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CODE: 101 (Sample Paper)
DURATION: Reading – 15 Mins.
+ Writing – 2 Hrs. 45 Mins.
Revision – 15 Mins.
The question paper is divided into three sections.
Section A – Reading
20 Marks
Section B – Writing & Grammar
25 Marks
Section C – Literature
25 Marks
All questions are compulsory.
You may attempt any questions at a time.
All questions of a section must be attempted in the correct order.
(READING – 20 Marks)
1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
Today budgies-often called lovebirds in India –are the most popular pet birds in the world.
All the adored cage birds of today are the descendants of parrots. They are one of the
smallest of the world’s 330 parrot species which have come down from a plucky little bird in
rural Australia.
Some appear to be about 30 cm long from tail tip to crown, with bulbous, fluffy foreheads,
barrel chests and deep-set eyes. Their colours are striking; vivid shades of blue, grey and
green as well as violet and white. Most starting of all are the yolk-yellow birds, called
Latinas that are like splashes of luminous paint. The first colour mutations in captive birds
were blue and yellow. Today, breeders raise birds with rainbow of colours.
Love birds stay near water when it’s dry, but when there’s a lot of rain they spread out They
are sometimes seen nestling on top of tall eucalyptus trees. While some of the caged varieties
would have difficulty flying across a room, wild budgies travel hundreds of kilometers at
speeds of up to 50 kilometers per hour to seek seed and water. Even in prolonged droughts,
the budgie has an extraordinary ability to with stand dehydration. When deprived of water,
budgies can reportedly exist with little weight loss for more than a month at an average air
temperature of 30 degrees. At 20 degrees, some can apparently survive indefinitely without
water, provided they are getting some moisture from food.
Male budgies can be excellent mimics and can develop huge vocabularies. Hens may whistle
and can learn a few words, but they are not nearly as loquacious as males. Budgies are
diamorphic upon sexual maturity. Adult males of most colors, except albino and the very
pale pastels, develop a blue colour. Hens have a lilac or tan colour that turns brownish upon
(a) Name the most popular pet birds in the world?
(b) Who were the ancestors of the caged birds?
(c) Where do love birds stay during winter?
(d) What do you know about the travelling capacity of budgies?
(e) Why, according to the author, are budgies tough birds?
(f) How are male budgies better than hens with regard to learning words and mimicry?
(g) Which colour do hens develop upon maturity?
(h) Find the word from the passage which means ‘talkative’. (para 4)
2. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given:
(4 x 2 = 8, 4 x 1 = 4)
In spite of all the honours that were heaped upon him, Pasteur, as has been said remained simple at
heart. Perhaps, the imagery of his boyhood days, when he drew the familiar scenes of his birth
place, and the longing to be a great artist, never wholly left him.
In truth, he did become a great artist, though after his sixteenth year, he abandoned the brush
forever. Like every artist of worth, he put his whole soul and energy into his work and it was this
very energy that in the end wore him out. For to him, each sufferer was something more than just a
case that has to be cured. He looked upon the fight against hydrophobia as a battle, and he was
absorbed in his determination to win.
The sight of injured children particularly moved him to an indescribable extent. He suffered with
his patients, and yet he would not deny himself a share in their suffering. His greatest grief was
when sheer physical exhaustion made him give up his active work. But even then in that pain he
loved to see his former pupils and it was then he would reiterate his life’s principles; ‘never cease
to work’. So well had he kept his precept that he began rapidly to sink from exhaustion.
Finally on September 27, 1895, when someone leaned over his bed to offer him a cup of milk, he
said sadly, “I cannot”. With a look of perfect resignation and peace, he seemed to have fallen
asleep. He never again opened his eyes to the cares and sufferings of the world, for which he had
done so much to relieve and to conquer. He was within three months of his seventy-third birthday.
(a) How did Pasteur view those who suffered from diseases?
(b) What tells us that he wanted to become an artist?
(c) Elaborate the phrase “I cannot”, in context with the article.
(d) What was his greatest grief?
(e) What is meant by ‘whole soul and energy’?
(Para 2)
(f) What is meant by ‘to give up’?
(Para 3)
(g) Find the word opposite to ‘float’.
(Para 3)
(h) Find the word opposite to ‘weakness’.
(Para 2)
(WRITING & GRAMMAR – 25 Marks)
3. A teacher motivates and inspires her students. Taking ideas from the following visual, write
an article in about 120-150 words talking about the role and importance of teacher in our
4. Develop a story with a suitable title in 150-200 words on the following plot.
Reality ahows and Talent Hunt competitions are not always advantageous. You are Rhea/Rahul a
participant in the ‘DID – Li’l Champs’.
5. Complete the following passage by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones given
below. Write your answers in the answer sheets against the correct blank number. Do not
copy the entire passage.
When Frank and I stepped (a) _____ the post office doors, (b) _____ was a crowd gathered,
gawking (c) _____ the new fixture on the wall like a chorus of wide-mouthed frogs.
(a) (i) through
(b) (i) their
(c) (i) on
(ii) by
(ii) there
(ii) at
(iii) from
(iii) there being
(iii) by
(iv) against
(iv) been
(iv) along
6. There is an error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the
sheet as given below:
As the sleek white Cessna Citation jet by no
(a) _____
markings flew inside Missouri enroute for
(b) _____
Nevada, Brooke Thompson stared out for the
(c) _____
window at the patchwork from farmland that
(d) _____
blanketed the flat Midwest landscape.
correction in the answer
7. Look at the words and phrases below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences. Write
the correct sentences in your answer sheet.
Eg: filled with / balloons / hot air / or / hydrogen / float up
Balloons filled with hot air or hydrogen float up.
(a) aeroplanes / but / are not / filled / gaseous substances / with / such
(b) curved / air plane wing / is / on top / on the bottom / and / flat
(c) called / this / is / shape / aerofoil
(LITERATURE – 25 Marks)
8. Read the extract and answer the questions that follow.
“Yes, I need your help. You know when you were away, Karamveera came as usual. I opened the
magazine. I saw the picture that accompanies the story of Kashi Yatre and I could not understand
anything that was written.”
a) Who spoke these words to whom?
b) How did the grandmother know the details of the story published in Karamveera?
c) Why couldn’t Grandmother understand anything on her own?
9. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each.
(2 × 4 = 8)
‘It was like lighting a fuse. Duke shimmied himself U-shaped in anticipation’. Explain.
Why was money of no use to the grandmother in ‘How I Taught my Grandmother to Read’?
Why has the poet used the word ‘babble’ for ‘The Brook’?
Do you agree that Mrs. Al Smith is the representative of American outlook? How?
10. Answer any ONE of the following questions in 80-100 words.
“Avva, is everything all right? Are you OK?” says the author. What values does this statement
reflect in the character of the author? Do you think we all should have such values in our life?
Express your views in about 80-100 words.
Lord Ullin’s pride cost him an irreparable loss. Justify the statement discussing the values one
should possess to avoid such a situation. (80-100 words)
11. Answer any one of the following questions in about 150 to 200 words.
How did the Lilliputians bury their dead? What was the reason behind it? Explain briefly how
they wrote. (150 - 200 words)
Write a brief sketch of Gulliver based on Part 1 and 2 of the novel in 150 - 200 words.