
Role: A part that one plays; expected patterns of
Gender Roles: Behaviors/tasks that indicate a
person’s gender, (male/female).
Nontraditional Roles: Behaviors/tasks not usually
“assigned” to a specific sex or gender.
Gender Discrimination: Prejudicial treatment
because of a person’s gender .
Prejudice: Making a decision or prejudgment
before becoming aware of the facts.
Stereotyping: A perception of people based on
first impressions; usually inaccurate.
Traditional Roles
Look back in history and think about
how gender roles have always been
 Mom: stays home to take care of
children. She cooks, cleans, does
laundry, etc.
 Dad: Goes to work, does not do
housework, takes care of the yard
and car, etc.
 Video Clip!!!
World War II changed everything!
 Women HAD to be sent to work. They started out in
the factories doing hard labor.
1943 Guide to Hiring Women
The following is an excerpt from the July 1943 issue
of Transportation Magazine. This was written by
male supervisors of women in the work force
during World War II.
Eleven Tips on Getting More Efficiency Out of
Women Employees:
There’s no longer any question whether transit
companies should hire women for jobs formerly
held by men. The draft and manpower shortage
has settled that point. The important things now
are to select the most efficient women available
and how to use them to the best advantage. Here
are eleven helpful tips on the subject:
1. Pick young married women. They usually have
more of a sense of responsibility than their
unmarried sisters, they’re less likely to be
flirtatious, they need the work or they wouldn’t
be doing it, they still have the pep and interest to
work hard and deal with the public efficiently.
2. When you have to use older women, try to get
ones who have worked outside the home at some
time in their lives. Older women who have never
contacted the public have a hard time adapting
themselves and are inclined to be cantankerous
and fussy. It’s always well to impress upon older
women the importance of friendliness and
3. General experience indicates that “husky” girlsthose who are just a little on the heavy side-are
more even tempered and efficient than their
underweight sisters.
4. Retain a physician to give each woman you hire
a special physical examination-one covering
female conditions. This step not only protects
the property against the possibilities of lawsuit,
but reveals whether the employee-to-be has any
female weaknesses which would make her
mentally or physically unfit for the job.
5. Stress at the outset the importance of time the
fact that a minute or two lost here and there
makes serious inroads on schedules. Until the
point is gotten across, service is likely to be
slowed up.
6. Give the female employee a definite day-long
schedule of duties so that they’ll keep busy
without bothering the management for
instructions every few minutes. Numerous
properties say that women make excellent
workers when they have their jobs cut out for
them, but that they lack initiative in finding work
7. Whenever possible, let the inside employee
change from one job to another at some time
during the day. Women are inclined to be less
nervous and happier with change.
8. Give every girl an adequate number of rest
periods during the day. You have to make some
allowances for feminine psychology. A girl has
more confidence and is more efficient if she can
keep her hair tidied, apply fresh lipstick and wash
her hands several times a day.
9. Be tactful when issuing instructions or in
making criticisms. Women are often sensitive;
they can’t shrug off harsh words the way men do.
Never ridicule a woman-it breaks her spirit and
cuts her efficiency.
10. Be reasonably considerate about using strong
language around women. Even though a girl’s
husband or father may swear vociferously, she’ll
grow to dislike a place of business where she
hears too much of this.
11. Get enough size variety in operator’s uniforms
so that each girl can have a proper fit. This point
can’t be stressed too much in keeping women
1955 Housekeeping Monthly
The following is an excerpt from the May 1955 issue
of Housekeeping Monthly titled
The Good Wife’s Guide.
The Good Wife’s Guide
Have dinner ready. Plan ahead, even the night
before, to have a delicious meal ready and on
time for his return. This is a way of letting him
know that you have been thinking about him and
are concerned about his needs. Most men are
hungry when they come home and the prospect
of a good meal, (especially his favorite dish), is
part of the warm welcome needed.
Prepare yourself. Take 15 minutes to rest so
you’ll be refreshed when he arrives. Touch up
your make-up, put a ribbon in your hair and be
fresh-looking. He has just been with a lot of
work-weary people.
3. Be happy and a little more interesting for him.
His boring day may need a lift and one of your
duties is to provide it.
Clear away the clutter. Make one last trip
through the main part of the house just before
your husband arrives.
Over the cooler months of the year, you should
prepare and light a fire for him to unwind by.
Your husband will feel he has reached a haven
of rest and order, and it will give you a lift too.
After all, catering for his comfort will provide
you with immense personal satisfaction.
6. Be happy to see him. Greet him with a warm
smile and show sincerity in your desire to please
Listen to him. You may have a dozen important
things to tell him, but the moment of his arrival
is not the time. Let him talk first-remember, his
topics of conversation are more important than
Make the evening his. Never complain if he
comes home late or goes out to dinner, or other
places of entertainment, without you. Instead,
try to understand his world of strain and
pressure and his very real need to relax.
