Turkey Expanding Its Presence in the Middle East

Cactus Times
November 18, 2011
North American Edition
BRICS Meeting Concludes in Rio
Rio de Janeiro (API)—Predictably enough the BRICS meeting was used by the Brazilian
government to make a strong case to receive a permanent seat in the UN Security Council,
asking other BRICS nations to support its efforts.
Indian representatives expressed similar hopes for their country; the two represent the
two largest regional powers without seats and have been lobbying for permanent seats in the
UNSC. Japan, also without such a seat is not a members of the BRICS grouping.
Additional issues addressed:
Trade and economic development, with the Russians discussing the now famous
BPSAFE proposal, while Brazil urged greater ties to the European Union.
Iran’s nuclear weapons: the delegations were quite divided, with Brazil and Russia
pushing for sanctions, Indians worrying about Iran’s sovereignty, and the Chinese playing a
minimal role.
Previous issues also surfaced: Brazil’s concern about the Chinese yuan; Russian request
for its entry into the WTO, and Brazil’s commitment to work with Russia to overcome a
potential Georgian veto.
Major Address Given By Russian Economic Minister
Moscow (Izvestia)—The following is a speech given yesterday by Russia’s economics minister
to journalists in Moscow:
Despite Russian efforts to assure the rest of the world of its interest in promoting global peace,
criticism still seems to surface on Russian involvement in many of the pressing issues concerning
the global economy. We understand the hesitation of other countries that question our newfound
allegiance to global peace and promotion of an international unification to solve such problems.
To this hesitation we respond and will continue to respond with attempts to earn the trust of our
neighbors to both the East and West. Russia’s intentions are nothing but admirable and we want
nothing but peace among the world at this point. We have come to realize that as the world
around us continues to globalize, problems between two countries affect multiple other countries
as well. Solutions to the world’s problems can only be found in a world that is more united and
focused on peace. We now must all work together more than ever if we all want to succeed
domestically and internationally. On that note I find it important to reassure the world on
Russia’s stance on B.P.S.A.F.E.
In regards to B.P.S.A.F.E. we want to assure the world, especially the EU, that Britain’s
intentions are not to withdraw from the EU. The UK has come to us, seeing that the EU is in
crisis, looking to find assistance to the crisis with the Eurozone, along with looking towards a
solution to the global economic crisis. We believe that solutions can be found from all corners of
the world. We stand behind a united front that the best solution can only come from all of us
working together. Britain’s reaching out to us most likely comes to a greater shock to us than
anyone. We admire Britain’s courage in coming to us, as doing so is undoubtedly extremely
difficult considering the possible outcry they could receive from their fellow EU countries. With
the concern that has been raised regarding this coalition, Russia wants to reassure the countries
of the EU and the rest of the world that we are more than willing to use our resources, combined
with the UK’s and those of any other country willing to band together with us to find a solution
to the economic crisis that the world is facing which ultimately includes the Euro crisis as
well. The goal of B.P.S.A.F.E. is looking for a EURASIAN economic coalition to strengthen
economic ties around the world and work together towards a solution to the global economic
crisis by combining resources and efforts to stimulate the world economy. Both parties noted the
importance of realizing that all countries should be working together on an equal playing field to
show a united front instead of one country calling the shots for everyone else. B.P.S.A.F.E. seeks
to unite all countries that are looking towards a global solution to the economic crisis in the
world. Among issues discussed during the initial talks of the formation of this coalition were: the
economic importance, economic concerns, and goals for Peace in Middle East. In order to
achieve these goals and gain the trust of our potential Western and Eastern partners, Russia is
focused on working to liberalize its economic environment, and to facilitate trade and economic
ties with the rest of the world. We hopes this calms any doubts, fears or reservations held by
countries that are skeptical of this coalition, for Russia is eager to work together to find a global
solution with Britain and hopefully their allies as well.
Opposition Labour Party Denounces Conservative
Government’s BPSAFE Initiative.
London (BBC)—Speaking to Parliament, Labour Party Shadow PM Millibrand denounced the
recent initiatives launched by the UK, government, stating:
The Prime Minister is wasting valuable time and focus needed for society and employment issues of
Britain. The requirements and amount of money needed to function properly in society is not being
reached by citizens due to the lack of jobs. Our Prime Minister should be focusing on the needs of
the British population and their employment rather than the needs of other countries. The lack of jobs
and opportunities to work is not being taken seriously by the Prime Minister and is beginning to
diminish because of the lack of his focus.
Israelis Snub US Meeting?
