU) - http://www.amazon.com/Introduction-Health-Education-Promotion/dp/0881338451 Further JOHALI (1430/2009) HEALTH EDUCATION AND PROMOTION FOR HEALTH ADMINSTATOR & TECHNICIAN (HEPHAT) under publishing, دار األوائل تحت النشرSyria. JOHALI (2008) A Concise Health Professions History and Ethics, Dar Aawael Damascus; Syria (Specials discount for you SR 35 Al Quwafel Centre, King Abdullah Road, near KSU) The Related " Internet Sites" for research & your lifelong learning, growth & development 8 Johali REASONING WHY HEMLT ? Small Groups Discussion & Dialogue 1) Play a role of MLT working in a PHC Centre or al Eiman Hospital …. Do you have to practice HE (protect, prevent, promote healthful life of you, your colleague & your patients?) 2) Then, Play a role of MLS what is/are the most related MLT Courses/Sciences to HE 9 WHY HEMLT? DISCOVER YOUR JD مسمى الوظيفة :فني مختبرات طبية. المؤهل المطلوب :شهادة جامعية متوسطة بعد إنهاء دراسة 3سنوات في قسم علوم مختبرات طبية في كلية علوم صحية و تدريب (امتياز) 6أشهر.مختبر بمستشفى يقدم مستوى الدرجة الثانية من خدمات الرعاية الصحية ,حيث تجرى كافة التحاليل طبيعة العمل :يتم إعداد فني المختبرات ليضطلع بمسئوليات العمل فيٍ الطبية الروتينية و المتخصصة. مهام الوظيفة :تشمل مسئوليات الفني داخل المختبر ما يلي:· جمع العينات (دم ,بول ,براز ,بصاق ,سوائل الجسم ,خزعات نسيجية) و مطابقتها و توزيعها على كافة أقسام المختبر إلجراء تحاليل علم أمراض الدم ,و التحاليل الكيميائية الحيوية ,و الهرمونية ,و تحاليل األحياء الدقيقة ,و أمراض األنسجة. · إجراء التحاليل الروتينية و المتخصصة للكشف عن أمراض فقر الدم (األنيميا) ,و سرطان ابيضاض الدم (اللوكيميا) ,و أمراض تجلط الدم بالطرق اليدوية و اآللية. · تشغيل أجهزة التحاليل الكيميائية الحيوية و إجراؤها (شاملة فحص الدهون على األجهزة و يدوياً باستخدام المحاليل الكاشفة). إجراء التحاليل الهرمونية · · تحضير أطباق الزراعة ,و تنمية الميكروبات عليها و مراقبة نموها و إجراء اختبارات حساسيتها تجاه المضادات الحيوية ,و كافة طرق صبغ الشرائح المجهرية و طرق التعقيم داخل المختبر. · تثبيت و معالجة عينات األنسجة و تقطيعها و صبغها لفحص أمراض الخاليا و أمراض األنسجة و اختبارات المناعة الكيميائية النسيجية. إجراء الفحص الكامل لعينات البول ,و تحضير فحص سوائل الجسم األخرى. · · جمع عينات الدم من المتبرعين ,و الكشف عن خلوها من األمراض المنتقلة عبر الدم ,و فصل مكونات الدم و حفظها ,و إجراء تحاليل مطابقة الدم و صالحيته للنقل ,و صرف وحدات الدم من بنك الدم. فحص عينات الدم و البراز للكشف عن وجود الطفيليات. · · إجراء قياسات الجودة النوعية على المحاليل و الكيماويات ,و األجهزة في كافة أقسام المختبر. حفظ السجالت و التقارير الخاصة بالمختبر. · · مراقبة إمداد المختبر بما يكفيه من تموين شامالً الكيماويات ,المحاليل ,و كافة المواد االستهالكية بالتنسيق مع المستودعات الطبية المركزية. المعايرة و الصيانة و الفحص الدوري لكافة األجهزة بالمختبر. · · اتباع معايير السالمة و التصرف وفق اإلجراءات المتبعة في حاالت حصول حوادث داخل المختبر . · تقليص مدة إظهار النتائج و إنهاء التقارير و صرف وحدات و مكونات الدم ,و البقاء على اتصال دائم مع األطباء لهذا الغرض. · التحلي بشخصية متوازنة و التعامل بأدب و لطف مع المرضى و مع أعضاء الفريق الطبي كافة. http://www.ut.edu.sa/Colleges/HCB/Pages/AcadimicDegrees.aspx 10 Johali Johali WHY HEMLT? DISCOVER INTERNATIONAL MLT JD As a medical laboratory technician (or clinical lab technician), you'll work under the supervision of a medical technologist or physician to perform tests on tissue, blood and body fluids to help physicians diagnose and treat diseases. Medical Lab Technician Job Description Your typical duties as a medical lab tech will likely include the following: Preparing blood, urine and tissue specimens for analysis Using sophisticated laboratory equipment to look for bacteria, parasites and other microorganisms Monitoring tests and procedures Analyzing the chemical content of fluids Matching blood for transfusions Testing for drug levels in the blood to show how a patient is responding to treatment You may specialize in the areas of chemistry, hematology, cytotechnology, immunology, virology, blood banking or microbiology. Clinical Laboratory Technician Job Description, Career as a ... Clinical Laboratory Technician Job Description, Career as a Clinical .... MLT (medical lab technicians) have a 2 year degree in medical technology and ... careers.stateuniversity.com/.../Clinical-Laboratory-Technician.html - Cached - Similar Medical Laboratory Technician | Learn About Medical Lab Tech ... Medical Lab Technician Job Description. Your typical duties as a medical lab tech will likely include the following: Preparing blood, urine and tissue ... www.allalliedhealthschools.com/faqs/medical_lab_tech - Cached 11 Johali REASONING WHY HEMLT ? PLACE OF HEMLT IN MOH GUIDE 1398 Nationally, health education is a part of the nature of the MLT duties (MOH 1398) to participate in educating him self; Patients; Colleagues, Relatives and Public regarding: - Bacteria & Parasites Diseases; - Hygiene or General Cleaning mainly hands & clean vegetables & fruits before eating - Hazards of water, disposal & sanitation, pollutions”.. The major reason WHY HEMLT, because “HE is a part of MLT Professional Duties “Job Description; to: - Protect; - Prevent and; - Control; - Maintain, and - Promote Quality of Healthful Life 12 Johali PROBE HEMLT HISTORY & DEFINE TERMS Place of Health & HE in the Holy Quran & Prophet Medicine ? (Ego Reflective Assignment) Worldwide, the literature of both health and education neglected health education and its facts including the Islamic concepts until the early of this century. It was only in the late 1919 that the term “Health Education” was recognized in the Western literature by: The term “Health Education” was proposed first about 1919 at a conference in New York of leaders of health and education called the Child Health Organization. The word “Hygiene” has become some popular in schools with both teachers and pupils that it was believed a new and more definitive term would be helpful in popularizing health practice. “Health Education” as a term to replace “Hygiene” was advanced by the director of the organization and after much discussion adopted. (Kime et al 1977) 13 Johali TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality PROBE HE HISTORY & DEFINE TERMS “NATURE & HISTORY PROPER DEFINITION” The above historical statement clarify the nature of modern HE. It indicates that Hygiene (Germ-free, Pure, and Healthful) was the old name of health education in the Western literature. It confirms the Integrated Relationship between the three Sciences" Education; Health & MLT” and their Professions” that can simplified by the following formula: EDUCATION HEALTH QHEMLT SO, What is the “EDUCATION” that leads to HEALTH?" & Go ahead to promote the Quality of HEMLT 14 Johali TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality PROBE HE HISTORY & DEFINE TERMS “NATURE & HISTORY PROPER DEFINITION” WHAT IS THE “EDUCATION? THAT WE ARE LOOKING FOR ? Understanding Education ? How did the Old Greece and Muslims Philosophers and Scientists educate (Socrates; Aristotle; Plato & Ibn Khaldon, Al Ghazali; Avicenna & Bin Bazz?) (Ego Reflective Assignment) The term “Education” came from: the Latin words “Educo = To lead out” the Training the mind; the English term "Educe = To draw out". In Islam and Arabic language “Education” Perfection; reform وإصالح، تهذيب،تربية & "Educare = means: Breeding & The latest ًWestern educational philosophies such as “the progressivism & the reconstructionism” connect "Education" to the “Freedom = the Democracy”. In the late 17 Century, "Rousseau" a French teacher addressed the following advice: Give your scholar no verbal lessons, he should be taught by experience alone...Put the problems before him and let him solve them himself. Let him know nothing because you have told him, but because he has learnt it for himself. Let him not be taught science, let him discover it. (Johali 1995). 