5. Course Description and Teaching Plan a) Title: Action Research in Agriculture b) Level: Senior Year c) Role of Research in the Course: As can be seen in this syllabus, the entire course is design to help Vietnamese students learn by actually doing research in applied local contexts; and then presenting the results to farmers, local authorities, scientists, diplomats, and governmental and ministerial officials. A cross-section of stakeholders will serve as judges of the student presentation skills, posters and quality of research. d) Time Used in University Labs: There will be six research teams at each university focusing on local issues affecting farmers. We anticipate these local issues will center around challenges in plant protection, post-harvest handling of crops and food safety. Such independent projects prevent a specific upfront listing of equipment and supplies. However, each team has been budgeted $300 to develop their proposed research taking in consideration the availability of time, equipment, resources and supplies available locally. e) Involvement of Vietnamese Teaching Associates (VTA): The participatory design of the course necessitates that the Vietnamese Teaching associates are an integral part of the teaching and learning process. They will supervise the students during initial field visits and support and mentor the research teams. Teaching skill development: There are several ways that the teaching associates’ skills will be enhanced. First, they will participate in an innovatively designed course that features applied research and experiential learning. Second, they will be introduced to problem-based learning (PBL) and action research strategies that foster soft skill development : 1) teamwork, 2) problem solving, 3) communication skills, and 4) networking skills that will help Vietnamese overcome many of the limitations to the current educational system. Finally, the Vietnamese teaching associates will reflect back on what did and did not work with this innovative research course, thereby helping them to develop critical thinking skills related to teaching and learning. f) Future Teaching of the Course and Sustainability: Senior research projects are already required in Vietnamese agricultural universities, therefore elements of the course design are already embedded within the curriculum. It is our hope that the Vietnamese Teaching Associates can easily sustain the PLB and Action Research approaches in the curriculum. g) Number of Universities The course will be taught at two universities: Nong Lam University (HCMC) and Hanoi University of Agriculture. h) US Faculty Scholars Teaching Time in Vietnam Not applicable, other than the time at the beginning and end of the course. See below. 1 i) US Faculty Scholars Teaching by Video (Time in Vietnam at the beginning and end of the course) Fully 25% of the course will be taught by the US professors in country in weeks 1 (two classes taught the first week), 14, and 15. The US professors will arrive one week prior to the first day of class to: 1) work with the VTAs to organize the course, 2) help the VTA understand the format of the course, and 3) work out logistics of site visits. During the first week of instruction, the professors will teach two, 3 hour classes to set the stage for the research projects and to visit the field sites. 15 Day Schedule- Preparation and Week 1 Sun Mon Tues Wed Prep NLU- Prep NLU-Prep Travel Week 1 HUA- Week HUA- Week Travel 1- course 1 field visits format Thurs HUA-Prep NLU- Week 1- course format Fri HUA-Prep NLU- Week 1 field visits Sat At the end of the course, the professors will arrive 15 days prior to the symposium. They will have face-to-face contact with the students to help them in week 14 as they prepare research posters and presentations. In week 15 the US professors will organize and lead the research symposium. 15 Day Schedule Weeks 14 and 15 Sun Mon Tues Week 14 NLU NLU Week 15 HUA HUA Symposium Wed Travel Travel Thurs Fri HUA HUA NLU NLU Symposium Sat j) Rationale for Team Teaching by US Faculty: Because the course will be taught at two Vietnamese universities and will be focused on individual team projects (12 teams projects), two professors are required to coordinate regional management of the research teams and to provide necessary contact time with students. Each US professor brings a unique skill set that will help students conduct research that meets the needs of local people And finally, G. Young’s work has focused on southern Vietnam, while C. Trexler’s has been in the northern part of the county. 2 SYLABUS Action Research in Agriculture Level: Senior Year Weekly class time: 150 minutes Number of weeks: 15 (two sessions in week 1), start and end dates XXXXX Course Description: This experientially based course is designed to introduce students to the process of scientific research in applied settings within Vietnam. Students will work with selected communes to help farmers and authorities solve local problems through science-based research. Vietnamese and UC Davis faculty will provide instruction in designing, conducting and presenting original research. This course will be used to meet the Vietnamese university requirement of a senior year research project. Student Learning Outcomes: Through this course the students will: 1. Apply research within a local context 2. Understand the principles of experimental design 3. Develop written skills for research proposals including literature reviews, hypothesis, budget and experimental design 4. Develop skills for presentation of scientific concepts and outcomes to expert and lay audiences 5. Refine interpersonal skills in research teams 6. Acquire analytical skills by working with data sets 7. Practice and improve written and verbal English skills 8. Use critical thinking skills 9. Develop critical thinking skills for defining pressing issues related to food systems, such as plant protection, post-harvest handing of crops