9. Make him comfortable. Have him lean back in a
comfortable chair or have him lie down in the
bedroom. Have a cool or warm drink ready for
Don’t ask him questions about his actions or
question his judgment or integrity. Remember,
he is the master of the house and as such will
always exercise his will with firmness and
truthfulness. You have no right to question him.
A good wife always knows her place.
How Have Things Changed Today?
Non-Traditional Roles
What are some non-traditional roles for
 Doctors, lawyers, construction, mechanics,
coaches, architects, truck drivers
What are some non-traditional roles for
 Nurses, secretaries, designers, stay at
home dad, librarians
The Work Force
More than ever, the world holds many opportunities for
 Economic realities show that 80% of women who start
out married will be single by the time they reach their
 The average married woman is in the work force 28
years of her life.
 The average unmarried woman works about 40 years
of her life.
 Only 1 in 10 young women will marry, raise a family, be
supported by her husband, and live to maturity with
that husband.
The Status of Women
Even though times have changed, there are still
countries in the world who hold onto the old definition of
what gender roles “should” be.
The five best countries in which a female can be born,
reared, educated, employed, married, and spend her life
• 1-Sweden
• 2-Finland
• 3-U.S.
The five worst countries are:
• 1-Bangladesh
• 2-Mali
• 3-Afghanistan
The Status of Women, cont.
Female life expectancy:
 Sweden: 81 U.S.: 79
Bangladesh: 49
How many die before their 5th birthday?
 Sweden: 1 in 167 U.S. 1 in 91
Bangladesh: 1 in 5
How many won’t survive child-bearing years?
 Sweden: 1 in 53
U.S. 1 in 38
Bangladesh: 1 in 6
How many marry by the ages 15-19?
 Sweden: less than 1 % U.S.: 8%
How many children do the women have?
 Sweden: 1-2 U.S.: Less than 2 Bangladesh: 5 or 6
The Status of Women, cont.
How many girls are in school?
 Sweden: ALL
Bangladesh:1 in 3
Female college enrollment:
 Sweden: 37%
Bangladesh: 2%
How much of the paid work force is female?
 Sweden: 49%
U.S.: 45%
Bangladesh: 14%
Your Role?
You need to think about what you believe
when it comes to gender roles.
 What do you want your role to be? Your
spouse’s role?
Journal Entry: (HONESTLY THINK!)
 What do you expect your husband and sons to do
in the home?
 What do you believe the women in the home
should do?
****Decide what you believe and discuss it with your
future mate or else one or both of you will be
Battle of the Sexes
Get into 2 teams….Girls VS. Boys!
Choose 1 spokesperson per team
As a team, you will be given a question that the
opposite gender will most likely know. Come up
with only one answer!
Your spokesperson will give the teacher the teams
final answer.
If you get the question right, your team gets a
point. The team with the most points at the end of
20 questions wins. Good luck!
Boys, you are first!
Question 1
What would I use cuticle cream on?
 A. Fingernails
 B. Legs
 C. Face
 D. Cellulite
Question 1
Where would I find a head gasket?
 A. Computer
 B. Chain Saw
 C. Car Engine
 D. Washing Machine
Question 2
What is a “loofah”?
 A. A soft shower puff
 B. A rough sponge used to remove dry skin
 C. A soft shoe that you slip on
 D. A type of fragranced bubble bath
Question 2
Jim Bowie, who died at the Alamo,
invented a famous what?
 A. Cigar
 B. Gun
 C. Knot
 D. Knife
Question 3
In this year, women finally got the right to
vote in the U.S.
 A. 1910
 B. 1890
 C. 1920
 D. 1900
Question 3
Rainbow, brown, brook and steelhead are
types of what?
 A. Turkeys
 B. Alligators
 C. Trout
 D. Bass
Question 4
What is a cross between a one-piece and
a bikini swimsuit?
 A. Bi-Piece
 B. Teeni
 C. Tankini
 D. Tortellini
Question 4
Bosch, NGK and Champion are brands of
 A. Baseballs
 B. Spark Plugs
 C. Golf Clubs
 D. Darts
Question 5
Which of the following is NOT a type of
 A. Eyebrow Pencil
 B. Concealer
 C. Exfoliator
 D. Lip Liner
Question 5
Pre-mix fuel goes into what type of
 A. 2-Stroke
 B. Diesel
 C. 4-Stroke
 D. Rotary
Question 6
If my birthday is December 17th, what is
my astrological sun sign?