15 Johali TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality PROBE HE HISTORY & DEFINE TERMS “NATURE & HISTORY PROPER DEFINITION” WHAT IS THE “EDUCATION? THAT WE ARE LOOKING FOR ? Also, Albert Einstein" (1878-1955) the German/US Physicist said: "I never teach my pupils; I only attempt to provide the condition in which they can Learn“ (Valcin 2001) These advices formed the foundation of the progressive, freedom or democratic education that produced many modern educational theories and strategies such as: Problem-Solving & Problem Based Learning; Learning by Experience or Experiential Learning ; Learning by Discovery, and finally, "Andragogy” the"Student/Patient Centred Leaning. Eventhough, the Western Philosophers still looking the education that assure the quality.. 16 PROBE HE HISTORY & DEFINE TERMS “NATURE & HISTORY PROPER DEFINITION” Johali TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality WHAT IS THE “EDUCATION? THAT WE ARE LOOKING FOR ? The Optimists (Idealists) of the above philosophies and theories believe in the “Ideal Education” that “: A Perfect Education will Produce a Perfect Society or Heaven on the Earth” As A Muslim; Do you believe ? (If you don’t?!, Your Religion Do) This believe was strongly criticized by many educational philosophies such as, the Realism who reject the terms “perfect or idealist”; the Behaviorism who see “education in their behaviors” and, the Experientialism who connects “education to the experience only”. Reflecting on the above educational concepts with health considerations, the logical definition of “General Education” can be concluded as: “A Lifelong Process of Growth and Development” 17 Johali PROBE HE HISTORY & DEFINE TERMS “NATURE & HISTORY PROPER DEFINITION” TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality WHAT IS THE “EDUCATION? THAT WE ARE LOOKING FOR ? Self thinking “EGO QUESTION: Modify the above definition of “general education” into an Islamic definition?” ==== “A Growth and Development Process for …….. & the …… …. ” The Ideal Islamic Definition of “GE” is: A Growth and Development Process TODAY & for the DAY AFTER OR A Process of Meaningful Learning for Today & the Day After The appropriate “Education” تثقيف/ تعليمthat can be defined as: An intellectual & behavioral process of “Teaching and Learning” activities that influence the growth & development and promote healthful life. Still, “What Teaching &تدريسWhat is Learning ” تعلمthat can promote the QHEMLTِ? 18 Johali TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality PROBE HE HISTORY & DEFINE TERMS - “NATURE & HISTORY PROPER DEFINITION” WHAT IS THE “EDUCATION? THAT WE ARE LOOKING FOR ? While the traditional “Teaching” is understood as: “A teacher based process of providing and injecting knowledge, attitudes and skills” to inflate memory. The “TEACHING” that we are looking is “a process of promoting and helping other to LEARN. The traditional behaviorism “Learning” is realized as “a process of gaining deep and wide knowledge, attitudes and skills that can control and shape behaviors. Such learning is a form of training rather than education. While, The Millennium “LEARNING” that we are looking for is: “An Independent Process of Growth and Development within the personal science, technology, experience, & behavior 19 Johali TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality COMMON PHILOSOPHIES OF EDUCATION JUST LOOK FOR THE PLACE OF EDUCATION THAT WE ARE LOOKING FOR? Key Concepts Most Common Philosophies & Theories of Education Humanism Education /HEMLT Process Knowledge/ Theory Skills/ Practice Teacher/HE/MLT Examination/ Evaluation Student/Patient Curriculum/Plan Technocrat Progressivism Reconstructionis m Transfer Shape Travel /Jearny Grow Preserve& Adaptation/ Personal Growth & Society-Centered Transmit Training Development Create better Knowledge Training/Skills/Obje society ctives worthwhile relative- essential Life experience Life experience for safe Tentative Tentative Society practice Student interest interest Relative to Vital Vital Vital safe practice Centre / Instructor & Guide Facilitator Indoctrinator/ Transferor Orientater Vital-theory Vital- practical Self interest & Vital theoryevaluation practice for better society PassivePassive- holder Active/ FreeActive container practically fully interest Semi-control Fullysupervised controlled Map of key Schedule of Basic Portfolio of Agenda of Subject Skills/ a kind of Experiences Cultural 20 Technology Issues Johali A CONCISE OF HEHAT – JOHALI 2008 TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality “NATURE & HISTORY PROPER DEFINITION OF HEALTH” WHAT IS HEALTH? that we are look for: Medics “Curative Medicine” Physical fitness absence of disease harmonious functioning of organs Commodity “Just Feeling Good” Behaviorists ability adapt to “Adaptation” (HBM) Social Scientists Humanists Well social Personal strength\ability function absent of all Self Growth & diseases, Development health problems handicaps & Idealists Perfect wellbeing in every respect Behaviorist also come under Realism = Pragmatic 21 Johali CONCISE OF HEHAT – JOHALI 2008 TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality “NATURE & HISTORY PROPER DEFINITION OF HEALTH” THAT WE LOOKING FOR To be appropriate for all nation; the “WHO Constitution 1946”, “Health” is defined as: A STATE OF COMPLETE PHYSICAL, MENTAL AND SOCIAL WELLBEING AND NOT MERELY THE ABSENCE OF DISEASE AND INFIRMITY. --------------- Infirmity = any health problem or defect Complete = Total; Whole; Absolute & Perfect ----------------------Ego Reflective Thinking & Assignment As an ideal religious centred society, how we can create an accepted “Health” Definition with Evidences from Holy Quran & Sunnah ”? -----------------------Now, start think about Defining HE & HEHA that can grantee the Quality of healthful Life 22 CONCISE OF HEHAT – JOHALI 2008 Johali “NATURE & HISTORY PROPER DEFINITION OF HEMLT THAT WE LOOKING FOR WHAT IS HEALTH EDUCATION? As health + education, “HEALTH EDUCATION” has different meanings. Based on the scientific principles of the “Learning and Behavioral Theories & Models” and “the Diagnostic Approach of Planning H. E.”, the most appropriate definition can be a combination of these two definitions: WHO” DEFINITION A PROCESS WITH INTELLECTUAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL, & SOCIAL DIMENTIONS RELATING TO ACTIVITIES THAT INCREASE THE ABILITIES OF PEOPLE TO MAKE INFORMED DECISIONS AFFECTING THIER PERSONAL, FAMILY AND COMMUNITY WELL-BEING. & BEHAVIORIST DEFINITION ANY COMBINATION OF LEARNING EXPERIENCES DESIGNED TO FACILITATE VOLUNTARY ADAPTATIONS OF BEHAVIOR CONDUCTIVE TO HEALTH. ------------------------Ego Exercise: So, as an ideal modern religious centred society, how we can create HEMLT Overall Goal - An ideal “accepted & promoting “HEMLT” Definition”? - Persuasive HEMLT objectives (Drive from WHO & Behaviorist Def) 23 Johali CONCISE OF HEHAT – JOHALI 2008 “NATURE & HISTORY PROPER DEFINITION OF HEMLT THAT WE LOOKING FOR Thus, let us hold a “Learning Debate” Based on these literature, the nature of the Saudi community and culture, the nature and fortitude future of HE, the ideal definition of a “National Health & National HEMLT” that the whole people can understand, accept and react with it positively, is: 24 CONCISE OF HEHAT – JOHALI 2008 Johali TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality “NATURE & HISTORY PROPER DEFINITION OF HEMLT THAT WE LOOKING FOR H E QUALITY OF HEALTHFUL LIFE HEHA/HEHAT QUALITY OF HEHAT PATIENTS’ & EMPLOYEES’ HEALTHFUL LIFE & THE TWO MAJOR HE OBJECTIVES ARE HELP PEOPLE TO INCREASE THIER ABILITIES TO MAKE INFORMED DECISIONS AFFECTING THIER PERSONAL, FAMILY AND COMMUNITY WELL-BEING. FACILITATE VOLUNTARY ADAPTATIONS OF BEHAVIOR CONDUCTIVE TO HEALTH. BY ENCOURAGING, MOTIVATING, PROMOTE ........NOT TEACH/INSTRUCT\ORDER PEOPLE\PATIENTS TO: ACQUIRE .