
Magnetic Density Separation
Table of content
Dimaen – our philosophy
MDS – Magnetic Density separation
MDS – applications
Semi continuous separation
Full continuous separation
Company profile
Dimaen is a young startup in magnetic technology
including the development, manufacturing, marketing,
sales and service of magnetic solutions for a wide
variety of businesses. After being present in the
magnetic industry for many years Dimaen is starting out
as a promising supplier for MDS separation systems.
Dimaen is established in a technological partnership
with TU Delft.
We are specialized in MDS-technology and with this
patented revolutionary sorting method it is possible to
divide various material mixes in clean separated
fractions. With this particular sorting mechanism Dimaen
tries to combine industry expertise with innovative
technology to deliver the best sorting you need. MDS
separation is superior for many applications to known
sorting methods in terms of efficiency, speed, costs and
Dimaen can provide a turn-key project for you company,
starting with a lab system (proof of technology), which
makes it possible to test your process on a small scale.
This provides you evidence and comfort about the
process which can be scaled to the larger plant version.
Quality & Environment
It is Dimaen’s strong commitment to meet and even
exceed customer's requirements and expectations.
Starting with effective communication we build towards
a system which is the most effective way to achieve
your needs. Striving to achieve the best possible
balance between ecological, social and economical
needs is part of Dimaen’s quality management process.
It is considered as an obligation to provide products and
services with the objective of total customer satisfaction.
MDS is environmentally friendly while using permanent
magnets which allows us to design a system almost
without energy consumption. For special needs it will be
possible to design a complete system which is off grid
for power and water. The magnetic fluid is based on
normal water and completely environmental and health
friendly. MDS is green technology!
In a world where resources and labor becomes more
expensive efficient separation techniques can be the
answer. We can offer larger production systems for
example in the recycling industry (urban mining) where
all kind of mixtures of plastics and metals can be
separated in virtually 100% pure fractions. In the mining
industry MDS can be used as a highly efficient system
to separate for example diamonds from a mud mixture
or to separate precious metal particles from a mixture.
A completely different way of separation can be done
on a smaller scale. For example to sort seeds by their
density which is a strong indicator of their germination.
MDS can separate it in multiple fractions in just one
Not only separation, also monitoring can be done
effective based on MDS technology. In this system the
input will not be separated into fractions. The separation
which will take place in the machine is here monitored
by a vision system which output gives a clear view on
the contains of a mixture. This system can for example
analyze batches of coal for their ash levels. This will
clearly indicate the purity of the coal and herewith the
price. With our system the customer can analyze in a
quick and low cost way.
Mission statement
It is our goal to improve the customer's efficiency,
speed, quality, costs and environmental footprint with
regards to particle separation or monitoring with MDS
systems by implementing turn-key systems with which
these customers will use our technology in a wide range
of different applications.
Magnetic Density Separation
Fundamental research into magnetic fluids spans more than thirty years, in the course of
which a number of practical applications have emerged. Magnetic fluids become heavier
when exposed to a magnetic field and can thus be used to separate materials of different
densities, with lighter materials floating to the surface. However, since practical fluids took
a long time to appear on the scene, development was faltering. Raw materials technologist
Dr Peter Rem (TuDelft) discovered a new approach, in which separation becomes a viable
option for applications like the recycling of plastics and metals, and for refining diamonds.
Instead of bulky, energy-hungry electromagnets, the system uses permanent magnets. A
patent has been applied for.
MDS technology has been proven for some years in
laboratory demo models and now MDS is ready to
introduce his huge benefits in applications where density
separation or density monitoring is currently covered by
conventional systems. MDS will make it possible to
design smart solutions which are much smaller and will
ask for a fraction of the electric power used by
conventional systems. This combined with a very stable
output and the possibility to make the complete
separation to happen in one single step makes this
technique a winner for the coming years for many
MDS for Recycling
Recycling materials like
plastics, glass and metal has
really taken off in the past few
decades. Even so, many of the
recycled materials like plastics
for instance, cannot be used for
their original purpose, because
they are not pure enough. They
are contaminated with wood
chips (car shredding), textile,
domestic waste, metals
(shredded electronics) and
other types of plastics. With
MDS these plastics can be
separated into pure fractions.
MDS for Mining (separation)
In view of the predicted diamond shortage, MDS is one
of the processes have been proposed recovering <2
mm diamonds which are currently lost in tailings. MDS
can be used for a wide range of separation processes
where different densities can be used to separate the
MDS for Mining (monitoring)
For example in the coal processing industry MDS can
be used in a monitoring process to test samples of the
coal for the ash contamination percentage. Due to the
difference in density between the coal and the ash it will
split in different heights which can be monitored by a
special camera.
MDS for agricultural seeds
Density Separation of seeds increases the
quality of a batch of seeds. A novel, alternative
method for separating seeds by density is
Magnetic Density Separation (MDS). It is also
shown that MDS can upgrade germination
quality by separating seeds continuously into
multiple fractions in a single process step,
which saves a significant amount of time and
labor compared to current processes.
MDS production systems
After fundamental research has taken place for the improved magnets Dimaen has
combined this improved magnet with the right magnetic fluid and is able to design,
manufacture and install a working production system for your needs. The systems can be
categorized into 3 main groups.
These 3 categories are named:
1) Semi continuous system;
2) Full continuous system;
3) Monitoring system.
Semi continuous system
This system has a pre processing step of automatic
‘mixing’ the particles with the magnetic liquid. Mixing is a
essential step in the process. Particles stacked together
or with air bubbles on the surface will not be separated
into the right fraction which lowers the quality of the
separation into defined fractions.
After a flow controller to remove any turbulences, the
particles will be moved to the correct height above the
magnet. With the laminar flow the particles will flow into
the filter, designed for your specific separation needs.
Option washing, drying and other post processing steps
will be operated manually.
The semi continuous system is the most efficient
solution for separation of small batches of higher
valuable particles. For the agricultural seed separation
this would be the first solution to think about.
Full continuous system
The full continuous system will start with the same
feeder and mixing device as the semi continuous
Biggest deviation is the full automatic filter which will
separate the needed fractions and also separates the
fractions from the magnetic fluid automatically. After the
separation post processing steps can be integrated
according to your needs, like cleaning and drying.
The full continuous system is the ideal choice for larger
quantities of particles which needs to be processed. For
the future we will develop this kind of separation
systems for customers like the recycling industry and
mining industry for large quantities of high quality and
low cost separation.
Monitoring system
The third main group within the MDS systems will be
the monitoring system. In this system the end product is
not separated into fractions but the height of the
particles in monitored by a vision system. The output of
the vision system will give detailed information about
the density of the different particles. Combined with the
correct data this system will give a detailed output of
which particles a mixture contains.
The monitoring system can be used in different
application like testing coal for there ash level, as a
indication for the price of the complete batch.
Europalaan 168
5283 AS Boxtel
The Netherlands
Tel. +31 411 67 1067
Mob +31 6 22273518