 A. Aquarius
 B. Capricorn
 C. Scorpio
 D. Sagittarius
Question 6
When a defensive pass interference is
called in the end zone, what happens?
 A. The ball is placed on the 1 yard line
 B. A personal foul is called on the defender
 C. It’s a touchdown for the offence
 D. The defense is penalized 15 yards
on the kickoff
Question 7
Which one of these is a shoe designer?
 A. John Madden
 B. Steve Madden
 C. Karl Madden
 D. Andrew Madden
Question 7
Which of the following once held the NBA
record for the most points scored in a
single game?
 A. Wilt Chamberlain
 B. Larry Bird
 C. Michael Jordan
 D. Kareem Abdul Jabbar
Question 8
When is it first acceptable to wear velvet
during the year?
 A. Labor Day
 B. Halloween
 C. Memorial Day
 D. Valentines Day
Question 8
Where would you use a “half-nelson”?
 A. On a golf course
 B. On a basketball court
 C. On a football field
 D. In a wrestling ring
Question 9
What is the thinnest type of heel on a
 A. Stiletto
 B. Wedge
 C. Spike
 D. Platform
Question 9
What is the animal that Indiana Jones is
most afraid of?
 A. Spiders
 B. Snakes
 C. Lions
 D. Scorpions
Question 10
Where on the body would you wear
 A. Eyes
 B. Ears
 C. Feet
 D. Hands
Question 10
Where would you find a Windsor Knot?
 A. A boat
 B. A necktie
 C. A lariat
 D. A shoelace
Question 11
Which of the following is not a brand
name of a sewing machine?
 A. Husqvarna
 B. Singer
 C. Sonata
 D. Bernina
Question 11
What do you use a “miter box” for?
 A. Smoothing out wallpaper
 B. Jumpstarting a car
 C. Sawing at an angle
 D. Starting a fire
Question 12
Which “Boy Band” is/was Chris Kirkpatrick
a part of?
 A. Boys II Men
 B. N’Sync
 C. 98 Degrees
 D. Backstreet Boys
Question 12
In boxing, a KO is the acronym for
“Knock-Out”. What does the “T” in the
acronym TKO stand for?
 A. Technical
 B. Timed
 C. Total
 D. Tertiary
Question 13
Lollipop, Sunny Daze and Sweetberry are
all characters in what animated TV show?
 A. Strawberry Shortcake
 B. My Little Pony
 C. Rainbow Brite
 D. Hello Kitty
Question 13
Which of the following characters was
NOT a member of COBRA in the G.I. Joe
 A. Copperhead
 B. Storm Shadow
 C. Destro
 D. Snake Eyes
Question 14
Who wrote the book “Pride and
 A. Charlotte Bronte
 B. Lousia May Alcott
 C. Jane Austen
 D. Emily Dickenson
Question 14
Who won the first Super Bowl?
 A. Green Bay Packers
 B. Kansas City Chiefs
 C. Miami Dolphins
 D. Oakland Raiders
Question 15
If a girl says she wants a Perrier, she
 A. a small Yorkshire dog.
 B. a tiny white grape.
 C. a French sparkling water.
 D. an expensive Italian purse.
Question 15
What is the subtitle of the movie
Star Wars: Episode I?
 A. The Millennium Falcon
 B. The Phantom Menace
 C. The Return of the Jedi
 D. The Empire Strikes Back
Question 16
What is a pashmina?
 A. A shawl
 B. A small dog
 C. A velvety shoe
 D. A foreign dessert
Question 16
The following are all types of saws
 A. Claw
 B. Grab
 C. Tenon
 D. Circular
Question 17
What female singer created a line of
fashionable purses called “Lamb”?
 A. Pink
 B. Jenifer Lopez
 C. Gwen Stefani
 D. Britney Spears
Question 17
A “Brogue” is a type of what?
 A. Shoe
 B. Guitar
 C. Hat
 D. Comb
Question 18
What brand uses the line “Because I’m
worth it,” in its commercials?
 A. L’Oreal
 B. Maybelline
 C. Cover Girl
 D. Rimmel
Question 18
What is the world’s most popular color for
a car?
 A. White
 B. Silver
 C. Black
 D. Red
Question 19
All of the following are types of skirts
 A. Janey
 B. A-Line
 C. Pencil
 D. Pleated
Question 19
What letter is represented by three dots in
Morse Code?
 A. S
 B. O
 C. C
 D. H
Question 20
“Square,” “Roll,” “Crew,” and “Boat,” are
all types of what?
 A. Earrings
 B. Necklines on shirts
 C. Shoes
 D. Haircuts
Question 20
In what sport does the top team win the
Stanly Cup?
 A. Baseball
 B. Football
 C. Bowling
 D. Ice Hockey