………………………………...…,. PERCEPT (Accept/ not Reject) .…....... MOTIVATE To (accept) ……….………….. MODIFY\CHANGE voluntary ..........…… & PROMOTE & MAINTAIN HEALTH BEHAVIORS 25 Johali CONCISE OF HEHAT – JOHALI 2008 “NATURE & HISTORY PROPER DEFINITION OF A NATIONAL H & HEMLT A NATIONAL DEFINITION OF HEALTH & HEMLT The history of health, education and health education show that health education has many definitions with varieties of understanding. These definitions and understanding are varied from generation to other and from nation to nation according to their cultural and social background. To motivate people to accept and react positively with health education message and activities, the early and the religious based definitions were considering the terms "Moral; Spiritual & Emotional"... As an outcome of the Western Age of Reasoning, these morality terms were neglected. At the early of 20 century, there were worldwide debates regarding the most appropriate definitions for health, education, and health education. As a result of these philosophical and scientific debates, the early terms and many other such as “physical and / or intellectual, mental and / or psychological, cultural/environmental and or social….” were discussed for the best health education definition. Beside "Politics" the administrator factor, there are many other factors such as "economical, scientific and technological" factors such as poverty, hunger, hazards that can affect the quality of health full life of people (-ve/+ve). Ego (self) Reflective Learning: 26 Johali A CONCISE OF HEMLT “NATURE & HISTORY PROPER DEFINITION OF A NATIONAL H & HEMLT An Ideal dynamic process of (1) Moral, (2) Spiritual, (3) Physical, (4) Intellectual, (5) Mental, (6) Emotional (7) Psychological, (8) Social, (9) Cultural, (10) Environmental, (11) Economical, with (12) Professional Ethics, that can help people/customers to “grow; develop”, and make informal decisions affecting their personal, family and community well being. “An outcome of NUR/MLT Student Group Work 21/2/1427” An Ideal dynamic process of (1) Moral, (2) Spiritual, (3) Physical, (4) Intellectual, (5) Mental, (6) Emotional (7) Psychological, (8) Social, (9) Cultural, (10) Environmental including Climate, biology & chemical pollution, (11) Economical, (12) Political with (13) Professional loyalty and (14) appropriate Technology that can help people/customers to “grow; develop”, and make informal decisions within a specific “Time” affecting their personal, family and community well being. “An outcome of “Has’ Student-Lecturer Dialogue HEHA 28/2/1427”modified 1428 & 1431 Do you have any addition .. New dimension / factor can affect your health … ?! 27 Johali HEALTH PROMOTION THE FASHIONABLE MILLENNIUM NAME OF HE 28 HEALTH PROMOTION THE FASHIONABLE MILLENNIUM NAME Definition of Health Promotion Health Promotion is the art and science of helping people discover the synergies (independent discovering) between their core passions and optimal health, enhancing their motivation to strive for optimal health, and supporting them in changing their lifestyle to move toward a state of optimal health. Optimal health is a dynamic balance of physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual health, and more... Lifestyle change can be facilitated through a combination of learning experiences that enhance awareness, increase motivation, and build skills and, most important, through the creation of opportunities that open access to environments that make positive health practices the easiest choice. O’Donnell MP. Definition of health promotion 2.0: embracing passion, enhancing motivation, recognizing dynamic balance, and creating opportunities. Am J Health Promot. 2009 Sept Oct;24(1):iv. 29 HP DEF. MODEL: Physical: Fitness; Nutrition; Medical self-care; Control of substance abuse. Emotional: Care for emotional crisis. Stress Management Social: Communities. Families. Friends Intellectual : Educational; Achievement; Career development Spiritual : Love; Hope; Charity (It is more..see Johali 2010 SARMR Texas http://www.healthpromotionjournal.com/index.html 30 What do think - Compare to National HEMLT def.; Discover which is missing from the most important three dimensions , putt it at Centre & Redraw HP Model that we are looking for ?! Johali WHO HEALTH PROMOTION PRINCIPLES WHO said: “Health promotion initiatives should be planned and implemented in accordance with the following Principles”: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Empowering: Health promotion initiatives should enable individuals and communities to assume more power over the personal, socioeconomic and environmental factors that affect their health. Multi-strategy: Health promotion initiatives should use a variety of approaches, including policy development, organizational change, community development, legislation, advocacy, education and communication, in combination with one another. Participatory: Health promotion initiatives should involve those concerned in all stages of planning, implementation and evaluation. Holistic: Health promotion initiatives should foster physical, mental, social and spiritual health. Inter-sectoral: Health promotion initiatives should involve the collaboration of agencies from relevant sectors Equitable: Health promotion initiatives should be guided by a concern for equity and social justice. Sustainable: Health promotion initiatives should bring about changes that individuals and communities can maintain once initial funding has ended. Advocacy: activities directed at changing policy of organizations or governments 31 HP NATIONAL HEPMLT MODEL NHEPMLT by adding: 1. HEMLT Patient at Centre; 2. the most related NHEMLT dimension from the last 14 D 32 Johali HEMLT Sciences Most Related Theories & Models This learning unit helps you to realize the most appropriate Philosophical & Scientific Concepts. REMEMBER, during planning, you have to practice every thing, all the sciences that you have learn. 33 Johali PERSONALITY (SELF) DEVELOPMENTAL THEORIES (PDT) WHY PDT FOR HEMLT? 