HI136 The History of Germany


HI136 The History of Germany

Week 12 / Lecture 11

The Racial State:

Sex, Race and Eugenics

Discussion Questions

• How ‘modern’ was the Nazi state?

• How do categories of race and sex intersect when studying population policies enacted under the Third Reich?


• Eugenics = ‘good birth’; widespread in western societies from late 19thC (i.e. not German-specific)

• ‘Ideal’ racial stock often equated to middle-class

• ‘Dangerous’ classes of lumpenproletariat

• Note cultural stereotypes rather than scientific criteria

‘Inferior Hereditary Material Penetrates a

Village’: lone mother, illegitimate children, drinking fathers, mental illness & prison


Above: Mother’s Cross; below: ‘The nation’s military strength is safeguarded by hereditarily healthy, childrich families’

• NS settlement schemes demanded a high birth rate

• Depression discouraged large families; cf pre-1914 statistics disappointing

• Positive eugenics: incentive schemes such as marriage loans, mothers’ crosses

• Lebensborn (Well of Life):

SS scheme to promote

Aryan births out of wedlock

• Anti-natalism? (Gisela

Bock): several hundred thousand women sterilised

Attacks on Civilians

• Law for Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased

Offspring (July 1933): approx. 2 million people sterilized

• T-4 Program

• Sexual Deviancy


Victor Brack, architect of the ‘T4’ euthanasia programme

Bishop Galen of

Muenster, outspoken critic of euthanasia

• Financial savings on mentally handicapped

• Killings in sanatoria

• ‘T4’ programme under

Viktor Brack experiments with gas vans

• Bishop Galen of Münster leads Catholic opposition

(euthanasia becomes clandestine from 1941)

• Key text: Michael Burleigh,

Death and Deliverance


‘This is how it would end.’

• Racial theory of hereditary illnesses

(criminality, alcoholism), rendering sufferers

‘unfit for community’

• ‘Workshy’ & prostitutes targeted from 1936 on, becoming significant proportion of concentration camp population

Roma and Sinti gypsies

Gypsies await their fate at Belzec camp

• Sinti & Roma labelled workshy

• Ethnographic studies of gypsies as Indo-

European migrants

• Proportionally as many gypsies died in

Holocaust as Jews


NS chart alleging that one homosexual man can ‘contaminate’

28 others; note the pseudo-scientific diagram

• Especially male homosexuals targeted as failing their reproductive duties

• 1936 para. 175 of

Penal Code outlaws homosexuality

• Homosexuals incarcerated in concentration camps with pink triangle


• Religious antisemitism, dating back to medieval period

• Economic antisemitism: emancipation of

Jewish Germans post-1871 coincided with economic depression

• Biological antisemitism: Social

Darwinism; organicist view of body politic; Jews as parasites

‘contaminating’ Aryan blood

Assimilation Rejected

1933 April Boycott of Jewish Businesses http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Holocaust/boycott1933.html


Nuremberg Race Laws

The Jewish ‘World Conspiracy’

Jewish ‘capitalist oppressor’

‘Bolshevism is Jewry’ Jewish ‘bolshevik commissar’ (PoW photo, 1941)

Kristallnacht, 9 Nov. 1938

Passers-by view the shattered glass of a shopfront attacked on Kristallnacht

The SS and Jewish Policy


Heydrich, Security

Service leader

Adolf Eichmann, head of Jewish desk at Reich

Security Head


• From 1939 SS tasked with Jewish policy

• Emigration schemes

(Madagascar, Urals)

• ‘Jew-free’ Reich leads to ghettoisation in

General Government, but ‘cumulative radicalisation’

(Mommsen) between competing agencies

The decision for the Final


• Autumn 1941 (Operation Barbarossa): elation of victory or realisation of defeat?

• First tests of gas chambers at

Auschwitz on Soviet PoWs

• January 1942: conference at Wannsee

(Berlin) decides on European-wide programme of mass murder, using mechanised techniques

The Holocaust

Jewish deaths in the Holocaust, showing percentage of the population killed in each country

Source: H. Schulze, Germany: A New History


55,000 Jews from the

Łódz ghetto &

5000 Gypsies gassed in mobile gas chambers in the winter of 1941-42.

200,000 killed in death camps at

Chelmno, Treblinka & Belzec in

August 1942.

By Dec. 1942 500,000 had been gassed at Belzec alone.

• Jews & Gypsies from all over Europe transported to Auschwitz from spring

1942 onwards.

• Estimated that around 1,600,000 murdered at Auschwitz alone, c.300,000 of which were not Jews.

• ‘Medical’ experiments conducted on camp inmates.

• Around 6 million Jews perished in the

Holocaust, plus hundreds of thousands of others

– Gypsies, homosexuals, the mentally ill etc.

Models of radicalisation

• Intentionalists: top-down models based on a Fuehrer order (lack of written evidence?)

• Incremental, step-by-step radicalisation, &

‘war against the Jews’ (Lucy Dawidowicz)

• Functionalists: polycratic, competing bureaucracies radicalise from below

(Martin Broszat); ‘working towards the

Fuehrer’ (Ian Kershaw)

Holocaust: Height of Modernity?

• Pseudo-scientific justification derived from rational Enlightenment ‘perfectibility of mankind’

• Use of ‘factories of death’, but also compartmentalisation of killing process enabled distancing from murder

• Increasing ‘economisation’ of the

Holocaust to justify it in war effort (Aly &


• Key commentators: Zygmunt Bauman

Holocaust: height of barbarism?

Police Reserve Battalion 101, stationed in occupied Poland

• Daniel Goldhagen: focus on the ‘trigger pullers’

• Need to explain sadistic nature of violence

• ‘Eliminationist antisemitism’ too simplistic?

• Cf Christopher

Browning, Ordinary

Men , who cites peer pressure, careerism, but also psychological need to conform to authority
