Separating Mixtures Learning Area: Science Year Level: 7 Duration


Separating Mixtures

Learning Area: Science

Year Level: 7

Duration: 4 weeks (approx. 12 lessons)


This unit is designed to build students understanding and knowledge about separating mixtures. They will learn about the properties of different mixtures and how to use these properties to separate them.

Key Terms: mixture, compound, solute, solvent, suspensions, sediment, soluble, insoluble, aqueous, concentration, dilute, colloid, separate, filtrate, homogenise, emulsion, properties, decanting, residue, distillation, crystallisation, chromatography, centrifuging,

Aims and Objectives


Upon completion of this unit, students will be able to...

Define: solution, suspension, colloid, emulsion

Fold filter paper

Choose a suitable method to separate a mixture

Separate simple mixtures using filtration, decanting, evaporation, crystallisation, chromatography

Describe the differences between properties of liquids and those of solids and gases


Upon completion of this unit, students will know...

 how the concentration of a solution can be increased by adding more solute

 how an emulsion works

 what mixtures are

 how to identify the properties that allow simple mixtures to be separated

 in basic terms how centrifuging and chromatography work

How and why sewage and recycling plants use separation


Upon completion of this unit, students will understand...

That mixtures occur in many different aspects of life and separating these is important

That different separation techniques suit different types of materials


Science Alive 1, Chapter 3

Mixtures Slideshow

Interactive Websites

Separating Insoluble and Soluble Substances, Science & Inquiry 1, p16-18

Learning Activities:

What are mixtures? Where do we use them?


Discuss why mixtures are important and where we use them

Develop an understanding of the properties of different mixtures, and how these are used to separate mixtures

Students will develop an understanding of the properties of different mixtures

Students investigate ways to separate mixtures based on the properties of the mixtures

Develop skills to separate mixtures

Students develop skills to separate mixtures

Experimental design

Students will use their knowledge to separate an unknown mixture, to find out whether it contains copper sulphate.

Classroom discussion

Brainstorm/note taking

Note taking

Soluble or insoluble

Magnetic separation prac

Filtering and decanting prac

Separating an insoluble substance prac

Separating a Soluble substance prac

Chromatography prac

Mixtures worksheet

Student Products

Separating Mixtures

Experimental Design, conduct prac and write up


Glossary Reading aloud Note taking Summarizing information

Revision sheets All practical task instructions and practical reports are to be written in third person


Research Analysis of data

Analysis of practical data Graphing results

Methodology Time concepts

Tabling data Measuring volume/mass


Students with language difficulties should have the option of presenting practical reports verbally where required. A scribe if available they can write responses for the student.

Risk Assessment

Standard laboratory rules should apply when handling preserved specimens.

Students should wash their hands after handling the jars if any chemical has leaked.

Key areas of risk outlined. Individual activities will require risk assessments, referring to individual chemicals or safe operating procedures


Formative assessment

(observation/discussion with students)

Formative assessment

(observation/discussion with students)

Summative assessment

(answers on worksheets)

Formative assessment

(observation/discussion with students)

Summative assessment (prac conduct and write up)

Summative assessment (CAI)

Separating Mixtures experimental design, prac conduct and write up

Links to VELS

Science Knowledge and Understanding

3.75 4.25 knowledge of the consequences of change in terms of cause and effect applied awareness of change over time in scientific ideas science contexts knowledge of the connections between concepts related to one or more of matter and time and application of these concepts in everyday contexts awareness of how models are used to explain scientific phenomena and processes related to one or more of matter for example, the use of the particle model of matter to explain the behaviour of materials

4.50 knowledge of the relationships between components of systems, including understanding of changes over time use and recognition of limitations of models and laws of science to explain scientific phenomena and processes related to matter

4.75 application of models and laws of science to familiar and unfamiliar situations related to matter understanding of how a system and/or its components adapt to change

Science at Work

3.75 design and reporting of experiments, including statements of purpose, labelled diagrams and symbols that explain procedures, and justification for the type of data collected and equipment used systematic collection and analysis of data including valid conclusions and identification of relationships between variables application of safe and ethical procedures, including risk management plans for handling of equipment and materials design and construction of a simple model, including annotations, that illustrates understanding of a scientific concept

4.25 planning and reporting of experimental investigations involving measurement, including justification of procedures and equipment used systematic and accurate collection and recording of experimental data knowledge and application of basic safety procedures required for laboratory and field investigations

4.50 design and reporting of experimental investigations involving measurement, including analysis of accuracy of results accurate analysis and interpretation of collected and recorded experimental data, consistent with aims selection and application of appropriate safety procedures required for laboratory and field investigations

4.75 designs and reporting of experimental investigations and simulations involving measurement, including identification of procedures and equipment which would improve accuracy of results selection and application of safety procedures related to the use of technical equipment and chemicals in laboratory and field investigations, including risk management comment on the validity of conclusions drawn from experimental data