34 Johali TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality PDT: A CREATIVE INTEGRATED GLOBAL MODEL Personality Environment Heredity Physiological Process (Repro & Growth) SocioCultural Genetic DNA Physical Attributes Socialization SELF Concept Experiential Identity – Esteem – Effectiveness Learning Worth – Copy – Express – Aware – Autonomy Determine / Development Response – Behave – Attitude - Belief – Value – Actualization 35 Johali TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality THE PDT PTD is the base and the master theory that builds and shapes the whole personal characteristics. Heredity shapes the physiological development process of the fetus from conception to birth and, the “Chromosomes” which made up of Deoxyribo-Nucleic Acids (DNA) carries the genes that determine the personal physical attributes. Environment consists of many surrounding geographical, cultural and social forces that are originated outside the individual and shaping his/her personality development including the “Religion”. Socialization is a state of living with others in successful manner, social process starts immediately after the birth. Culture is the vital force which shapes and control our live, all people are molded by the particular culture in which they reside. Culture in the Western literature means religions, beliefs, ethics, norms, traditions, values, attitudes, thoughts, learning or education, actions and the wisdom of the people. These and other cultural forces are preserved, transmitted and developed from generation to generation by the process of socialization and every society has its culture or social system **In Saudi Arabia…, personality and its developmental process shaped by Islamic Principles. 36 Johali TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality PDT: WHAT IS PERSONALITY A Person and Personality are the centre of human communications and health education. Therefore, it is important to understand these terms before studying the personality development theories. * A Person is a human being considered as having a character of his or her own. * Personality is the whole nature or character of a particular person or individual. It is the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychological systems that determine his/her characteristic behavior and thought. “By Critical thinking, you can estimate a simple Definition from IM” In our Integrative modified Model; ** PERSONALITY is a dynamic process of three basic forces “Heredity, Environment and Self. 37 Johali TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality SELF THEORIES SELF is the whole being of a person who has specific nature, character and ability or the structure of the personality. The term “SELF” denotes how individuals perceive or understand and accept themselves in terms of identity, worth, esteem, and effectiveness - In terms of realistic, knowing, doing, achieving, and being. It denotes how they experience events and interpret them either to reinforce or alter earlier perceptions; how they develop consistency and continuity of purpose; and whether they see their own selfhood as unique (Ross & Mico, 1980, 36). Many psychologists and sociologists holds the fact that the person who has healthy reproduction and growth, genetic and environment patterns will have healthy characters (behavior and thought) or healthy personality. 38 SELF-CONCEPT OF LEARNING Johali TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality Self-concept is defined as an organization self images perceived through the appraisals or feedback of others by which the individual develops a concept of adequacy or effectiveness. The observed self and adequate self together make up the self-concept, it is a process of “how to behave in order to be effective”. Due to the fact that experience is an early stage of personality development, Beatty identifies four areas of organizing experience and learning with other related HE becomes Fix areas (5S): Self Worth: By experiencing love or other inclusion, to gain a sense of self-worth without an accompanying sense of defensiveness. Self Copying: by learning how to do something that previously could not be done, to feel more able to cope effectively. Self Expressing: by means of affective (pleasant or unpleasant), by experiencing sensations, to become more self-expressive and relatively free of tension and anxiety. Self Awareness: Be aware and perceptive Self Autonomy: making autonomous choices, to develop a greater range of choices. 39 Johali TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality SELF-DETERMINISM THEORIES Self-determinism is based on believe that “human beings are unique in their individual: - Responses; - Behaviors; - Attitudes and; - Values; These concepts are potentially the Selfactualizing . Both self theory of learning & self theory of determinism integrate many theories such as experience and learning (Beatty), personality development (e.g; Coleman's Model), perception and motivation (e.g; Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs & H B Model). 40 MASLOW HIERACRCHY (LADDER) BASIC HUMAN NEEDS Johali TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality 41 COLEMAN P DEVELOPMENT STAGES (CDS) Johali TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality COMPARATIVE SUMMARY CDS/ MASLOW 6 Later Age 60+ Retirement/ new live 5 Middle Age 36-60 Full Responsible 4 Early Adulthood 18-35 Be Responsible 3 Adolescence 12-18 Identity/Ego self realization self estimation social safety physiological 2 Middle C 6-12 Social needslearning 1 Early Child hood 0-6 Basic needs Learn to Live 42 Johali TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality PSYCHO-LEARNING THEORIES PERCEPTION & MOTIVATION THEORIES 43 PERCEPTION THEORY THE BASE OF HUMAN BEHAVIORAL MODEL (HBM) & ASSERTIVE HEMLT Perception (Awareness) is a mental and psychological process. It is a dynamic process of thinking learning and, memorizing (learn by heart). It is the common “Five Human Senses". It denotes how things “Look; Sound; out side Feel; smell and Taste. It explains “why individual perceived "accept or reject" HEMLT Messages. It is the first and the most important element of HEMLT Process. If you welling to achieve the quality, you have to use the “ATAPE (5) Stages Plan” (Tindall1994,34): Anticipate different perceptions (Mainly: Persons/individuals; Message & Share dif. Perceptions”. Try to be aware Ask for feedback from receiver the patients Provide feedback to the sender the health educator Evaluate level of perception 44 Johali TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality MOTIVATION THEORY Traditionally, Motivation is a process of encouraging perception towards a positive health behavior. There are six sub-theories of motivation: Reinforces -Needs Cognitive dissonance or conflict -Attribution (why) - Personality affiliation or achievement & Expectancy. Generally, this theory comes after perception to initiate, direct, maintain and promote behavior to fulfill ‘Basic Needs’. Today & in this course, we hope to use “Perception & Motivate” to “initiate and promote our self & Patients to move toward the Optimum Quality of HEMLT Optimum Quality of Healthful Life. 45 MOTIVATION THEORY Johali TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality Motivation takes two major forms: 1) Drives: the Internal / physical motivators: PRIMARY Drives e,g; hunger-eating, thirstdrinking. LEARNED Behaviors (desire-smoking) which become functionally autonomous through repetition and reinforcement. 