and food safety 10. Acquire networking skills through interactions with both Vietnamese and American scientists, diplomats, and governmental and Ministry leaders Weekly Schedule Week Topic 1 1st class meeting Introduction to course Proposal format and project timeline Participatory Action Research Techniques 2nd class meeting - field visits and PAR with farmers and local authorities Assignments None PAR questions to ask of farmers and local authorities 3 2 Developing experimental plans and proposal formulation and writing One page summary of ideas, topics suggested by farmers from PAR Local issues: Plant protection (guest speaker from Vietnam) One page topic review: Plant protection Class held by 3 4 Experimental Design/Defining the consumer of your work -Statistics -Sampling methods -Experimental controls One page topic review Due: Post harvest Local issues: Post-harvest (guest speaker from Vietnam) Two page Research Proposals due to Drs. Young and Trexler. 3 days before week 4 class meeting Student presentation of research proposals: Definition of project object/hypothesis and defense of experimental design (small group work, presentations and critique) 5 Re-submit revised research proposals Local issues: Food safety (guest speaker from Vietnam) Whole class presentations by each team, 10 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion by class members and professors Due: One page topic review: Food safety Field work by teams- No formal class because in week 1 there were two sessions Team Updates – progress, obstacles, remedies Due: One page summary Plant Protection- Case Control Studies -Read, review, and comprehend scientific literature Due: One page analysis of the design and results of the (presentation and discussion of revised proposals) 6 7 8 In class: Teams provide research proposals and give an oral research defense. Five paper copies of the research proposal are required. 4 with a focus on class research studies -Understand the format of disciplinary publications assigned Plant Protection journal article 9 Post-Harvest- Case Control Studies -Read, review, and comprehend scientific literature with a focus on class research studies -Understand the format of disciplinary publications Due: One page analysis of the design and results of the assigned Post-Harvest journal article 10 Food Safety- Case Control Studies -Read, review, and comprehend scientific literature with a focus on class research studies -Understand the format of disciplinary publications Due: One page analysis of the design and results of the assigned Food Safety journal article 11 Scientific Poster construction/layout -Direct instruction about the purpose and design principles of a scientific poster -Student analysis of weak and strong examples of posters from Food Science - In-class group preliminary design of poster format 12 Scientific Oral presentation skills and preliminary review of poster -Small group review of posters for clarity and format -Modeling of poster presentation skills (professors) Due: Preliminary poster outline 13 Scientific Oral presentation practice session -Research team preliminary poster presentations and critique by classmates and professors -Professional dress and grooming Due: Final poster 14 Scientific Poster Presentation Symposium -Professors develop scorecard for poster judges (presentation skills and poster construction) -Invited judges to rank the top three teams in both presentation skills and poster construction Young and Trexler in Vietnam 15 Critics of poster/ self assessment/ reflection on experience Young and Trexler in Vietnam Due: Self-reflection on the 5 research and poster presentation experience. Focusing on lessons learned, skills developed, and next steps. Texts: Whyte, F. W. (1990). Participatory action research. Sage Press: Santa Barbara, CA Hoshmand, A. R. (1994). Experimental research design and analysis: A practical approach for agricultural and natural sciences. CRC Press: New York, NY. We have determined that these two books are currently in the public domain and will make photocopies of these in Vietnam. We have already budgeted the cost of 50 sets of these selected chapters. Assignments: Research group/team One page summary of ideas, topics suggested by farmers from PAR Two page Research Proposals due to Drs. Young and Trexler three (3) days before the week 4 class meeting One page update of research activities Preliminary poster outline Self reflection on the research and poster presentation experience. Focusing on lessons learned, skills developed, and next steps. Final poster and symposium participation Professionalism and contribution to the class and research team Individual One page topic review: Post harvest One page topic review: Food safety One page topic review: Plant protection One page analysis of the design and results of the assigned Plant Protection journal article One page analysis of the design and results of the assigned Food Safety journal article One page analysis of the design and results of the assigned Postharvest journal article Percent of Total Grade 10 15 5 5 5 20 10 Percent of Total Grade 5 5 5 5 5 5 Grading: Grades are distributed by the following percentages of the total points possible. This US grading scale will be converted to a 10-point scale if needed by the Vietnamese universities. A =90-100 B=80-89 C=70-79 D=60-69 F=below 59 6 Activities for the course will involve lectures, group projects and presentations, as well as field trips to sites where research will be conducted. The topics of the lectures will include approaches to experimental design, data interpretation and communicating scientific results in both written and verbal forms. There will also be lectures related to postharvest and food safety, including microbial ecology of plant materials, foodborne pathogens and disease transmission, the effect of plant physiology on food spoilage, and susceptibility to harbor pathogens and sources of food contamination. 7