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Poetry Unit:
Jeopardy Review!
English 9
10 March 2009
Ground rules
1 piece of paper per student
Each student answers each question in
pen – no scratch-outs allowed!
Each student has roughly 40 seconds
to respond to each question
Scoring rules:
• Answers earn credit
• Incorrect answers lose credit
• Each student answers each question
Each student earns points for the team
Top team gets extra credit on exam!
Categories + Point Values
Poetry Handout Terms I
Poetry Handout Terms II
Holt Textbook Terms I
Holt Textbook Terms II
Poems I
Poems II
Grab Bag!
The questions are worth 100 / 200 / 300
/ 400 / 500 points
Poetry Handout Terms I
What is imagery?
Poetry Handout Terms I
$100 Answer
What is language that appeals to
our senses?
Poetry Handout Terms II
What is diction?
Poetry Handout Terms II
$100 Answer
What is a writer’s choice of words
and the arrangement of those
words in phrases, sentences, or
the lines of a poem?
Holt Textbook Terms I $100
What is the term for a fourteenline poem with a regular rhyme
patten, usually written in iambic
Holt Textbook Terms I $100
What is a sonnet?
Holt Textbook Terms II
What is a writer's or speaker's
attitude toward a subject or
toward an audience?
Holt Textbook Terms II
$100 Answer
What is tone?
Poems I $100
In “Forgive My Guilt,” what has
the boy done that inspired the
poem’s title?
Poems I
$100 Answer
He shot needlessly at two birds,
wounding instead of killing them,
and listened to their cries as they
fled brokenly out to sea.
Poems II $100
Describe the setting in James’
Wright’s “A Blessing.”
Poems II $100 Answer
Wright has stepped out of his car,
which he’s driven away from the
highway to Rochester and out to
a field where two horses graze.
Twilight is falling, and a light
breeze is blowing.
Grab Bag $100
What is a situation where the
reader knows something a
character does not?
Grab Bag $100 Answer
What is dramatic irony?
Poetry Handout Terms I
What is free verse poetry?
Poetry Handout Terms I
$200 Answer
What is poetry that does not
follow a regular pattern of
rhyme and meter?
Poetry Handout Terms II
What is repetition?
Poetry Handout Terms II
$200 Answer
What is a device in which sounds,
words, phrases, lines, or stanzas
are repeated for emphasis?
Holt Textbook Terms I
What is a seventeen-syllable,
three-line poem that presents
images from nature or everyday
life and reveals a greater truth
or observation?
Holt Textbook Terms I
$200 Answer
What is a haiku?
Holt Textbook Terms II
What is the continuation of a
sentence or clause over one or
more line breaks?
Holt Textbook Terms II $200
What is enjambment?
Poems I $200
Which road does the narrator
choose in Robert Frost’s “The
Road Not Taken”?
Poems I
$200 Answer
He takes “the one less traveled by.”
Poems II $200
Why was the little girl in the
church in “Ballad of
Poems II $200 Answer
Because her mother feared she
would be exposing herself to
danger if she marched in the
streets for civil rights, and urged
her to make a difference by singing
at church (where it was safe)
Grab Bag $200
What does Li-Young Lee do for his
wife in “The Gift”?
Grab Bag $200 Answer
He pulls a splinter from her hand,
just as his father did for him
during childhood.
Poetry Handout Terms I
What is the definition of
Poetry Handout Terms I
$300 Answer
What are words that sound like
what they mean?
Poetry Handout Terms II
What is connotation?
Poetry Handout Terms II
$300 Answer
What are the images or
associations a word suggests?
Holt Textbook Terms I
What is a short poem that
expresses a speaker's thoughts or
Holt Textbook Terms I
$300 Answer
What is a lyric poem?
Holt Textbook Terms II
What is a symbolic comparison
that is carried out over an entire
Holt Textbook Terms II
$300 Answer
What is an extended metaphor?
Poems I $300
Nikki Giovanni claims that the
world is not a pleasant place to be
without _________________.
Poems I
$300 Answer
Someone to hold and be held by.
Poems II $300
What are “fire” and “ice” in Robert
Frost’s poem of the same name?
Poems II $300 Answer
Fire represents desire, while ice
represents hatred.
Grab Bag $300
What is a poem that presents a
series of different images for a
common purpose, usually in list
Grab Bag $300 Answer
What is a catalog poem?
Poetry Handout Terms I
What is approximate rhyme?
Poetry Handout Terms I
$400 Answer
What is the poetic usage of words
whose sounds do not quite rhyme?
Poetry Handout Terms II
What is meter?
Poetry Handout Terms II
$400 Answer
What is a regular pattern of
stressed and unstressed syllables?
Holt Textbook Terms I
What is a song or poem that tells a
story, often about love or death,
and can be sad or humorous?
Holt Textbook Terms I
$400 Answer
What is a ballad?
Holt Textbook Terms II
What is the moment of discovery
or enlightenment in a traditional
Holt Textbook Terms II
$400 Answer
What is a satori?
Poems I $400
Why does Robert Hayden speak
with regret about “Those Winter
Poems I
$400 Answer
Because he took his father’s
sacrifices for granted
(concentrating instead on his
father’s bad moods), and spoke
indifferently to him as a result.
Poems II $400
Why is the woman struggling in
“Señora X No More”?
Poems II $400 Answer
She’s illiterate and old, and
struggles against the odds – and
her own fears, shame, and
exhaustion - to learn how to
write her own name.
Grab Bag $400
What do the students wish to do
in “Introduction to Poetry”?
Grab Bag $400 Answer
They just want to know the
“solution” – the real meaning – of
the poem, and they don’t care
about anything else. Collins
speaks of this in a symbolic
passage that shows them tying up
and torturing the poem in order
to learn its secret.
Poetry Handout Terms I
What is a foot?
Poetry Handout Terms I
$500 Answer
What is a set of at least one
stressed syllable and one or more
unstressed syllables? (These are
iambs, dactyls, etc.)
Poetry Handout Terms II
What is an anapest?
Poetry Handout Terms II
$500 Answer
What is a foot consisting two
unstressed syllables followed by
a stressed syllable?
Holt Textbook Terms I
What is a figure of speech that
merely suggests that something is
something else?
Holt Textbook Terms I
$500 Answer
What is an implied metaphor?
Holt Textbook Terms II
What is a phrase or stanza
repeated throughout a poem,
common to the ballad form?
Holt Textbook Terms II
$500 Answer
What is a refrain?
Poems I $500
What does the personified
snowman “do” in “Boy at the
Window,” and why?
Poems I
$500 Answer
He feels such sorrow for the boy
at the window – who is
surrounded by “such warmth,
such light, such love, and so much
fear” – that he “weeps.”
Poems II $500
Why did Richard Cory kill
Poems II $500 Answer
He was surrounded by all the
riches he could ever want,
possessed all of the qualities he
could ever need, and had earned
the respect of everyone he
met…but he still couldn’t find
Grab Bag $500
What is scanning / scansion?
Grab Bag $500 Answer
What is the process of taking the
poem apart to analyze the