2) Incentives: the External motivators: Facilitative, to satisfy needs and realize potentials Coercive/persuasive, to impose behaviors strange to person’s needs or potentials. 46 Johali TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality P&M THE GENERAL TWO PRINCIPLES READINESS: Learning is Most Effective when Learner is Ready and Welling learn. (Are you?) a to INCENTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT & PROCESSES: Good place and atmosphere, effective teacher and teaching lead to cooperative and effective learner and outcomes. 47 Johali THEORY OF BEHAVIORAL EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES LEARN TO BEHAVE TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality BLOOM S’ TAXONOMY OF LEARNING OBJECTIVES THE DOMAINS Simple / Dependent / Passive COGNITIVE Know – Knowledge AFFECTIVE Think – Value – Response - Judge PSYCHOMOTOR/ACTION Intellectual Skills Behaviors (Doing): Reflect – Adapt - Modify - Decide – Move Complex / Independent / Active 48 Johali TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality THEORY OF BEHAVIORAL EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES-LEARN TO BEHAVE BLOOM S’ TAXONOMY OF LEARNING OBJECTIVES DOMAINS VERBS Simple Class / Dependent Area / Behavioral Objective Cognitive Knowledge Knowledge Comprehension Application Int. Ability Analysis Synthesis Int. Skills Evaluation Complex / Passive Affect Action/ Psycho Remember Receive Reflect/Move Reason Respond Communicate Plan to solve Value/apprise Act Format Organize/character Adapt Understand Create/Interpret Develop Inter Judge Ext Judge Decide Independent / Active / Deep understanding 49 HBM 50 Johali TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality HEALTH BELIEF MODEL (HBM) Because, HBM bases on the concepts of “perception, motivation, Behavioral objectives theories as well experiential learning theories”. Thus, HBM can be considered as “an integrated and interactive health learning model”. HBM is a paradigm used to predict and explain health behavior based on value-expectancy theory. It affirms that individuals are not likely to take a health action unless they are: Well Motivated Learns = Who have (Background) + (Perceptions-Threat & Expectations) + (+ve Behave) ----------------RQs HBM is Health, . . . . . . Model, it is a . . . . . . . . Used to . . . . . . . Explain health . . . . . . . . Based on . . . . . – expectancy 51 Johali TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality HBM THE MODEL SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM Background + Socio Demographics Factors Age; Edu status; gender… Perception + Action Threat Cues • P Susceptibility • P Severity Media Influence Reminder + Expectations Behavior to Reduce T based on E P Benefits P Barriers + S efficacy 52 Johali HBM THE MODEL HBM = Background + Perception - Action Perception = Threat - Expectation Expectation = Benefits + Barriers + S efficacy HBM outcome = +ve Behavior by Reduce T based on E ( ( ( ( TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality ) ) ) ) 53 Johali Updated 9 Feb 2010 •Define & Apply HBM Concepts Concept 1. Perceived Susceptibility Definition One's belief of the chances of getting a condition Application Define population(s) at risk and their risk levels Personalize risk based on a person's traits or behaviors Heighten perceived susceptibility if too low 2. Perceived Severity One's belief of how serious a condition and its consequences are 3. Perceived Benefits One's belief in the efficacy of the advised action to reduce risk or seriousness of impact Define action to take — how, where, when Clarify the positive effects to expected Describe evidence of effectiveness 4. Perceived Barriers One's belief in the tangible and psychological costs of the advised behavior 5. Cues to Action Strategies to activate "readiness" 6. Self-Efficacy Confidence in one's ability to take action Specify and describe consequences of the risk and the condition Identify and reduce barriers through reassurance, incentives, and assistance Provide how-to information Promote awareness Provide reminders Provide training, guidance, and positive reinforcement 54 Johali TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality HBM PREDICT & EXPLAIN SICK ROLE PREDICT PREVENTIVE H BEHAVIOR HBM 55 Johali TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality HEMLT Ethics & Communication 56 Johali TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality ETHICS: : THE MOAJOE ISLAMIC ETHICAL BASES ISLAMIC ESSENTIALS Individual/Personal Nature & Educational Development: from fetus - later age & day after التربية والتطور الطبيعي للفرد Social Security/Welfare & Relationshipsالتكافل واألمن والعالقات االجتماعية COMMUNICATION RIGHTS حقوق التعامل والتواصل (As a Muslim learner; You have to write Evidence from Holly Qura’an & Sunnah) 57 Johali TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality THICS: : THE MOAJOE ISLAMIC ETHICAL BASES ETHICS: ISLAMIC FOUNDATIONS HUMAN NOBILITY / Dignity JUSTICE & EQUITY HUMAN COOPERATION FORGIVENESS/COMPASSION/AFFECTION الكرامة اإلنِانية العدالة واملساواة التعارف والتعاون اإلنساني الرحمة واملودة/ التسامح HONESTY / FIDELITY اإلخالص/األمانة BENEFIT/ USEFULNESS املنفعة واملصلحة/البر/اإلحسان ============ As a Muslim learner, you have to find at least (Aiah or Hadeeth) as scientific evidence for each 58 Johali TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality THE MOAJOE ISLAMIC ETHICAL BASES GLOBAL MORAL REASONING THREE MAJOR LEVELS + 6 STAGES PRE-CONVENTIONAL LEVEL CONVENTIONAL LEVEL STAGE 1: Moral Realism STAGE 2: Individual & Instrumental Morality STAGE 3: Interpersonal Normative Morality STAGE 4: Social System Morality POST-CONVENTIONAL LEVEL STAGE 5: Human Rights & Social Contract Morality STAGE 6: Universal Ethical Principles (because People seen as having value in themselves rather than as agent of social values, thus it emphasis the “Self chosen for best Justice; Human dignity & Rights → Optimum Quality 59 Johali TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality THE MOAJOE ISLAMIC ETHICAL BASES GLOBAL ETHICS PRINCIPLES BENEFIENCE : Act in the best interest of the patient, it is a moral (religious) principles, the Western traced to Hippocratic pledge. Meanwhile, it is one of the major Islamic Principles. AUTONOMY: Patients rights to self-determination; to chose what will be done to them. HONESITY : Patients have the right to the truth about their medical conditions, the course of their disease, the treatments recommended & alternative treatment available. INFORMAL CONSENT : this is a part of Autonomy & honesty principles. The patients have the right to be informed about all the relevant medical aspects including the treatment. CONFIDENIALITY : based on the human dignity, patients have the right to assure that all the information about their medical conditions & treatment will not be given to other without their prior permission. FIDELITY/LOYALTY: Your responsibilities should be directed toward the “Patients Welfare”, not to the physician interests 60 Johali TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality THE MOAJOE ISLAMIC ETHICAL BASES THE SEVEN SEAS (7C’S) OF QUALITY HE COMMUNICTION 1ST STEP TO QUALITY HE COMMUNICTION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Credibility: You the source “the Sender (S)” must be competent and reliable to Motivate Context: HE Message (HEM) must be relevant to the receiver Content: HEM must have genuine meaning “meaningfulness” Clarity: the R “Patient” must be able to understand the message Continuity: Though repeated with variations, HE Message must be consistent (steady reliable) enough NOT to Confuse the R Channels: HEM must use the most acceptable communication channels\media (HE methodology & technology) to the R Capability: The R must be able to communicate effectively with Least amount of Effort 61 Johali TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality HEMLT HUMAN COMMUNICATION 62 Johali TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality RELATED HE COMMUNICATION THEORIES & SKILLS INTERACTION THEORY Interaction is the act of having an effect on each other. Thus, it is a process of exchange or communication. It is based on a consideration of three main elements: - Activity, refers to the act or behaviors that the group undertakes - Interaction, pertains to the reaction or the exchange that occur among group members. - Sentiment or Attitude, to the feelings members have their communicating or working to gather. 63 Johali TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality RELATED HE COMMUNICATION THEORIES & SKILLS ATTITUDE CHANGE THEORY In order to produce effective HE communication: and to change attitude, this theory gives Three main conditions: 1) The Nature of communication: eg. Sender characters 2) The Validity of communication source: e,g; Massage. 3) The Characteristics of the audience the receiver. It is based upon the foundations: The Greater the Prestige and Credibility of communication & HE process, the Greater Effectiveness “quality” and Attitude Change’. The Greater the Fear aroused by HE Message, the Less likely were the Patients to Accept it. 64 Johali TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality HEMLT HUMAN COMMUNICATION PROCESS (HCP) & NETWORK 65 RELATED HE COMMUNICATION THEORIES & SKILLS Johali TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality TYPES & SKILLS OF HUMAN COMMUNICATION Non Verbal Symbols Verbal Speech Language Written 1. 2. Facial Movement Destine & Body M. 3. Gaze & Eye Contact 4. Body poster & contact 5. Use of Space 6. Use of Time 7. Appearance & Cloths 1. Jargon Trap M. T 2. Use +VE words for hope 3. Be Rationale to: Conceal, justify, explain, cover other feelings describe and Correct y feelings, and share other Meta Communication Deep thinking-understanding - truth 66 Johali TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality National–International INTRA&INTER Social & Cultural Organizational Group INTERPERSONAL INTRAPERSONAL Adapted HUMAN LEVELS 1. Self interact to interpret reality COMMUNICATION & create messages.&AtHE this basic level, the central 2. 3. communicative processes of encoding & decoding are performed to help us coordinate our meanings and messages at 2. Interaction, negotiation and relations between two individuals, its effectiveness based on level 1, this level is the most important to health communication and, thus, it is important to gain at least the “Seven Top Health Communication Skills (Pagano & Ragan, 1992, 29) . Interaction of three or more individuals to adapt & achieve common tasks, its effectiveness based on 1. & 2. e.g; medical team. 4. Encompasses 1, 2, & 3, it is important to develop effective formal channels and informal networks e.g; hospitals & health centres. 5. Intra & Inter Social/Cultural joints all the above, it can be within more than 6. two different groups, communities in one organization, nation or nations. This is the highest level of communications, e.g; national and international mass media & satellites. 67 Johali TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality HEMLT HCP BASIC COMPONENTS & STEPS The Sending Person who has an idea, thought, feeling, value, attitude, information. The Encoding Process: the sender mental perception by which he/she thinks, translates and codes the communication message. The Message the product of the encoding process which formulated in a certain order hoping that it will be understood by receiver. The Channel of sending the message, our senses (sight, sound, touch, taste, smell) are the common channels at the basic intra- & interpersonal levels and, the most used are sight and sound or speech. The Interference the step of preventing the sending message from distortion (the message sent being the message received). To prevent your message, you have to understand the receiving personality and to use the appropriate codes and channels for him/her. The Receiving/ Responding Person : as sender …. have to interpret the sent message without any distortion. The Decoding Process the receiver mental perception by which he/she thinks and translates the encoding massage as it is being sent. To do so, the sending message must be coded according to the receiver’s needs, knowledge and characteristics. The Making of Meaning the massage which attempts to avoid expected outcomes. If you are passive you have negated and sat on your own feelings at some cost to yourself. The Feedback & Evaluation: checkout & promote feeling 68 HEMLT HCP NETWORK 2. Thinks 3. formulates massage Encoding Process0 Or: he has not got my massage try again 7. Decoding Process 8 Makes meaning 4: sends via 1 Sender 5. Interference Channel : Feelings Sight Sound Touch Smell Either Keep it Receiver 6 OR 9a: I well lat him Know how 9b: feedback Ed : checkout Mansour Artist 10 th.Hajah 31 Discover: 1.HC Components & Steps 2.Where is: the Health Profession ?; Patient; Who usually Decode and who Encode Source: Johali towards HEMLT APCHERQuality 69 THE SEVEN (7) TOPS HEALTH COMMUNICTION SKILLS 1) Give accurate & Adequate Feedback 2) Listening Carefully 3) Interpreting Accurately 4) Giving Clear Directions 5) Treating Others in Professional Manner 6) Communicating Information Clearly 7) Establishing One’s Credibility 8) Pagano & ragan 1992; 29) 70 Johali HEMLT TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality APCHE’R Quality ASSERTIVE PATIENT CENTRED HEMLT’R WITH BEST EVIDENCE 71 Johali TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality APCHER HEMLT QUALITY ASSERTIVE PATIENT CENTRED HEMLT’ R WITH BEST EVIDENCE APCHER based on the the Assertive Style the FEELING of others the patients “MLT as a patient” this is the Ideal way to grantee quaity In addition to”MLT caries feeling of patient”, It covers all related scientific concepts that we have learn with (e.g Carol Rogers father of Person Centred Psychotherapy”; Jean Piaget; Bloom; Dewey....etc) It is arranged “Highest to the Lowest” effect on the quality of human communication & Education Its overall goal is Quality, the intent goal, the desire and the need for every person, patient and every community and nations. APCHE’R Quality Model consists of “Three Major Model”: Patient Centred HEMLT the P self awareness Assertive based HEMLT Style Best Evidence HEMLT the scientific research & assessment Patients and any health education "Persons or customer the Centre of any HEMLT planning and activities. P's nature, characters, abilities, needs, interests, problems, risk factors and all the related information are the foundation "the Best Evidences" by which we promote, motivate and grantee its "Readiness and Willingness. By scientific research we collect these best evidences. All of these HE processes are done under "Assertiveness" concept by which MLT feels that he is the Patients carrying his sickness and healthful feelings. 