New York (API)—Sources close to the U.S. government revealed today that a planned meeting
between the U.S. State Department and Israeli officials never materialized, while the American
delegation waited for the Israelis to show. This may be a strong statement on the part of the
Israelis regarding American heavy handedness over the issue of West Bank settlements. It would
appear that the Obama Administration may be out of the game as a negotiator in the peace
process. Alternatively, it may be Israeli determination to underscore the high domestic political
value of the settlements, since the Israeli foreign minister is en route to now meet with the
Americans on the way to the UN Security Council meeting scheduled for Tuesday.
Turkey Expanding Its Presence in the Middle East
Ankara (UPU)—Perhaps in response to the growing vacuum created by the major powers in the
Middle East conflict, but just as likely part of a long-term strategy to increase the role of Turkey
as a regional player in the Middle East, Turkish government officials are pushing hard with both
China and Russia to seek statehood for Palestine through the United Nations, on the eve of the
UN Security Council meeting next Tuesday.
While it is highly unlikely that such recognition will occur, the winner is likely to be
Turkey and its growing presence in the region.
Iranians Given Ultimatum or Warning About Pending
Moscow (Izvestia)—Sources in Moscow released the following communique sent to Tehran from the
Russian Foreign Ministry
Iranian Government
After many attempts to contact you, by the U.S., UN, and Israel, in hopes of starting talks about
your alleged increased production in your nuclear programs, you have remained silent and
unreachable. On behalf of Russia, I cannot express how URGENT it is that you contact us
immediately with a time that you can get together and discuss the reasons behind said increased
production (if this proves to be true), and a possible reduction plan that will lead to the cessation
of the production. Since this is not the first time that someone is contacting you on the matter, we
are not going to be able to give you a lengthy time window to respond to. We feel it is extremely
urgent that we speak no later than tomorrow. If this does not happen we will have to decide what
further action needs to be taken. We are striving to promote peace in the middle east and your
lack of communication makes it extremely difficult. Please respond as quickly as possible.
As Cloud Darken Around Iran, There are Signs of Possible
Breakthroughs in Palestinian-Israeli Peace Process
(News analysis from Reuters)
Tel Aviv—There are enough mixed signals streaming out of this part of the Middle East to give
whiplash to even the most casual observer of events: Americans threaten Israelis over the West
Bank settlements; Israelis threaten Iran over nuclear capabilities; Israelis snub US delegates in
New York; Hizbollah threatens Israel…and so the story goes.
And just as you begin to think that all is normal (chaotic, unchanging, warlike), along comes a
weird bit of news. It appears that the Israelis and the Palestinians will sit down again and
negotiate, but they will do so with a weird twist…evidently Hamas has agreed to join the
negotiations. IF this is true, much may be possible, although there are huge dangers for all parties
involved. Should Hamas look like it is surrendering its hard-line edge over Israel, it could well
lose its credibility in the Gaza, and thus its powerbase. Should the PLA offer too much to Hamas,
the same may occur for it in the West Bank. And no doubt, Israel will want both of the
Palestinian factions to renounce their claims that Israel is not a legitimate nation, while they will
want cessation of all further settlements and a reintegration of Palestinians onto what is now
Israeli soil. That would cost the Israeli government is ability to govern and would likely lose a no
confidence vote in the Knesset.
And what of the Americans? They will be in the middle again, with promises of….what?
Fascinating, interesting, mind-boggling, and difficult to fathom. Welcome to the Middle East.
UK Prime Minister Addresses Parliament on the
Government’s View of the EU
London (UP)—Speaking to Parliament on Thursday, the British Prime Minister sought to allay
concerns that the UK was seeking to destroy the European Union. The text of the speech follows:
I will be blunt when stating the purpose of this address, leaving the European Union is not in our
national interest. Period. The United Kingdom is fully committed to working together with our
European allies to foster economic growth both domestically and in the international community.
We can use the diverse interests of European powers to achieve our mutual goals. We just have
to ask ourselves, what type of Europe do we actually want?
We have the opportunity as a whole to change how we look at the function of the EU. I believe
that it is important to act on a European level but it is even more vital to open up international
channels of communication. Acting as an inflexible, immovable bloc is not the best solution. We
must instead promote open markets and flexible economies. We must create jobs, we must foster
opportunity and we can no longer take a passive stance towards solving our collective economic
In conclusion, we need to forge stronger relations with nations like Russia, Japan, China, Brazil,
India and Turkey. But we need to do it as a unified front, a true European Union. It is then and
only then, that we can begin to find an international solution to a global economic problem.