72 HEMLT APCHER QUALITY MODEL Health Care & Cost effective ↔ QUALITY ↔ Patient–People–Community–the whole Nation ِ Percept Assertive HE/HPs EMPATHETIC– FEELINGS ↕ RELIGIONS & CULTURE Values READENESS Attitude Needs Norms HEMLT PATIENTS/ PERSONS Interests Behave Problems WELLINGNESS Risk Factors Scientific Research – Assessment Motivate Assertive HE/HPs Patient – People – ↔QUALITY ↔Health Care - Cost effective Johali 2006; Mod 2010 73 Johali TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality HEMLT APCHER QUALITY MODEL 74 METHODOLOGIES & TECHNOLOGIES Johali TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality THE SCIENTIFIC BASES DEFINE & REASONING WHY & HOW TO CHOOSE THE APPROPRIATE ? 75 MANAGERIAL COMMUNICATIVE HEMLT STYLES Johali TowardsHEMLTAPCHERQuality The Highest the Most Trusted Styles “Ethically – Humanity” the Highest Quality +VE ASSERTIVENESS (Confidence, Self assure, Be empathic – Other Feelings; Communicate & Educate without Attack..): Give patient freedom for direct expression of ideas, opinions ands desires. The intent of Assertive PT behavior is to communicate in an atmosphere of TRUST. It is “how to communicate straight without hurting others”. It focuses “On What we should Do rather than What we want others to Do”. The Assertive communicate message caries Feeling, Behavior and Effect”: Example: I Feel Angry (Feeling), when you are not comply with medication (Attitude/Behavior) and/thus, I blame You (Effect) PASSIVE AGRESSIVENESS (Indirect Attack, non assertive): Indirect attack, who has the intent to attack, but is carried out in an indirect avoiding way. Passive behavior designed to avoid conflict at all cost; The Passive or non assertive do not say what they really think out of fear, that other may not agree. They “hide” at corner or behind window.. The recipient/Receiver is often left Puzzle & Confused?! OFFENSEVENESS/ACTIVE AGGRESSIVE (Direct attacker; Not friendly, non peaceful/ not healthy): Ag. People seek to “win” in conflict situation by dominating or intimidating (threatening) other. Offensive is the direct attack behavior by which a parson decide to hit out others using blame and putdown words e. g: “As usual you are being hopeless”. Aggressive/Offensive MLT, the persons who promote their own interests or points of view indifferent way or hostile to the feeling, 76 thoughts and needs of others. Johali HEMLT METHODOLOGIES & TECHNOLOGIES 77 METHODOLOGIES & TECHNOLOGIES MAJOR METHODS 78 METHODOLOGIES & AVDS & TECHNOLOGIES 79 Example of HEMLT Strategies ( CAP Objective Based Methodologies) Teaching Objectives O kinds Strategy (M \T) Patient Status 1. Present \Provide Information - Cognitive - Lecture - AVAs - Reading Passive 2. Encourage understanding - Cognitive - Affect - Problem Solving - G work - Programme d learning Active 3. Encourage investigation of attitude and value - • G. work • Share experiences Active • Demonstrati on • Games • Simulation Active 4. Develop psychomotor and interpersonal skills, Affect Cognitive -Cognitive -Affect -Psycho Advantages • Economic times and resources • Large patients & information Disadvanta ges • Quantity only • Passive Think/Prom ote - Example (Recommend) • Large group of patient at 1st visit M TYPES WITH KINDS OF LEARNING; STATUS OF LEARNERS PLUS ADVANTAGES & DISADVANTAGES 80 HEALTH PROBLEM AND BEHAVIOR BASED CHARACTERS M & T RELATION TO OBJECTIVES & COMPLEXITY Diagnostic Criterion Prevalent category Desired Cognitive Educational Outcomes Affect HEMLT Strategies Audiovi sual aids Lecture Individua l instructio n Mass media Program med Learning \ ETV Inquiry Learning Simulatio ns and games Peergroup discussio n √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Psycho. HI √ Simple √ Modeling Behavior modificati on √ √ √ Complexity √ Complex HB Simple Complexity Complex HB Short Duration Long HB Infrequent Frequency HB Extent √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Frequent Rare √ Widespread HB Nature Additive Substantive √ √ √ √ Recommended HEMLT Strategies To Age; Believe & Socioeconomic Status Diagnos tic Criterio n Prevalent category Age Infants and preschoo l children Audiov isual aids Socioe conom ic statue Lectu re Individ ual instructi on Mass media Primary school children √ √ √ √ Secondar y school √ √ √ √ √ √ Adults Believe s HBM HEMLT Strategies Moderat e √ √ Inquiry Learnin g Simulati ons and games √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Weak Progra med Learnin g \ TV √ √ √ Strong √ High intermed iate √ Peergroup discussi on Modelin g Behavio r modific ation √ √ √ HEMLT TECHNOLOGIES 1 ADVANTAGES _ DISADVANTAGES & PRACTICE WITH DIFFERENT SITUATIONS Technology Advantages Disadvantages Example 1.Pilnted materials (leaflet; folder; poster; pamphlet ; booklet; books, hand-outs • Allows self-pacing. • Learners can relay to when required . • Reduces need for note-taking • Hand-outs can be made special to individual learning needs. • Supplements teaching session •Books expensive and rapidly out of date. • Hand-outs must be carefully planned and used appropriately should not replace teaching. • Copyright law prohibits mass duplication of copyrighted material. In discussion of nutrition, Hand-outs about essential Food groups and how to assess if family members are eating properly 2.Models of life, e.g. skeleion . •Three-dimensional • Resemble reality. • Allow for close examination • Allow for practice. • Visual and tactile senses stimulated. •Ma/be expensive • Cannot replace reality • Useful for small groups only. Use of doll in antenatal class demonstrations for expectant parents. 3. Real specimens • Present reality • Three – dimensional • Visual and tactile senses stimulated • Not easily available • Useful for small groups only • May be expensive, difficult to store. 4.Graphicscharts,posters, drawing, photographs • Visual sense stimulated • Promote organization and correlation of material • Help to approximate reality • Easily stored, retrieved • Production of materials should be of high standard • Useful for small groups only Used for discussion different behavioral health problems: e.g. drugs, alcohol, smoking, accidents …. HEPAHP TECHNOLOGIES 2 Advantages _ Disadvantages & Practice with different situations Technologies Advantages Disadvantages Example 5. Boards: Flannel, magnetic, bulletin and e-black boards • Larger audience • Easy to assemble and use • Can use repeatedly • Others may participate • Visual sense stimulated • Limited usefulness • Inappropriate for certain purposes and audiences • Work erased For young diabetics , choosing correct food items and creating a daily menu 6. Field Trips • Motivating • Active involvement • Presentation of reality • costly in time for organization and accomplishment • Transport needed • For small appropriate groups only For psychiatric patients , visits to shops to assess appropriate selection of clothing items 7. Overhead projection • Visual sense stimulated • Easy to prepare and use • Available to large audiences • Can be preplanned or used on spot • can illustrate process stages and develop material • Allow participation of learners • Electricity required • Equipment costly • Transparencies need to be carefully planned for effective use With renal failures patients, to explain the mechanism of kidney function and to illustrate what renal allure means 8. Slides, film strips • Available to large audiences • Can be adapted to self – learning programmer • Easy reproduction • Visual and auditory senses stimulated • Need partial darkness for viewing • co lour slide duplication expensive • Need careful presentation / side order planning for effective use For patients with recent colostomies , slide presentation of appliance management HEPAHP TECHNOLOGIES 3 Techniques Advantages Disadvantages Examples 9.Filme , video , television • Resemble ‘look like’ reality • Available to large audiences • Effective illumination of attitudes and values , can demonstrate skills • Visual and auditory senses stimulated • Need careful selection and previewing • Need meaningful introduction and follow – up discussion • costly • Electricity required • All information in film may not be appropriate • No self – pacing • Need proficient with equipment With high – school students , cases of drug dependency can be viewed and used as basis for discussion 10. Tape recordings • Auditory sense stimulated • Self – pacing • Available to large audiences • Small recorders can be inexpensive , • Can be used for a variety of reasons • Quality recordings may be difficult to obtain • Person using must be proficient with equipment Tape initial session of a group in which health attitudes are discussed . Play back in later session to assess any changes 11. Expert contributor s • Present reality • May provide a point of comparison • May command respect because of knowledge • May not be easily available • May be expensive • May not be appropriate Inviting an adolescent diabetic who is coping well to speak to a group of new juvenile diabetics about how he feels in relation to his condition 85 Johali HEMLT HYPER TECHNOLOGY Moving QHEPHAP in Moving from Printed Material & Blackboard to Digital 86 Johali HEMLT PLANNING 87 HEMLT PLANNING DEFINING MOST REPEATED TERMS 88 HEMLT PLANNING DEFINING MOST CONSTANT TERMS 89 HEMLT PLANNING DEFINING MOST CONSTANT TERMS 90 HEMLT PLANNING DEFINING MOST CONSTANT TERMS 91 Johali HEMLT PLANNING DEFINITION & PRINCIPLE 92 TRADITIONAL PLANING (TP)?Johali VS PLANNING FOR QUALITY HEMLT? WHY PLANNING FOR HEALTH EDUCATION?: To prepare well, manage, validate and grantee the quality of H. E. activities & outcomes LEARNING & PLANNING FOR QUALITY CAN BE SIMPLIFIED AS: LEARN TO UNDERSTAND LEARN TO PLAN QUALITY OF HEALTH As we have taught and may be learnt, for understanding the boundaries and its concepts, normally, we have to start by defining health education; its goals and objectives; its philosophical and theoretical concepts; methodologies, technologies and research and finally, the planning process. The TP is: Inputs Outcomes QUALITY EDUCATION/WHAT QUALITY HEALTH/WHY Does it male sense?; Does it assure quality? In order to plan for the quality of health of clients, people and community, it is recommended to “start from the end or bottom, from the field (patient, clients, people, community) as follow: Inputs Outcomes QUALITY EDUCATION /HOW QUALITY HEALTH /WHY Further use of these Quality Planning Concepts in the PRECEDE 93 HEMLT PLANNING the PRECEDE -PRECEDE IS P……….; .………. ; …….. PRECEDE IS PREDISPOSING; REINFORCING; ENABLING - DRAW OR FILL GAPS ….. FOCUS ON PHASES; PER & BEHAVIOR ? Johali CAUSES CAUSES IN ……….. IN EDUCATIONAL DIAGNOSIS ………. DIAGNOSIS EVALUATION 94 The PRECEDE Administrative Diagnosis Phase --6-- Education al Diagnosis Behavioral Diagnosis Impact Outcomes Phase ----5--,--4----- `Phase ---3-- Epidemiology & Social Phase 2 , 1 Predisposing Reinforcing HEP(HEMLT) Components Behavior \ non Behave Healthy - non Healthy Healthful Life Quality Enabling 7. Evaluation Process Impact Factors Outcomes 95 HEMLT PLANNING Johali THE PRECEDE APPLY & EVALUATION PROCESS 96 Johali HEMLT PLANNING THE PROCESS PLANNING CYCLE MODEL (PPCM) 97 Johali THE HEMLT CONCISE QPM 98 Johali HE FIELDS & SPECIALTIES; ASSOCIATIONS; RESOURCES & REFERENCES 99 Johali HEALTH EDUCATION FIELDS & SPECIALTIES HE is a part of any health professions, institutions & activities; Health Education has many (FEILDS/TYPES) Specialties, The Majors Are: Health Promotion, Health Promotion & Education, the new the Millennium name General/Public Health Education (G/PHE) Hospital Health Education (HHE): Patient & Outpatients Primary Health Care Education (PHCE) Community Health Education (CHE) School Health Education (SHE) Nursing Health Education (NurHE or HENUR Clinical Nutrition Health Education (CNHE or HENUT) Environmental Health Education (EHE) Occupational & Safety Health Education (OSHE) Chronic Diseases Health Education (CDHE): Diabetic, HBP, Cancer…. HEMLT; HEHA; HEPT; HERT………… These specialties can be reorganized as: Individual or Personal; Group, Community; Public; Institutional or Organizational ….Health Education (Only the first … the rest Just for General Information) 100 LOCAL Johali HE ASSOCIATIONS RESOURCES In Saudi Arabia, despite that there is no special “Association or Board”… as it is the case of global HE, there are many HE Resources. In addition to a department within every government and private health service sectors, the major HE government sectors are: Department of Health Education, General Directorate of Preventive Health, Ministry of Health, which is located at “Al Suliamnia, King Abdul Azis Road. Department of Health Education, King Khalid Eyes Specialist Hospital, Riyadh. The most active HE hospital department now, mainly in regarding of HE symposium. Department of Health Education, Kin Fahd Specialist Hospital, King Abdul Aziz Medical City, National Guard. Department of Health Education, Riyadh Military Hospital. It is the oldest department, and it was the most active hospital HE department mainly with HE researches & materials. Department of Health Education, King Fisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre. Department of Health Education, General Directorate of Schools Health, Ministry of Education, “the place of “Uniceef HE Seat Fond”. Department of Health Education, Security Force Hospital, Riyadh. Academic Department of Health Education, College of Applied Medical Sciences, King Saud University, Riyadh. The lonely academic department. It establishes at 1403 AH. Saudi Health Specialties Council (Association), It services all health professions including heath education specialists & heath educators. Our Live: the Saudi Volunteer Association for Health Education “independently, you have to discover the activities of these sectors and other national sectors” 101 OUR LIVE حياتنا Johali الجمعية الخيرية الِعودية للتثقيف الصحي Independently, you can discover this NA if still (R Ring Road Ex10 & 11East)?!! As Reflective Assignment 102 Johali GLOBAL ASSOCIATION & RESOURCES 103 Johali HEMLT SUMMARY 104 Johali THE LECTURER COLLECTION & PUBLICATIONS FURTHER FUTURE REFERENCES 105 Johali WITH MY GREATEST WISHES Be Excellency in ever think Be Critical Thinkers Be Creative; & Meaningful Assertive MLTs & Learners Lifelong and Day After 106